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     * RSS consumer (because all "RSS" is not standard. Screw you, RSS.)
     * @since Version 3.9.1
     * @package Railpage
     * @author Michael Greenhill
    namespace Railpage\RSS;
    use SimpleXMLElement;
    use DOMDocument;
    use DOMXPath;
    use Exception;
    use DateTime;
    use DateTimeZone;
    use DateInterval;
    use GuzzleHttp\Client;
    use Railpage\AppCore;
    use Railpage\Url;
    use Railpage\Module;
    class Consume extends AppCore {
         * RSS scraper user agent
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @const string SCRAPER_AGENT
        const SCRAPER_AGENT = "Railpage/Railpage";
         * RSS scraper user agent version
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @const string SCRAPER_VERSION
        const SCRAPER_VERSION = "0.1";
         * Feed name
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @var string $name
        public $name;
         * Feed URL
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @var array $feeds
        private $feeds = array();
         * Guzzle HTTP client
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @var object $GuzzleClient
        private $GuzzleClient;
         * Constructor
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @param string $url
        public function __construct($url = false) {
            $this->GuzzleClient = new Client;
            if ($url) {
         * Add an RSS feed to this scraper
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @var string $url
         * @return \Railpage\RSS\Consume
        public function addFeed($url = false) {
            if (!in_array($url, array_keys($this->feeds))) {
                $this->feeds[$url] = array(
                    "url" => $url,
                    "name" => "",
                    "scraped" => "",
                    "body" => "",
                    "items" => array()
            return $this;
         * Scrape the RSS feed
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @return \Railpage\RSS\Consume
        public function scrape() {
            foreach ($this->feeds as $key => $feed) {
                $response = $this->GuzzleClient->get(
                        "headers" => array(
                            "User-Agent" => self::SCRAPER_AGENT . ' v.' . self::SCRAPER_VERSION
                        "timeout" => 60,
                        "connect_timeout" => 5
                if ($response->getStatusCode() != 200) {
                    throw new Exception(sprintf("Failed to scrape RSS feed %s: Error %s", $feed['url'], $response->getStatusCode()));
                $this->feeds[$key]['body'] = $response->getBody(); 
            return $this;
         * Parse through the scraped content and structure it
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @return \Railpage\RSS\Consume
        public function parse() {
            if (empty($this->feeds)) {
                throw new Exception("No scraped RSS data was found (hint: Consume::scrape())");
            $items = array(); 
            foreach ($this->feeds as $feedsrc => $feed) {
                 * Create a new SimpleXMLElement object using the data returned from the RSS/Atom feed
                $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($feed['body'], LIBXML_NOCDATA);
                 * Find all namespaces
                $ns = $xml->getNamespaces(true);
                $type = "rss";
                if ($xml->channel->item != NULL) {
                    $loop = $xml->channel->item; 
                } else {
                    $type = "atom";
                    $loop = $xml->entry;
                 * Loop through each entry in the feed
                foreach ($loop as $node) {
                    $date = !empty($node->date->__toString()) ? $node->date->__toString() : $node->pubDate->__toString();
                    if (empty($date) && !empty($node->updated->__toString())) {
                        $date = $node->updated->__toString(); 
                    $link = $node->link->__toString();
                    foreach ($node->link as $link) {
                        if ($link['type'] == "text/html" || $link['rel'] == "alternate") {
                            $link = $link['href']->__toString();
                    $item = array(
                        "id" => !empty($node->guid->__toString()) ? $node->guid->__toString() : $link,
                        "title" => $node->title->__toString(),
                        "description" => !empty($node->content->__toString()) ? $node->content->__toString() : $node->description->__toString(),
                        "link" => $link,
                        "tags" => $link,
                        "category" => $link,
                        "date" => $date,
                     * Loop through all known namespaces and assemble the data
                    foreach ($ns as $namespace) {
                        foreach ($node->children($namespace) as $key => $data) {
                            if (isset($item[$key]) && !empty(trim($data->__toString()))) {
                                $item[$key] = trim($data->__toString()); 
                            } elseif ($key == "encoded") {
                                $item['description'] = $data->__toString();
                            } else {
                                $item['extra'][$key] = $data->__toString();
                     * Organise the tag(s) situation a little better
                    if (count($node->tag) > 0) {
                        $tags = array(); 
                        foreach ($node->tag as $tag) {
                            $tags[] = $tag->__toString();
                        if (!empty(implode(",", $tags))) {
                            $item['tags'] = implode(",", $tags);
                    if (count($node->category) > 0) {
                        $tags = array(); 
                        foreach ($node->category as $tag) {
                            $tags[] = $tag->__toString();
                        if (!empty(implode(",", $tags))) {
