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4 hrs
Test Coverage
# -*- coding: binary -*-
module Msf::Exploit::Remote::HTTP::Wordpress::Posts

  # Posts a comment as an authenticated user
  # @param comment [String] The comment
  # @param comment_post_id [Integer] The Post ID to post the comment to
  # @param login_cookie [String] The valid login_cookie
  # @return [String,nil] The location of the new comment/post, nil on error
  def wordpress_post_comment_auth(comment, comment_post_id, login_cookie)
    wordpress_helper_post_comment(comment, comment_post_id, login_cookie, nil, nil, nil)

  # Posts a comment as an unauthenticated user
  # @param comment [String] The comment
  # @param comment_post_id [Integer] The Post ID to post the comment to
  # @param author [String] The author name
  # @param email [String] The author email
  # @param url [String] The author url
  # @return [String,nil] The location of the new comment/post, nil on error
  def wordpress_post_comment_no_auth(comment, comment_post_id, author, email, url)
    wordpress_helper_post_comment(comment, comment_post_id, nil, author, email, url)

  # Wordpress shows moderated comments to the unauthenticated Posting user
  # Users are identified by their cookie
  # @param author [String] The author name used to post the anonymous comment
  # @param email [String] The author email used to post the anonymous comment
  # @param url [String] The author url used to post the anonymous comment
  # @return [String] The cookie string that can be used to see moderated comments
  def wordpress_get_unauth_comment_cookies(author, email, url)
    scheme = ssl ? 'https' : 'http'
    port = (rport == 80 or rport == 443) ? '' : rport
    # siteurl does not contain last slash
    path = target_uri.to_s.sub(/\/$/, '')
    siteurl = "#{scheme}://#{rhost}#{port}#{path}"
    site_hash = Rex::Text.md5(siteurl)
    cookie = "comment_author_#{site_hash}=#{author}; "
    cookie << "comment_author_email_#{site_hash}=#{email}; "
    cookie << "comment_author_url_#{site_hash}=#{url};"

  # Tries to bruteforce a valid post_id
  # @param min_post_id [Integer] The first post_id to bruteforce
  # @param max_post_id [Integer] The last post_id to bruteforce
  # @param login_cookie [String] If set perform the bruteforce as an authenticated user
  # @return [Integer,nil] The post id, nil when nothing found
  def wordpress_bruteforce_valid_post_id(min_post_id, max_post_id, login_cookie=nil)
    return nil if min_post_id > max_post_id
    range = Range.new(min_post_id, max_post_id)
    wordpress_helper_bruteforce_valid_post_id(range, false, login_cookie)

  # Tries to bruteforce a valid post_id with comments enabled
  # @param min_post_id [Integer] The first post_id to bruteforce
  # @param max_post_id [Integer] The last post_id to bruteforce
  # @param login_cookie [String] If set perform the bruteforce as an authenticated user
  # @return [Integer,nil] The post id, nil when nothing found
  def wordpress_bruteforce_valid_post_id_with_comments_enabled(min_post_id, max_post_id, login_cookie=nil)
    return nil if min_post_id > max_post_id
    range = Range.new(min_post_id, max_post_id)
    wordpress_helper_bruteforce_valid_post_id(range, true, login_cookie)

  # Checks if the provided post has comments enabled
  # @param post_id [Integer] The post ID to check
  # @param login_cookie [String] If set perform the check as an authenticated user
  # @return [String,nil] the HTTP response body of the post, nil otherwise
  def wordpress_post_id_comments_enabled?(post_id, login_cookie=nil)
    wordpress_helper_check_post_id(wordpress_url_post(post_id), true, login_cookie)

  # Checks if the provided post has comments enabled
  # @param url [String] The post url
  # @param login_cookie [String] If set perform the check as an authenticated user
  # @return [String,nil] the HTTP response body of the post, nil otherwise
  def wordpress_post_comments_enabled?(url, login_cookie=nil)
    wordpress_helper_check_post_id(url, true, login_cookie)

  # Gets the post_id from a post body
  # @param body [String] The body of a post
  # @return [String,nil] The post_id, nil when nothing found
  def get_post_id_from_body(body)
    return nil unless body
    body.match(/<body class="[^=]*postid-(\d+)[^=]*">/i)[1]

  # Tries to get some Blog Posts via the RSS feed
  # @param max_redirects [Integer] maximum redirects to follow
  # @return [Array<String>,nil] String Array with valid blog posts, nil on error
  def wordpress_get_all_blog_posts_via_feed(max_redirects = 10)
    vprint_status("Enumerating Blog posts...")
    blog_posts = []

      vprint_status("Locating wordpress feed...")
      res = send_request_cgi({
          'uri'    => wordpress_url_rss,
          'method' => 'GET'

      count = max_redirects

      # Follow redirects
      while res.redirect? && res.redirection && count != 0
        path = wordpress_helper_parse_location_header(res)
        return nil unless path

        vprint_status("Web server returned a #{res.code}...following to #{path}")
        res = send_request_cgi({
            'uri'    => path,
            'method' => 'GET'

        if res.code == 200
          vprint_status("Feed located at #{path}")
          vprint_status("Returned a #{res.code}...")
        count = count - 1
    rescue ::Rex::ConnectionRefused, ::Rex::HostUnreachable, ::Rex::ConnectionTimeout
      print_error("Unable to connect")
      return nil

    if res.nil? or res.code != 200
      vprint_status("Did not receive HTTP response for RSS feed")
      return blog_posts

    # parse out links and place in array
    links = res.body.scan(/<link>([^<]+)<\/link>/i)

    if links.nil? or links.empty?
      vprint_status("Feed did not have any links present")
      return blog_posts

    links.each do |link|
      path = path_from_uri(link[0])
      blog_posts << path if path
    return blog_posts
