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      h1.title Join the Ruby on Rails Slack Community

      p In order for us to give you access we need to know a little bit more about you and we need your name and email address.
        Optional fields are used to help us deter spammers. 
        At some point we may use this information to build out better member profiles
        or other useful tools. If that happens you will, of course, have the option to opt out and/or edit your data.
        Every submission is manually reviewed by one of our community admins.
        We try to respond within a couple of days.

  = form_for @submission, url: membership_submissions_path do |f|
          label.label First Name
            = f.text_field :first_name, required: true, class: ["input", f.object.errors.key?(:first_name) ? "is-danger" : nil]
            | * Required by Slack
            span.has-text-danger<= f.object.errors[:first_name].to_sentence

          label.label Last Name
            = f.text_field :last_name, required: true, class: ["input", f.object.errors.key?(:last_name) ? "is-danger" : nil]
            | * Required by Slack
            .has-text-danger<= f.object.errors[:last_name].to_sentence

          label.label Email Address
            = f.email_field :email, required: true, class: ["input", f.object.errors.key?(:email) ? "is-danger" : nil]
            span.icon.is-small.is-left: i class="fas fa-envelope"
            | * Required by Slack
            .has-text-danger<= f.object.errors[:email].to_sentence

          label.label Location
              = f.select :location, ISO3166::Country.all_translated, include_blank: true
            span.icon.is-small.is-left: i class="fas fa-map-marker-alt"

          label.label Website
            = f.url_field :website_url, placeholder: "https://...", class: ["input", f.object.errors.key?(:website_url) ? "is-danger" : nil]
            span.icon.is-small.is-left: i class="fas fa-globe"
            .has-text-danger= f.object.errors[:website_url].to_sentence
            | &nbsp;

          label.label Github URL
            = f.url_field :github_url, placeholder: "https://github.com/...", class: ["input", f.object.errors.key?(:github_url) ? "is-danger" : nil]
            span.icon.is-small.is-left: i class="fab fa-github"
            .has-text-danger= f.object.errors[:github_url].to_sentence
            | &nbsp;

          label.label Linkedin URL
            = f.url_field :linkedin_url, placeholder: "https://linkedin.com/in/...", class: ["input", f.object.errors.key?(:linkedin_url) ? "is-danger" : nil]
            span.icon.is-small.is-left: i class="fab fa-linkedin"
            .has-text-danger= f.object.errors[:linkedin_url].to_sentence
            | &nbsp;

          label.label Leave this field blank
            = f.text_field :fax, placeholder: "leave this field blank", class: "input"

          label.label How did you hear about this community?
            = f.text_area :how_hear, required: true, rows: 2, class: "textarea"
          .help * Required. We'd like to know how you heard about us.

          label.label Tell us a little bit about yourself.
            = f.text_area :introduction, required: true, rows: 2, class: "textarea"
          .help * Required. We don't need specifics, we'd just like to get to know you a little better.

          button.button.is-primary[type="submit"] Join Now