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    <a href=""><img src="" alt="License MIT"></a>

## Introduction

Project idea is clean and high-quality code.
Unlike most (all at the moment) implementations, like [webonyx](, 
[youshido]( or [digitalonline]( 
the Railt contains a completely own implementation of the GraphQL SDL parser 
which is based on [EBNF-like grammar]( This opportunity 
allows not only to have the [original implementation of the language]( and to 
keep it always up to date, but also to implement [a new backward compatible 
functionality]( that is not available 
to other implementations.

Goal of Railt:
- Do not repeat the mistakes made in the JS-based implementations.
- Implement a modern and convenient environment for PHP developers.
- Implement easy integration into any ready-made solutions based on PSR.
- Provide familiar functionality (including dependency injection, routing, etc.).

## Installation

Via [Composer](

- Add into your `composer.json`:
    "scripts": {
        "post-autoload-dump": [

- `composer require railt/railt`

## Quick Start

Let's create our first GraphQL schema!

schema {
    query: Example

type Example {
    say(message: String = "Hello"): String! 
        @route(action: "ExampleController@say")

In order to return the correct answer from the `say` field let's create an 
`ExampleController` controller with the desired method `say`.

class ExampleController
    public function say(string $message): string
        return $message;

That's all we need to know 🚀

But I think we should still run the application. For the [Symfony]( 
and [Laravel]( there are appropriate 
packages, but if you do not use (or do not want to use) frameworks, it is not 
difficult to do it from scratch.

The `index.php` is the main file that handles all requests to the application. 
So let's create it and write a simple logic:

use Phplrt\Io\File;
use Railt\Http\Factory;
use Railt\Foundation\Application;
use Railt\Http\Provider\GlobalsProvider;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Creating a new Application in debug mode information
// about which is passed in the first argument.
$app = new Application(true);

// Create a connection
$connection = $app->connect(File::fromPathname(__DIR__ . '/schema.graphqls'));

// Processing of HTTP Request
$responses = $connection->request(Factory::create(new GlobalsProvider()));

// And send the HTTP Response

...send request

    say(message: "Something is awesome!")

...and get the answer!

    "say": "Something is awesome!"

That's how simple it is 🎈

## Learning Railt

> This documentation can contain NOT RELEVANT information and currently in progress.

- [English](
- [Russian](

## Contributing

Thank you for considering contributing to the Railt Framework! 
The contribution guide can be found in the [documentation](

## Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within Railt, please send an e-mail to maintainer 
at All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.

## License

The Railt Framework is open-sourced software licensed under 
the [MIT license](

## Help & Community [![Discord](](

Join our [Discord community]( if you run into issues or have questions. We love talking to you!

<p align="center"><a href=""><img src="" /></a></p>

## Supported By

<p align="center">
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="JetBrains" /></a>
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Rambler&Co" /></a>