const ActionExecutorFunctionBuilder = require('../internal/ActionExecutorFunctionBuilder')
* Build chained function,
* which may be synchronous or promise-based.
* Remember: as ActionDispatcher handle it anyway,
* this function may either return a promise or static value.
* @param {function[]} fns
* @param {number} [bindArguments]
* @returns {function}
function buildChainedFunction (fns, bindArguments = 0) {
// Initialize data
const count = fns.length
// Create function builder
const fnMain = new ActionExecutorFunctionBuilder()
// Create list of bind argument names
const bindArgumentNames = Array.from(new Array(bindArguments)).map(() => fnMain.getTemporaryVariable())
const argumentNames = bindArgumentNames.concat('$value')
// Set up available arguments
fnMain.setArguments.apply(fnMain, argumentNames)
// Write return clause for value passed to function
// Iterate over all functions to create corresponding steps
for (let i = fns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const currentHandler = fns[i]
const isLast = fns.length - 1 === i
// Initialize variables naming
const fnName = `chain$$${i + 1}of${count}`
const handlerFnName = `$h${i + 1}`
const nextStepFnName = `$c${i + 1}`
const currentStepFnName = `$c${i}`
// Build code parts
const bindingCode = bindArgumentNames.length === 0 ? '' : `.bind(null, ${bindArgumentNames.join(',')})`
const callbackCode = `${nextStepFnName}${bindingCode}`
const promiseHandlingCode = isLast
? ''
: `if ($value && typeof $value.then == 'function') { return $value.then(${callbackCode}) }`
// Include handler in function context
fnMain.setContext(handlerFnName, currentHandler)
// Finish stuff
fnMain.prepend(`var $value = ${handlerFnName}(${argumentNames}); ${promiseHandlingCode}`)
// Build handler and attach it to main
// Return main function
module.exports = buildChainedFunction