                            $item['tags'] = implode(",", $tags);
                     * Process / tidy up the feed item
                    $item = $this->process($item);
                     * Get the item summary
                    $item['summary'] = $this->createSummary($item['description']);
                    $item['body'] = $this->stripSummaryFromBody($item['summary'], $item['description']);
                     * Add this item to the array of processed items
                    $this->feeds[$feedsrc]['items'][] = $item;
            return $this;
         * Process / tidy up a feed item
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @param array $item
         * @return array
        private function process(array $item) {
             * Process the description field
            $item['description'] = preg_replace('#<br\s*/?>#i', "\n", $item['description']);
            $item['description'] = str_replace("&nbsp;", " ", $item['description']);
            $Doc = new DOMDocument;
            @$Doc->loadHTML('<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">' . $item['description'], LIBXML_NOCDATA ); # UTF-8 hinting from http://stackoverflow.com/a/11310258/319922
             * Remove P elements with BRs and convert to newlines - @blame RailwayGazette
            if ($Doc->getElementsByTagName("p")->length == 1) {
                $node = $Doc->getElementsByTagName("p")->item(0);
                $text = explode("\n", $node->nodeValue);
                $text = implode("\n\n", $text);
                $node->parentNode->replaceChild($Doc->createTextNode($text), $node);
             * Remove redundant line breaks from within P elements - @blame YarraTrams
            if ($Doc->getElementsByTagName("p")->length > 1) {
                foreach ($Doc->getElementsByTagName("p") as $node) {
                    $el = $node->childNodes->item(0);
                    if (is_object($el) && $el->nodeName == "#text") {
                        $node->nodeValue = htmlentities(str_replace("\n", " ", str_replace("\r\n", " ", $node->nodeValue))); # Without htmlentities() DOMDocument whinges and bitches something unforgivable
                        if (empty(trim($node->nodeValue))) {
             * Remove redundant line breaks from within LI elements - @blame YarraTrams
            if ($Doc->getElementsByTagName("li")->length > 0) {
                foreach ($Doc->getElementsByTagName("li") as $node) {
                    $node->nodeValue = htmlentities(str_replace("\n", " ", str_replace("\r\n", " ", $node->nodeValue))); # Without htmlentities() DOMDocument whinges and bitches something unforgivable
                    # Drop empty nodes
                    if (empty(trim($node->nodeValue))) {
                        $parent = $node->parentNode;
             * Fix images with a relative URL - @blame YarraTrams
            if ($Doc->getElementsByTagName("img")->length > 0) {
                foreach ($Doc->getElementsByTagName("img") as $node) {
                    $src = $node->getAttribute("src");
                    if (substr($src, 0, 1) == "/") {
                        $url = parse_url($item['link']);
                        $src = sprintf("%s://%s%s", $url['scheme'], $url['host'], $src); 
                        $node->setAttribute("src", $src);
             * Remove SCRIPT elements - @blame YarraTrams
            if ($Doc->getElementsByTagName("script")->length > 0) {
                foreach ($Doc->getElementsByTagName("script") as $node) {
                    $parent = $node->parentNode;
             * Get the updated HTML
            $item['description'] = $Doc->saveHTML();
            $item['description'] = str_replace('<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">', "", $item['description']);
             * Remove all HTML tags except those we want to keep
            $item['description'] = trim(strip_tags($item['description'], "<img><a><ul><li><ol><table><thead><tbody><tfoot><tr><th><td>"));
             * Convert tags from a SimpleXML object to a string
            if (is_object($item['tags'])) {
                $item['tags'] = $item['tags']->__toString(); 
            if (is_object($item['link'])) {
                $item['link'] = $item['link']->__toString(); 
            return $item;
         * Get the scraped and processed RSS feed
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @return array
        public function getFeeds() {
            return $this->feeds; 
         * Create summary / lead 
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @return string
         * @param string $str The description field to extract the summary from
         * @param int $n Maximum number of characters to return
         * @param string $end_char
        private function createSummary($str, $n = 1024, $end_char = '&#8230;') {
            $str = strip_tags($str, "<ul><li><ol>");
            $str = explode("\n", $str); 
            if (count($str) < 3) {
                return implode("\n\n", $str);
             * Remove empty lines
            foreach ($str as $k => $v) {
                if (trim($v) == "") {
                } else {
             * Loop through again until we have two lines of text
            $n = 0;
            $text = array();
            foreach ($str as $v) {
                $text[] = $v;
                if (trim($v) != "") {
                if ($n == 2) {
            return implode("\n\n", $text); 
         * Strip the summary text from the main body
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @param string $summary
         * @param string $body
         * @return string
        private function stripSummaryFromBody($summary, $body) {
            $body = explode("\n", $body); 
            if (count($body) <= 3) {
                return "";
            foreach (explode("\n\n", $summary) as $sline) {
                foreach ($body as $k => $bline) {
                    if (strip_tags(trim($bline)) == trim($sline)) {
            $body = implode("\n\n", $body); 
            return $body;