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> Microframework for building and organizing your front-end :sparkles:

Ralix is a modest JavaScript framework that provides barebones and utilities to help enhance your server-side rendered webapps.

Ralix consists basically in 3 pieces:

- `Controllers`: Controllers are meant to be mounted under a route path, they are like page-specific (scoped) JavaScript.
- `Components`: Components are like widgets you will have in several pages: modals, tooltips, notifications, etc.
- `Helpers`: Utilities to facilitate most common operations like: selectors, manipulations, events, ajax, etc. [Check it out here](docs/HELPERS_API.md).

You can read more about Ralix Design, Vision and Philosophy [here](docs/DESIGN.md).

Ralix pairs well with `Rails` and `Turbo` based applications. Check out [more information here](docs/RAILS_INTEGRATION.md).

## Installation

To install Ralix in your application, add the `ralix` [package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ralix) to your JavaScript bundle.

Using `npm`:

> npm install ralix

Using `Yarn`:

> yarn add ralix

## Example application


├── components/
│   ├── modal.js
│   └── tooltip.js
├── controllers/
│   ├── application.js
│   ├── dashboard.js
│   └── users.js
└── app.js

### App object

It's the entrypoint for your application (`source/app.js`), where you should load your modules and create a `RalixApp` instance: `new RalixApp()`. Then, you can _start_ your Ralix application by calling: `App.start()`. Don't forget to include your entrypoint in your layout.

import { RalixApp }  from 'ralix'

// Controllers
import AppCtrl       from './controllers/application'
import DashboardCtrl from './controllers/dashboard'
import UsersCtrl     from './controllers/users'

// Components with auto-start
import Modal         from './components/modal'
import Tooltip       from './components/tooltip'

const App = new RalixApp({
  routes: {
    '/dashboard': DashboardCtrl,
    '/users':     UsersCtrl,
    '/.*':        AppCtrl
  components: [Modal, Tooltip]


The `App` object is exposed globally via the `window` object. You can access the _current_ controller via `App.ctrl`.

### Controllers

Define your _main_ controller (AppCtrl, MainCtrl, IndexCtrl, ...):

// source/controllers/app.js

export default class AppCtrl {
  goBack() {

  toggleMenu() {
    toggleClass('#menu', 'hidden')

Inherit from your _main_ controller ([read more](docs/DESIGN.md#controllers)):

// source/controllers/users.js

import AppCtrl from './application'

export default class UsersCtrl extends AppCtrl {
  constructor() {

  goBack() {

  search() {
    addClass('.search-result', 'hidden')
    removeClass('.spinner', 'hidden')

    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 300)

### Components

Example of a component with auto-mount:

// source/components/modal.js

export default class Modal {
  static onload() {
    findAll('.fire-modal').forEach(el => {
      on(el, 'click', () => {
        const modal = new Modal(data(el, 'url'))

  constructor(url) {
    this.url = url

  show() {
    const modal      = find('#modal')
    const modalBody  = find('#modal__body')
    const modalClose = find('#modal__close')

    addClass(document.body, 'disable-scroll')
    addClass(modal, 'open')

    get(this.url).then((result) => {
      insertHTML(modalBody, result)

    on(modalClose, 'click', () => {
      removeClass(document.body, 'disable-scroll')
      removeClass(modal, 'open')
      insertHTML(modalBody, 'Loading ...')

Then, in your HTML, you just need to define a link or button like with the following attributes:

<button class="fire-modal" data-url="/example-modal">Open Remote Modal</button>

### Views

In your regular HTML code, now you can call directly [Ralix Helpers](docs/HELPERS_API.md) or the methods provided by the _current_ Ralix controller, using regular HTML Events.

<a href="#" onclick="goBack()">Back</a>
<a href="#" onclick="toggleMenu()">Toggle Menu</a>
<input type="text" name="query" onkeyup="search()">
<div onclick="visit('/sign-up')">...</div>

### Templates

Ralix provides also a minimalistic template engine, useful to DRY small snippets you need to render from your front-end. Under the hood, it uses JavaScript Functions with Template literals.

// In your App object, inject your templates
import * as Templates from './templates'

const App = new RalixApp({
  templates: Templates

// Define your templates as functions
export const itemCard = ({ title, description }) => `
  <div class="item-card">

// Call it via
render('itemCard', {
  title: item.title,
  description: item.description

## Starter Kits and Applications


- Rails with Ralix and Tailwind, via esbuild: https://github.com/ralixjs/rails-ralix-tailwind
- Middleman with Ralix and Tailwind: https://github.com/ralixjs/middleman-ralix-tailwind
- Ralix and Tailwind, with Parcel: https://github.com/ralixjs/ralix-tailwind


- TodoMVC built with Ralix, bundled with Parcel: https://github.com/ralixjs/ralix-todomvc
- Tonic framework: https://github.com/Subgin/tonic

## Development

Any kind of feedback, bug report, idea or enhancement are much appreciated.

To contribute, just fork the repo, hack on it and send a pull request. Don't forget to add tests for behaviour changes and run the test suite by:

> yarn test

If you also want to see the code coverage:

> yarn test --collectCoverage

## License

Copyright (c) Ralix Core Team. Ralix is released under the [MIT](LICENSE) License.