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 * PTV GTFS class
 * @since Version 3.8.7
 * @package Railpage
 * @author Michael Greenhill

namespace Railpage\GTFS\AU\VIC\PTV;

use Exception;
use DateTime;
use Zend\Http\Client;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Sql;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Insert;
use Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter;
use Railpage\GTFS\GTFSInterface;
use Railpage\GTFS\StandardProvider;
use Railpage\Url;

 * PTV provider class for GTFS
 * @since Version 3.8.7

class PTV extends StandardProvider {
     * Timetable data source
     * @var string $provider The name of this GTFS data provider
    public $provider = "PTV";
     * Timetable data source as a constant
     * @const string PROVIDER_NAME
     * @since Version 3.9
    const PROVIDER_NAME = "PTV";
     * Continent of origin
     * @since Version 3.9
     * @const string PROVIDER_CONTINENT
    const PROVIDER_CONTINENT = "Oceana";
     * Country of origin
     * @since Version 3.9
     * @const string PROVIDER_COUNTRY
    const PROVIDER_COUNTRY = "Australia";
     * Country of origin
     * @since Version 3.9
     * @const string PROVIDER_COUNTRY_SHORT
     * State or region of origin
     * @since Version 3.9
     * @const string PROVIDER_REGION
    const PROVIDER_REGION = "Victoria";
     * State or region of origin
     * @since Version 3.9
     * @const string PROVIDER_REGION_SHORT
     * Database table prefix
     * @since Version 3.9
     * @const string DB_PREFIX
    const DB_PREFIX = "au_ptv";
     * API endpoint
     * @var string $endpoint The API endpoint, as PTV's data is not in GTFS format so we need to do some translation
    public $endpoint = "http://timetableapi.ptv.vic.gov.au";
     * Request URL
     * @var string $url The request URL to fetch data from the API with
    public $url;
     * API username
     * @var string $api_username
    public $api_username;
     * API key
     * @var string $api_key
    public $api_key;
     * API password
     * @var string $api_password
    public $api_password;
     * Routes to ignore
     * @var array $ignore_routes
    public $ignore_routes = array(
        "Yarram - Melbourne via Koo Wee Rup & Dandenong",
        "Warrnambool - Melbourne via Colac & Geelong",
        "Warrnambool - Melbourne via Apollo Bay & Geelong",
        "Canberra - Melbourne via Bairnsdale",
        "Paynesville - Melbourne via Bairnsdale",
        "Mount Gambier - Melbourne via Warrnambool & Geelong",
        "Halls Gap - Melbourne via Stawell & Ballarat",
        "Maryborough - Melbourne via Ballarat",
        "Geelong - Bendigo via Ballarat",
        "Adelaide - Melbourne via Horsham & Ballarat & Geelong",
        "Griffith - Melbourne via Shepparton"
     * Stops / destinations to ignore
     * @var array @ignore_stops
    public $ignore_stops = array(
        "Canberra Railway Station/Wentworth Ave",
        "Southern Cross Railway Station/Spencer St #122",
        "Dennis Railway Station/Victoria Rd",
        "Fairfield Railway Station/Station St",
        "Fairfield Railway Station/Wingrove St",
        "Flinders Street Railway Station/Elizabeth St #1",
        "Flinders Street Railway Station/Flinders St",
        "West Footscray Railway Station/Sunshine Rd",
        "Richmond Railway Station/Punt Rd",
        "Middle Footscray Railway Station/Buckley St",
        "Toorak Railway Station/Clendon Rd",
        "Armadale Railway Station/Kooyong Rd",
        "Middle Footscray Railway Station/Buckley St",
        "West Footscray Railway Station/Geelong Rd",
        "North Williamstown Railway Station/Ferguson St",
        "Macaulay Railway Station/Macaulay Rd",
        "Kensington Railway Station/Macaulay Rd",
        "Richmond Railway Station/Punt Rd",
        "West Richmond Railway Station/Hoddle St",
        "Southern Cross Coach Terminal/Spencer St",
        "Coach Terminal/24 Roberts Ave"
     * Constructor
     * @since Version 3.8.7
    public function __construct() {
        if (function_exists("getRailpageConfig")) {
            $this->Config = getRailpageConfig();
        $this->api_key = $this->Config->GTFS->PTV->api_key;
        $this->api_username = $this->Config->GTFS->PTV->api_username;
        $this->api_password = $this->Config->GTFS->PTV->api_password;
        $this->adapter = new Adapter(array(
            "driver" => "Mysqli",
            "database" => $this->Config->GTFS->PTV->db_name,
            "username" => $this->Config->GTFS->PTV->db_user,
            "password" => $this->Config->GTFS->PTV->db_pass,
