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6 hrs
Test Coverage
package bootstrap

import (


type ServerConfig struct {
    Certificate         *tls.Certificate
    TokenStore          storage.TokenStore
    ClusterStore        storage.ClusterStore
    KeyringStoreBroker  storage.KeyringStoreBroker
    CapabilityInstaller capabilities.Installer

func (h ServerConfig) bootstrapJoinResponse(
    ctx context.Context,
) (BootstrapJoinResponse, error) {
    signatures := map[string][]byte{}
    tokenList, err := h.TokenStore.ListTokens(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return BootstrapJoinResponse{}, err
    for _, token := range tokenList {
        // Generate a JWS containing the signature of the detached secret token
        rawToken, err := tokens.FromBootstrapToken(token)
        if err != nil {
            return BootstrapJoinResponse{}, err
        sig, err := rawToken.SignDetached(h.Certificate.PrivateKey)
        if err != nil {
            return BootstrapJoinResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error signing token: %w", err)
        signatures[rawToken.HexID()] = sig
    return BootstrapJoinResponse{
        Signatures: signatures,
    }, nil

func (h ServerConfig) Handle(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
    switch c.Path() {
    case "/bootstrap/join":
        return h.handleBootstrapJoin(c)
    case "/bootstrap/auth":
        return h.handleBootstrapAuth(c)
        return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusNotFound)

func (h ServerConfig) handleBootstrapJoin(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
    authHeader := strings.TrimSpace(c.Get("Authorization"))
    if authHeader == "" {
        if resp, err := h.bootstrapJoinResponse(context.Background()); err != nil {
            return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)
        } else {
            if len(resp.Signatures) == 0 {
                // No tokens - server is not accepting bootstrap requests
                return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
            return c.Status(fiber.StatusOK).JSON(resp)
    } else {
        return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusBadRequest)

func (h ServerConfig) handleBootstrapAuth(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
    lg := c.Context().Logger()
    authHeader := strings.TrimSpace(c.Get("Authorization"))
    if strings.TrimSpace(authHeader) == "" {
        return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusUnauthorized)
    // Authorization is given, check the authToken
    // Remove "Bearer " from the header
    bearerToken := strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(authHeader, "Bearer"))
    // Verify the token
    privKey := h.Certificate.PrivateKey.(crypto.Signer)
    payload, err := jws.Verify([]byte(bearerToken), jwa.EdDSA, privKey.Public())
    if err != nil {
        return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusUnauthorized)

    // The payload should contain the entire token encoded as JSON
    token, err := tokens.ParseJSON(payload)
    if err != nil {
        panic("bug: jws.Verify returned a malformed token")
    bootstrapToken, err := h.TokenStore.GetToken(context.Background(), token.Reference())
    if err != nil {
        if errors.Is(err, storage.ErrNotFound) {
            return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusUnauthorized)
        lg.Printf("error checking if token exists: %v")
        return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)

    // Token is valid and not expired. Check the client's requested UUID
    clientReq := BootstrapAuthRequest{}
    if err := c.BodyParser(&clientReq); err != nil {
        return c.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).SendString("Invalid request body")
    if err := validation.Validate(clientReq); err != nil {
        return c.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).SendString(err.Error())

    // If the cluster with the requested ID does not exist, it can be created
    // normally. If it does exist, and the client advertises a capability that
    // the cluster does not yet have, and the token has the capability to edit
    // this cluster, the cluster will be updated with the new capability.
    existing := &core.Reference{
        Id: clientReq.ClientID,
    var shouldEditExisting bool

    if cluster, err := h.ClusterStore.GetCluster(context.Background(), existing); err != nil {
        if !errors.Is(err, storage.ErrNotFound) {
            lg.Printf("error checking if cluster exists: %v", err)
            return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)
    } else {
        if capabilities.Has(cluster, capabilities.Cluster(clientReq.Capability)) {
            return c.Status(fiber.StatusConflict).
                SendString("Capability is already installed on this cluster")

