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# Contributing to `pointless-js`

Please note - we have a [code of conduct](./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md),
please follow it in all your interactions with the project.

1. [Start with an issue](https://github.com/raiondesu-experiments/pointless-js/issues/new/choose).\
   If there's a bug or a feature request, feel free to [create an issue](https://github.com/raiondesu-experiments/pointless-js/issues/new/choose) first.

   This prevents submitting changes that are not thought through and, as a consequence, allows for a healthier and more productive way of coming with solutions to problems.

2. Fork the repo.
3. Clone the forked repo.
4. Create a new branch (generally named `fix/thing-you-want-to-fix` or `feature/name-of-the-feature`).
5. Commit changes to that branch.
   Do not forget to `npm install` and `npm run dev` while making changes.
6. Propose a PR to the **release** branch of this repository (PR's to master will be rebased).
7. Request or wait for a review from maintainers of the repository.