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# Ganban

[![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/railsrumble/r13-team-357.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/railsrumble/r13-team-357)

Ganban is a open source web app.

**NOTE: We can't merge your pull request until Rails Rumble 2013 will finished.**

**Kanban (かんばん(看板)?)** (literally signboard or billboard) is a scheduling system for lean and just-in-time (JIT)
production.Kanban is a system to control the logistical chain from a production point of view, and is not an
inventory control system. Kanban was developed by Taiichi Ohno, at Toyota, to find a system to improve and maintain
a high level of production. Kanban is one method through which JIT is achieved.

## Links

* Production Server [http://ganban.r13.railsrumble.com/](http://ganban.r13.railsrumble.com/)
* Staging Server [http://stage-ganban.lab2023.com/](http://stage-ganban.lab2023.com/)
* [Blog](http://ganban.tumblr.com/)
* [Rails Rumble Page](http://railsrumble.com/entries/357-ganban)

## Requirements

Before generating your application, you will need:

* Ruby ~> 2.0
* Rails ~> 4.0
* PostgreSQL
* Amazon S3 - Don't forget to update config/application.yml
* Mandrill - Don't forget to update config/settings/production.yml

## Usage

It is easy to use. You don't need a guide.

## Bugs and  Feedback

If you discover any bugs or want to drop a line, feel free to create an issue on GitHub.


## Contributing

We use
* [SemVer](http://semver.org/)
* [Gitflow](https://github.com/nvie/gitflow)
* [Huboard Kanban](http://kanban.lab2023.com)
* [Models Blueprint](http://dbpatterns.com/documents/525f174c9785db258965a729/)

We make a rake `dev:setup` it will create dummy data for development.


muhammet.dilek@lab2023.com,     password: '12341234', name: 'Muhammet Dilek'
onur.ozgur.ozkan@lab2023.com,   password: '12341234', name: 'Onur Özgür Ozkan'
tayfun.ozis.erikan@lab2023.com, password: '12341234', name: 'Tayfun Ozis Erikan'
hamit.turku.kaya@lab2023.com,   password: '12341234', name: 'Hamit Türkü Kaya'


Login : `/hq/login`
admin@ganban.com, password: '12341234'

Once you've made your great commits:

1. Fork Template
2. Create a topic branch - `git checkout -b my_branch`
3. Push to your branch - `git push origin my_branch`
4. Create a Pull Request from your branch
5. That's it!

NOTE: We can't accept your push request until Rails Rumble 2013 will finished.

## Credits

- The names and logos for lab2023 are trademarks of lab2023, inc.

MIT License