

Test Coverage
<header role="banner">
  <h1>No view template for interactive request</h1>

<main id="container">
  <h2><%= h @exception.message %></h2>

  <div class="summary">
      <strong>NOTE:</strong> Rails usually expects a controller action to render a view template with the same name.
      For example, a <code><%= @exception.controller %>#<%= @exception.action_name %></code> action defined in <code>app/controllers/<%= @exception.controller.controller_path %>_controller.rb</code> should have a corresponding view template
      in a file named <code>app/views/<%= @exception.controller.controller_path %>/<%= @exception.action_name %>.html.erb</code>.
      However, if this controller is an API endpoint responding with 204 (No Content), which does not require a view template because it doesn't serve an HTML response, then this error will occur when trying to access it with a browser. In this particular scenario, you can ignore this error.
      You can find more about view template rendering conventions in the <a href="">Rails Guides on Layouts and Rendering in Rails</a>.