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Test Coverage
## Vulnerable Application
The module exploits default admin credentials for the DataEngine Xnode server in DataSecurity Plus versions prior to 6.0.1 (6011)
in order to dump the contents of Xnode data repositories (tables), which may contain varying amounts of Active Directory information
including domain names, host names, usernames and SIDs. The module can also be used against patched
DataSecurity Plus versions if the correct credentials are provided.

The module's `check` method attempts to authenticate to the remote Xnode server. The default credentials are `atom`:`chegan`.
If the credentials are valid, the module will perform a few requests to the Xnode server to obtain information like the Xnode version.
This is mostly done as a sanity check to ensure the Xnode server is working as expected.

Next, the module will iterate over a list of known Xnode data repositories and perform several requests for each in order to:
- Check if the data repository is configured on the target
- Obtain the total number of records in the data repository
- Obtain both the lowest and the highest value for the ID field (column). These values will be used
to determine the range of possible records to be queried.

If a given data repository exists, the module uses the above information to dump the data repository contents.
The maximum number of records returned for a search query is 10. To overcome this, the module performs series of requests
using the `dr:/dr_search` action, while specifying the ID values for each record.
For example, if the lowest observed ID value is 15 and the highest is 41, the module will perform three requests:
1. A request for the records with ID values 15 to 24
2. A request for the records with ID values 25 to 34
3. A request for the records with ID values 35 to 41
Empty records are ignored.

To view the raw Xnode requests and responses, enter `set VERBOSE true` before running the module.

By default, the module dumps only the data repositories (tables) and fields (columns) specified in the configuration file.
The configuration file can be set via the `CONFIG_FILE` option, but this is not required because
a default config file exists at `data/exploits/manageengine_xnode/CVE-2020-11532/datasecurity_plus_xnode_conf.yaml`
that will be used if `CONFIG_FILE` is not set.

The configuration file is then also used to add labels to the values sent by Xnode in response to a query.
This means that for every value in the Xnode response, the module will add the corresponding field name to the results
before writing those to a JSON file in `~/.msf4/loot`.

It is also possible to use the `DUMP_ALL` option to obtain all data in all known data repositories without specifying data field names.
However, note when using this option the data won't be labeled.

This module has been successfully tested against DataSecurity Plus 6.0.1 (6010) running on Windows Server 2012 R2.

## Installation Information
Vulnerable versions of DataSecurity Plus are available [here](https://archives.manageengine.com/data-security/).
All versions from 6000 through 6011 are configured with default Xnode credentials. Note that testing against
vulnerable versions from the archives will make data enumeration impossible because the free trials for those
versions do not seem to allow ADAudit Plus to actually start collecting data that can then be accessed via Xnode.

However, apart from some configuration changes, Xnode functions the same way on patched versions as it does on vulnerable versions,
so it is possible to test the modules against patched versions as long as the correct credentials are provided.

A free 30-day trial of DataSecurity Plus can be downloaded [here](https://www.manageengine.com/data-security/download.html).
To install, just run the .exe and follow the instructions.

In order to configure a patched ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus instance for testing, follow these steps:
- Open the Xnode config file at `<install_dir>\apps\dataengine-xnode\conf\dataengine-xnode.conf`
- Note down the username and password
- Insert the following line:
xnode.connector.accept_remote_request = true
To launch DataSecurity Plus, run Command Prompt as administrator and run: `<install_dir>\bin\run.bat`

## Verification Steps
1. Start msfconsole
2. Do: `use auxiliary/gather/manageengine_datasecurity_plus_xnode_enum`
3. Do: `set RHOSTS [IP]`
4. Do: `run`

## Options
YAML File specifying the data repositories (tables) and fields (columns) to dump.

Dump all data from the available data repositories (tables). If true, CONFIG_FILE will be ignored.

## Scenarios
### ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus 6.0.1 (6010) on Windows Server 2012
msf6 auxiliary(gather/manageengine_datasecurity_plus_xnode_enum) > options

Module options (auxiliary/gather/manageengine_datasecurity_plus_xnode_enum):

   Name         Current Setting                                                Required  Description
   ----         ---------------                                                --------  -----------
   CONFIG_FILE  /home/wynter/dev/metasploit-framework/data/exploits/manageeng  no        YAML file specifying the data repositories (tables) and fields (columns) to dump
   DUMP_ALL     false                                                          no        Dump all data from the available data repositories (tables). If true, CONFIG_FILE will be ignored.
   PASSWORD     chegan                                                         yes       Password used to authenticate to the Xnode server
   RHOSTS                                                   yes       The target host(s), see https://docs.metasploit.com/docs/using-metasploit/basics/using-metasploit.html
   RPORT        29119                                                          yes       The target port (TCP)
   USERNAME     atom                                                           yes       Username used to authenticate to the Xnode server

msf6 auxiliary(gather/manageengine_datasecurity_plus_xnode_enum) > run
[*] Running module against

[*] - Running automatic check ("set AutoCheck false" to disable)
[*] - Target seems to be Xnode.
[+] - The target appears to be vulnerable. Successfully authenticated to the Xnode server.
[*] - Obtained expected Xnode "de_healh" status: "GREEN".
[*] - Target is running Xnode version: "XNODE_1_0_0".
[*] - Obtained Xnode installation path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\DataSecurity Plus\apps\dataengine-xnode".
[*] - Data repository DSPEmailAuditAttachments is empty.
[*] - Data repository DSPEmailAuditReport is empty.
[*] - Data repository DSPEndpointAuditReport is empty.
[*] - Data repository DSPEndpointClassificationReport is empty.
[*] - Data repository DSPEndpointIncidentReport is empty.
[*] - Data repository DspEndpointPrinterAuditReport is empty.
[*] - Data repository DspEndpointWebAuditReport is empty.
[*] - Data repository DSPFileAnalysisAlerts is empty.
[*] - Data repository RAAlertHistory is empty.
[*] - Data repository RAIncidents is empty.
[*] - Data repository RAViolationRecords is empty.
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed