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# Chat

A lot of our discussion happens on IRC in #metasploit on Freenode.
Please be patient and hang around for a while -- not everyone is awake
at the same time as you. =)

# Mailing list

The Metasploit development mailing list used to be hosted on SourceForge, but is now on Google Groups. Metasploit Hackers is dead, long live [Metasploit Hackers][list]. (Or [mailto:Metasploit Hackers][mailto]).

The old list [is archived on seclists.org][archive].

# Abuse

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to msfdev@metasploit.com which goes to all the current committers. If the incident involves a committer, you may report directly to caitlin_condon@rapid7.com or todb@metasploit.com.

[archive]: http://seclists.org/metasploit/ "Metasploit mailing list archive"
[list]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/metasploit-hackers "Metasploit Hackers development mailing list"
[mailto]: mailto:metasploit-hackers@googlegroups.com