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# node-siba

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Utility library that creates a SIBA web service request without coupling with HTTP/SOAP clients.

## Motivation

This project's goal is to facilitate the integration with SIBA, the Portuguese border control system for foreigns seeking accommodation  in Portugal (Hotels or Alojamento Local). More info at [SIBA's Portal](https://siba.sef.pt/).

Since each project may make HTTP requests using different libraries/versions this project is limited to generating the web service SOAP request and the model involved in the task.

## Installation

yarn add node-siba


npm install node-siba

## Usage

This module exports two functions: `buildSIBAXMLRequest` and `parseSIBAXMLResponse`.

The following builds the SOAP XML request:

import { buildSIBAXMLRequest, GuestDocumentType } from "node-siba";

const bulletin = {
  number: 1,
  issueDate: new Date(),
  hotelUnit: {
    nipc: "121212121",
    establishment: "00",
    accessKey: "999999999",
    name: "A Hotel",
    abbreviation: "ABV",
    address: "An address",
    location: "A Location",
    zipCode: "4050",
    zipZone: "175",
    phone: "999888777",
    fax: "299888777",
    contactName: "A Name",
    contactEmail: "email@test.com"
  guests: [
      firstName: "John",
      surname: "Doe",
      nationality: "AFG",
      birthDate: new Date("2009-01-01T10:00:00Z"),
      birthPlace: "A place",
      checkInDate: new Date("2019-01-01T10:00:00Z"),
      checkOutDate: new Date("2019-01-03T10:00:00Z"),
      countryOfResidence: "AFG",
      placeOfResidence: "A place",
      document: {
        number: "ABCD1234",
        issuingCountry: "AFG",
        type: GuestDocumentType.PASSPORT
      firstName: "Mary",
      surname: "Anne",
      nationality: "AFG",
      birthDate: new Date("2009-01-01T10:00:00Z"),
      birthPlace: "A place",
      checkInDate: new Date("2019-01-01T10:00:00Z"),
      checkOutDate: new Date("2019-01-03T10:00:00Z"),
      countryOfResidence: "AFG",
      placeOfResidence: "A place",
      document: {
        number: "1234ABCD",
        issuingCountry: "AFG",
        type: GuestDocumentType.PASSPORT

const soapRequest = buildSIBAXMLRequest(bulletin);

Console output:

<Envelope xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
      <EntregaBoletinsAlojamento xmlns="http://sef.pt/">

With the request built it's possible to call SIBA's web service using any HTTP client, ex:

import {
} from "node-siba";
const fetch = require("node-fetch");

const bulletin = {
  // same structure as the example above

// generates the SOAP Envelope
const body = buildSIBAXMLRequest(bulletin);

// calls SIBA's dev environment using fetch (could be done with axios, request, etc)
const response = await fetch(
    method: "post",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "text/xml",
      SOAPAction: "http://sef.pt/EntregaBoletinsAlojamento"
const xmlResponse = await response.text();

// Parses the XML response into an object
const sibaREsponse = parseSIBAXMLResponse(xmlResponse);


SIBA's response object has the following structure:

interface SIBAResponse {
  isSuccess: boolean;
  code: string;
  errorLine?: string;
  errorMessage?: string;