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# ng-surprise

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This is a AngularJS module to put Easter eggs in your application. Sometimes you need an Easter egg to allow your dev staff to skip some *configuration step* or close an *uncloseable* modal in your app. So, ng-surprise is an easy way to do that.

## Demo
You can see ng-surprise in action on http://rafaelcamargo.github.io/ng-surprise

## Installation
npm install ng-surprise --save
Once `ng-surprise` dependency is installed, declare the *ngSurprise* module as your app dependency:
var app = angular.module('App', ['ngSurprise']);

## Usage
Wherever in your application, you can inform an **action** and a **trigger** to be performed:
<div data-surprise="showSomething" data-surprise-trigger="38,38,38,37"></div>

### Action
Should be a function in your scope:
$scope.showSomething = function(){

### Trigger
Should be a sequence of keycodes to be performed by the user. It's not an Array. It should be necessarily a String with keycodes separeted by comma with no spaces between them. The event attribute responsible to inform which code user has performed is `keydown`. You can easily discover the keycodes you want to use as your trigger on the following page: http://www.w3.org/2002/09/tests/keys.html

## Release History
- 2017/05/20 **v0.3.0** : Removed bower.json and locked angular on version 1.4.9
- 2015/08/09 **v0.2.0** : Unit tests added
- 2015/07/29 **v0.1.0** : Initial release *tests still in progress*