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Test Coverage
# {token: "tokean123",
#  team_id: "team123",
#  api_app_id: "app123",
#  event: {
#    type: "team_join",
#    user: {
#      id: "user123",
#      team_id: "team123",
#      name: "name",
#      deleted: false,
#      color: "a63024",
#      real_name: " real name",
#      tz: "America/Chicago",
#      tz_label: "Central Daylight Time",
#      tz_offset: -18000,
#      profile: {
#        title: "",
#        phone: "",
#        skype: "",
#        real_name: "real name",
#        real_name_normalized: "real name",
#        display_name: "name",
#        display_name_normalized: "name",
#        fields: nil,
#        status_text: "",
#        status_emoji: "",
#        status_expiration: 0,
#        avatar_hash: "gfdce147bce1",
#        image_24:  "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/fdce14...",
#        image_32:  "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/fdce14...",
#        image_48:  "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/fdce14...",
#        image_72:  "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/fdce14...",
#        image_192:  "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/fdce1...",
#        image_512:  "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/fdce1...",
#        status_text_canonical: "",
#        team: "team123"
#      },
#      is_admin: false,
#      is_owner: false,
#      is_primary_owner: false,
#      is_restricted: false,
#      is_ultra_restricted: false,
#      is_bot: false,
#      updated: 1526773279,
#      is_app_user: false,
#      presence: "away"},
#      cache_ts: 1526773279,
#      event_ts: "1526773279.000067"
#  },
#  type: "event_callback",
#  event_id: "EvASL18CEQ",
#  event_time: 1526773279,
#  authed_users: ["auth123"]}
class SlackEvent::TeamJoinJob < ApplicationJob

  attr_reader :options
  private :options

  def perform(options = {})
    @options = options.with_indifferent_access
    user = @options[:event][:user]
    return if user[:is_bot]

    welcome_user_to_team(user: user)


  def welcome_user_to_team(user:)
    client = Slack::Web::Client.new
    dm_channel = client.conversations_open(users: user[:id]).channel.id
      as_user: true,
      channel: dm_channel,
      text: welcome_text(user: user),
      mrkdwn: true,
      unfurl_links: false,
      unfurl_media: false

  # UAS76M3HN = Kate Donaldson (kate)
  def welcome_text(user:)
      *Welcome to #{configatron.app_name} #{user[:real_name] || user[:name]} :wave:*

      My name is RBot and I've got a few things to share with you.

      Please take a look at our full <https://www.rubyonrails.link/code_of_conduct|code of conduct>, and keep the following Slack ettiquette ideas in mind:

      1. Be kind.
      2. Don't use `@everyone`, `@channel`, `@group` or `@here`.
      3. Don't ask if you can ask a question; just ask.
      4. Don't ask the same question in multiple channels.
      5. Wrap code in backticks. <https://slack.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/204977928/backticks.png|Example here>.
      6. Unsolicited promotions and scams (e.g., Upwork) via direct message will not be tolerated and result in your membership being revoked.
      7. If you need to contact a Slack admin, type `/admins`.
      8. See #1.

      Be sure to browse all the public channels to see any topics and conversations that might be interesting to you.  We also have private channels for various interests and communities. Here's contact info if you want an invite to the following private channels:
      - #women-in-tech: <@UAS76M3HN>

      If you're new to Ruby and/or Rails checkout <https://github.com/railslink/resources/wiki|our wiki> for resources to get started.  If you need a list of admins, just type `/admins` and hit enter.

      We're glad to have you here!

      _– RBot and the Admins_
    ).strip.gsub(/^ +/, '')