            "host" => $this->Config->GTFS->PTV->db_host
        $this->db = new Sql($this->adapter);
     * Fetch data
     * @param string $method The API method to call
     * @param array $parameters An array of data to pass to the API
     * @param array $other Any other data we need to create the URL
    public function fetch($method = null, $parameters = array(), $other = array()) {
        if ($method == null && empty($parameters)) {
            throw new Exception("Cannot fetch API query - no API method defined");
        $url = strlen($method) > 0 ? "/v2/" . $method : "/v2";
        if ($method == "stops-for-line") {
            $url = "/v2";
        $Date = new DateTime;
        $data = array();
        $other['devid'] = $this->api_username;
        if ($method == "healthcheck") {
            $other['timestamp'] = $Date->format(DateTime::ISO8601);
         * Loop through $parameters and add to the URL
        if ($method == "search") {
            $url .= "/" . urlencode($parameters[0]);
        } else {
            foreach ($parameters as $key => $val) {
                if (!is_array($val)) {
                    $url .= "/" . urlencode($key) . "/" . urlencode($val); 
        if ($method == "stops-for-line") {
            $url .= "/" . urlencode($method);
         * Loop through $other and add to the URL
        foreach ($other as $key => $val) {
            if (!is_array($val)) {
                $data[] = urlencode($key) . "=" . urlencode($val); 
        if (count($data)) {
            $url .= "?" . implode("&", $data); 
         * Generate the signature
        $signature = strtoupper(hash_hmac("sha1", $url, $this->api_key, false));
         * Final URL
        $this->url = $this->endpoint . $url . "&signature=" . $signature;
         * Get the data
        $config = array(
            'adapter' => 'Zend\Http\Client\Adapter\Curl',
            'curloptions' => array(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true),
        $client = new Client($this->url, $config);
        $response = $client->send();
        $content = $response->getContent();
        return json_decode($content, true);
     * API Health check
     * @return array
    public function Health() {
        return $this->fetch("healthcheck");
     * Get stops near a location
     * @param double $latitude
     * @param double $longitude
     * @return array
    public function StopsNearLocation($latitude = null, $longitude = null) {
        if ($latitude == null) {
            throw new Exception("Cannot fetch " . __METHOD__ . " - no latitude given");
        if ($longitude == null) {
            throw new Exception("Cannot fetch " . __METHOD__ . " - no longitude given");
        $parameters = array(
            "latitude" => $latitude,
            "longitude" => $longitude
        $return = array();
        foreach ($this->fetch("nearme", $parameters) as $row) {
            $row['result']['location_name'] = trim($row['result']['location_name']);
            if ($row['result']['transport_type'] == "train" || preg_match("@Railway@i", $row['result']['location_name'])) {
                $placeData = array(
                    "stop_id" => $row['result']['stop_id'],
                    "stop_name" => $row['result']['location_name'],
                    "stop_lat" => $row['result']['lat'],
                    "stop_lon" => $row['result']['lon'],
                    "wheelchair_boarding" => 0,
                    "location_type" => 1
                 * Check if this is stored in the database, and add it if it's missing
                if (!in_array($row['result']['location_name'], $this->ignore_stops) && 
                    $row['result']['stop_id'] < 10000 &&
                    !preg_match("@#([0-9]{0,3})@", $row['result']['location_name'])
                ) {
                    $query = sprintf("SELECT stop_id FROM %s_stops WHERE stop_id = %d LIMIT 1", self::DB_PREFIX, $row['result']['stop_id']); 
                    $result = $this->adapter->query($query, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); 
                    if ($result->count() === 0) {
                        $Insert = $this->db->insert(sprintf("%s_stops", self::DB_PREFIX));
                        $selectString = $this->db->getSqlStringForSqlObject($Insert);
                        $this->adapter->query($selectString, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE);
                    $placeData['distance'] = vincentyGreatCircleDistance($row['result']['lat'], $row['result']['lon'], $latitude, $longitude);
                    $placeData['provider'] = $this->provider;
