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Test Coverage
New Metasploit modules are now required to contain a `Notes` section containing additional information such as the `Stability`, `Reliability` and `SideEffects` associated with running the module.


  def initialize(info = {})
        'Name' => 'Module name',
        'Description' => %q{
          Module description
        'Author' =>
            'Author name'
        'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
        'References' =>
            ['CVE', '2020-XXXX']
        'DisclosureDate' => '2020-03-26',
        'Platform' => 'ruby',
        'Arch' => ARCH_RUBY,
        'Privileged' => false,
        'Targets' => [['Automatic', {}]],
        'DefaultTarget' => 0,
        # All new modules must contain the below information. See below for more details for allowed values
        'Notes' => {
          'Stability' => [...],
          'Reliability' => [...],
          'SideEffects' => [...]

## Allowed Values

### Stability

| Constant         | Description    |
| -------------- | ------------- |
| CRASH_SAFE  | Module should not crash the service or OS |
| CRASH_SERVICE_RESTARTS | Module may crash the service, but it will restart |
| CRASH_SERVICE_DOWN | Module may crash the service, and remain down |
| CRASH_OS_RESTARTS | Module may crash the OS, but it will restart |
| CRASH_OS_DOWN | Module may crash the OS, and remain down |
| SERVICE_RESOURCE_LOSS | Module causes a resource to be unavailable for the service |
| OS_RESOURCE_LOSS | Module causes a resource to be unavailable for the OS |

### Side Effects

| Constant         | Description    |
| -------------- | ------------- |
| ARTIFACTS_ON_DISK | Module leaves a payload, a dropper, etc, on the target machine |
| CONFIG_CHANGES | Module modifies some config file |
| IOC_IN_LOGS | Module leaves an indicator of compromise in the log(s) |
| ACCOUNT_LOCKOUTS | Module may cause an account to lock out |
| SCREEN_EFFECTS | Module shows something on the screen that a human may notice |
| PHYSICAL_EFFECTS | Module may produce physical effects in hardware (Examples: light, sound, or heat) |
| AUDIO_EFFECTS | Module may cause a noise (Examples: Audio output from the speakers or hardware beeps) |

### Reliability

| Constant         | Description    |
| -------------- | ------------- |
| FIRST_ATTEMPT_FAIL | The module may fail for the first attempt |
| REPEATABLE_SESSION | The module is expected to get a session every time it runs |
| UNRELIABLE_SESSION | The module isn't expected to get a shell reliably (such as only once) |
| EVENT_DEPENDENT    | The module may not execute the payload until an external event occurs. For instance, a cron job, machine restart, user interaction within a GUI element, etc |