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# Rinfo

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[![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/rafecolton/rinfo.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/rafecolton/rinfo)

## Usage

Ever wish you could have quick and easy access to release information
("rinfo") about your Rails application's latest release?  Well now you

Rinfo adds the following route to your application:

get '/rinfo.json'

Accessing your `rinfo.json` page will product something like this:

  deployed_by: "Rafe Colton",
  deployed_at: "2014-03-17 15:18:35 -0700",
  rails_env: "development",
  branch: "master",
  rev: "018f44579795167c56066c013b4b18e196142ecb"

It's as easy as that!

### A Note About Estimation

It is not always the case that the release information above is
available, so sometimes, it has to be estimated.  In addition, Rinfo
does not make any assumptions about how you deploy your application, and
not all deployment methods make it possible to inject your release
information at deploy time.  Therefore, the following estimations are
made at run time:

* `deployed_by`: estimated as the git config `user.name`, or, if that is
  not available, the author name on the most recent commit
* `deployed_at`: estimated as timestamp of the most recent commit

## Installation

To add `rinfo` to your Rails application, add the `rinfo` gem to your `Gemfile`:

# Gemfile
gem 'rinfo'

Then, to install the gem:

bundle install

## Configuring

Rinfo's functionality is extremely simple, and it doesn't require any
configuration, but should you desire, it is configurable.

Your configuration file `config/initializers/rinfo.rb` would look
something like this:

# config/initializers/rinfo.rb
Rinfo.env_blacklist = :prod, :production

Rinfo.filename = 'rinfo.json'

### `env_blacklist`

The `env_blacklist` attribute is a list of environments such that if it
includes your `RAILS_ENV`, the `/rinfo.json` route will return a `404`
response insetad of a `JSON` blob.  The arguments provided can be a
string, an array, or a comma separated list, and each entry can be
either a string or a symbol.  The default blacklist is `[:prod,

**NOTE:** There is one special value `:all`, which, if included in your
list, will prevent `rinfo.json` from showing up entirely, regardless of
your `RAILS_ENV`

### `filename`

The `filename` attribute allows you to set the filename at which your
release information is available.  The default value of `rinfo.json` will
mean your file is available at `/rinfo.json`.

## Contributing

0. Fork it
0. Do your thing
0. Submit a pull request