        // the cluster capability is new, check if the token can edit it
        if capabilities.Has(bootstrapToken, capabilities.JoinExistingCluster.For(existing)) {
            shouldEditExisting = true
        } else {
            return c.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).
                SendString("Insufficient permissions for this cluster")

    ekp := ecdh.NewEphemeralKeyPair()
    sharedSecret, err := ecdh.DeriveSharedSecret(ekp, ecdh.PeerPublicKey{
        PublicKey: clientReq.ClientPubKey,
        PeerType:  ecdh.PeerTypeClient,
    if err != nil {
        lg.Printf("error computing shared secret: %v", err)
        return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)
    kr := keyring.New(keyring.NewSharedKeys(sharedSecret))

    // Check if the capability exists and can be installed
    if err := h.CapabilityInstaller.CanInstall(clientReq.Capability); err != nil {
        if errors.Is(err, capabilities.ErrUnknownCapability) {
            lg.Printf("unknown capability: %s", clientReq.Capability)
            return c.Status(fiber.StatusNotFound).
                SendString(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown capability %s", clientReq.Capability))
        lg.Printf("capability cannot be installed: %v", err)
        return c.Status(fiber.StatusServiceUnavailable).
            SendString(fmt.Sprintf("Capability cannot be installed: %v", err))

    if shouldEditExisting {
        if err := h.handleEdit(existing, clientReq.Capability, bootstrapToken, kr); err != nil {
            lg.Printf("error editing cluster capabilities: %v", err)
            return c.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString(err.Error())
    } else {
        newCluster := &core.Cluster{
            Id: clientReq.ClientID,
            Metadata: &core.ClusterMetadata{
                Labels: bootstrapToken.GetMetadata().GetLabels(),
                Capabilities: []*core.ClusterCapability{
                        Name: clientReq.Capability,
        if err := h.handleCreate(newCluster, clientReq.Capability, bootstrapToken, kr); err != nil {
            lg.Printf("error creating cluster: %v", err)
            return c.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString(err.Error())

    return c.Status(fiber.StatusOK).JSON(BootstrapAuthResponse{
        ServerPubKey: ekp.PublicKey,

func (h ServerConfig) handleCreate(
    newCluster *core.Cluster,
    newCapability string,
    token *core.BootstrapToken,
    kr keyring.Keyring,
) error {
    if err := h.ClusterStore.CreateCluster(context.Background(), newCluster); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error creating cluster: %w", err)
    _, err := h.TokenStore.UpdateToken(context.Background(), token.Reference(),
                Type:      string(capabilities.JoinExistingCluster),
                Reference: newCluster.Reference(),
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error incrementing usage count: %w", err)
    krStore, err := h.KeyringStoreBroker.KeyringStore(context.Background(), "gateway", newCluster.Reference())
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error getting keyring store: %w", err)
    if err := krStore.Put(context.Background(), kr); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error storing keyring: %w", err)
    h.CapabilityInstaller.InstallCapabilities(newCluster.Reference(), newCapability)
    return nil

func (h ServerConfig) handleEdit(
    existingCluster *core.Reference,
    newCapability string,
    token *core.BootstrapToken,
    keyring keyring.Keyring,
) error {
    _, err := h.TokenStore.UpdateToken(context.Background(), token.Reference(),
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error incrementing usage count: %w", err)
    _, err = h.ClusterStore.UpdateCluster(context.Background(), existingCluster,
    if err != nil {
        return err
    krStore, err := h.KeyringStoreBroker.KeyringStore(context.Background(), "gateway", existingCluster)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error getting keyring store: %w", err)
    kr, err := krStore.Get(context.Background())
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error getting existing keyring: %w", err)
    if err := krStore.Put(context.Background(), keyring.Merge(kr)); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error storing keyring: %w", err)
    h.CapabilityInstaller.InstallCapabilities(existingCluster, newCapability)
    return nil