                    if ($placeData['distance'] <= 10000) { // Limit results to 10km from provided lat/lon
                        $return[] = $placeData;
        return $return;
     * Get a train object
     * @since Version 3.9
     * @return object
    public function getRoute($id = null) {
        return new Route($id, $this);
     * Get routes serviced by this provider
     * @since Version 3.9
     * @return array
    public function getRoutes() {
        $params = array("line");
        $results = $this->fetch("search", $params);
        $routes = array(); 
        foreach ($results as $row) {
            if ($row['result']['transport_type'] == "train") {
                $routes[$row['result']['line_id']] = array(
                    "id" => $row['result']['line_id'],
                    "route_id" => $row['result']['line_id'],
                    "agency_id" => 1,
                    "route_short_name" => $row['result']['line_number'],
                    "route_long_name" => $row['result']['line_name'],
                    "route_desc" => "",
                    "route_url" => "",
                    "route_color" => "",
                    "route_text_color" => "",
                    "url" => new Url(sprintf("%s/timetables?provider=%s&id=%d", RP_WEB_ROOT, static::PROVIDER_NAME, $row['result']['line_id']))
        return $routes;
        $routes = array(
                "id" => 1,
                "route_id" => 1,
                "agency_id" => 1,
                "route_short_name" => "Alamein Line",
                "route_long_name" => "Alamein Line",
                "route_desc" => "",
                "route_url" => "",
                "route_color" => "",
                "route_text_color" => ""
                "id" => 2,
                "route_id" => 2,
                "agency_id" => 1,
                "route_short_name" => "Belgrave Line",
                "route_long_name" => "Belgrave Line",
                "route_desc" => "",
                "route_url" => "",
                "route_color" => "",
                "route_text_color" => ""
                "id" => 3,
                "route_id" => 3,
                "agency_id" => 1,
                "route_short_name" => "Craigieburn Line",
                "route_long_name" => "Craigieburn Line",
                "route_desc" => "",
                "route_url" => "",
                "route_color" => "",
                "route_text_color" => ""
                "id" => 4,
                "route_id" => 4,
                "agency_id" => 1,
                "route_short_name" => "Cranbourne Line",
                "route_long_name" => "Cranbourne Line",
                "route_desc" => "",
                "route_url" => "",
                "route_color" => "",
                "route_text_color" => ""
                "id" => 6,
                "route_id" => 6,
                "agency_id" => 1,
                "route_short_name" => "Frankston Line",
                "route_long_name" => "Frankston Line",
                "route_desc" => "",
                "route_url" => "",
                "route_color" => "",
                "route_text_color" => ""
                "id" => 7,
                "route_id" => 7,
                "agency_id" => 1,
                "route_short_name" => "Glen Waverley Line",
                "route_long_name" => "Glen Waverley Line",
                "route_desc" => "",
                "route_url" => "",
                "route_color" => "",
                "route_text_color" => ""
                "id" => 8,
                "route_id" => 8,
                "agency_id" => 1,
                "route_short_name" => "Hurstbridge Line",
                "route_long_name" => "Hurstbridge Line",
                "route_desc" => "",
                "route_url" => "",
                "route_color" => "",
                "route_text_color" => ""
                "id" => 9,
                "route_id" => 9,
                "agency_id" => 1,
                "route_short_name" => "Lilydale Line",
                "route_long_name" => "Lilydale Line",
                "route_desc" => "",
                "route_url" => "",
                "route_color" => "",
                "route_text_color" => ""
                "id" => 11,
                "route_id" => 11,
                "agency_id" => 1,
                "route_short_name" => "Pakenham Line",
                "route_long_name" => "Pakenham Line",
                "route_desc" => "",
                "route_url" => "",
                "route_color" => "",
                "route_text_color" => ""