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# -*- coding: binary -*-

# This mixin is a wrapper around Rex::Proto::LDAP::Client

require 'rex/proto/ldap'
require 'metasploit/framework/ldap/client'

module Msf
  module Exploit::Remote::LDAP
    include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Kerberos::Ticket::Storage
    include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Kerberos::ServiceAuthenticator::Options
    include Metasploit::Framework::LDAP::Client

    # Initialize the LDAP client and set up the LDAP specific datastore
    # options to allow the client to perform authentication and timeout
    # operations. Acts as a wrapper around the caller's
    # implementation of the `initialize` method, which will usually be
    # the module's class's implementation, such as lib/msf/core/auxiliary.rb.
    # @param info [Hash] A hash containing information about the module
    #   using this library which includes its name, description, author, references,
    #   disclosure date, license, actions, default action, default options,
    #   and notes.
    def initialize(info = {})

        OptBool.new('SSL', [false, 'Enable SSL on the LDAP connection', false]),
        Msf::OptString.new('DOMAIN', [false, 'The domain to authenticate to']),
        Msf::OptString.new('USERNAME', [false, 'The username to authenticate with'], aliases: ['BIND_DN']),
        Msf::OptString.new('PASSWORD', [false, 'The password to authenticate with'], aliases: ['BIND_PW'])

          *kerberos_storage_options(protocol: 'LDAP'),
          *kerberos_auth_options(protocol: 'LDAP', auth_methods: Msf::Exploit::Remote::AuthOption::LDAP_OPTIONS),
          Msf::OptPath.new('LDAP::CertFile', [false, 'The path to the PKCS12 (.pfx) certificate file to authenticate with'], conditions: ['LDAP::Auth', '==', Msf::Exploit::Remote::AuthOption::SCHANNEL]),
          OptFloat.new('LDAP::ConnectTimeout', [true, 'Timeout for LDAP connect', 10.0]),
          OptEnum.new('LDAP::Signing', [true, 'Use signed and sealed (encrypted) LDAP', 'auto', %w[ disabled auto required ]])

    # Alias to return the RHOST datastore option.
    # @return [String] The current value of RHOST in the datastore.
    def rhost

    # Alias to return the RPORT datastore option.
    # @return [String] The current value of RPORT in the datastore.
    def rport

    # Return the peer as a host:port formatted string.
    # @return [String] A string containing the peer details in RHOST:RPORT format.
    def peer

    # Set the various connection options to use when connecting to the
    # target LDAP server based on the current datastore options. Returns
    # the resulting connection configuration as a hash.
    # @return [Hash] The options to use when connecting to the target
    #    LDAP server.
    def get_connect_opts
      opts = {
        username: datastore['USERNAME'],
        password: datastore['PASSWORD'],
        domain: datastore['DOMAIN'],
        base: datastore['BASE_DN'],
        domain_controller_rhost: datastore['DomainControllerRhost'],
        ldap_auth: datastore['LDAP::Auth'],
        ldap_cert_file: datastore['LDAP::CertFile'],
        ldap_rhostname: datastore['LDAP::Rhostname'],
        ldap_krb_offered_enc_types: datastore['LDAP::KrbOfferedEncryptionTypes'],
        ldap_krb5_cname: datastore['LDAP::Krb5Ccname'],
        proxies: datastore['Proxies'],
        framework_module: self,
        kerberos_ticket_storage: kerberos_ticket_storage
      case datastore['LDAP::Signing']
      when 'required'
        opts[:sign_and_seal] = true
      when 'disabled'
        opts[:sign_and_seal] = false

        result = ldap_connect_opts(rhost, rport, datastore['LDAP::ConnectTimeout'], ssl: datastore['SSL'], opts: opts)
      rescue Msf::ValidationError => e
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::BadConfig, e.message)

      # Now that the options have been resolved (including auto possibly resolving to NTLM), check whether this is a valid config
      if result[:auth] && datastore['LDAP::Signing'] == 'required'
        unless %i[ rex_kerberos rex_ntlm ].include?(result[:auth][:method]) || (result[:auth][:method] == :sasl && result[:auth][:mechanism] == 'GSS-SPNEGO')
          fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::BadConfig, 'The authentication configuration does not support signing. Change either LDAP::Auth or LDAP::Signing.')

        if result[:encryption]
          # Domain Controllers don't seem to support signing and connection over SSL. Gotta pick one or the other.
          fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::BadConfig, 'SSL not supported with signing. Change either SSL or LDAP::Signing.')


    # @see #ldap_open
    # @return [Object] The result of whatever the block that was
    #   passed in via the "block" parameter yielded.
    def ldap_connect(opts = {}, &block)
      ldap_open(get_connect_opts.merge(opts), &block)

    # Connect to the target LDAP server using the options provided,
    # and pass the resulting connection object to the proc provided.
    # Terminate the connection once the proc finishes executing unless
    # `keep_open` is set to true
    # @param connect_opts [Hash] Options for the LDAP connection.
    # @param keep_open [Boolean] Keep the connection open or close once the block is finished
    # @param block [Proc] A proc containing the functionality to execute
    #   after the LDAP connection has succeeded. The connection is closed
    #   once this proc finishes executing.
    # @see Rex::Proto::LDAP::Client.open
    # @return [Object] The result of whatever the block that was
    #   passed in via the "block" parameter yielded.
    def ldap_open(connect_opts, keep_open: false, &block)
      opts = resolve_connect_opts(connect_opts)
      if keep_open
        Rex::Proto::LDAP::Client._open(opts, &block)
        Rex::Proto::LDAP::Client.open(opts, &block)

    def resolve_connect_opts(connect_opts)
      return connect_opts unless connect_opts.dig(:auth, :initial_credential).is_a?(Proc)

      opts = connect_opts.dup
      # For scenarios such as Kerberos, we might need to make additional calls out to a separate services to acquire an initial credential
        initial_credential: opts[:auth][:initial_credential].call

    # Create a new LDAP connection using Rex::Proto::LDAP::Client.new and yield the
    # resulting connection object to the caller of this method.
    # @param opts [Hash] A hash containing the connection options for the
    #   LDAP connection to the target server.
    # @yieldparam ldap [Rex::Proto::LDAP::Client] The LDAP connection handle to use for connecting to
    #   the target LDAP server.
    def ldap_new(opts = {})
      ldap = Rex::Proto::LDAP::Client.new(resolve_connect_opts(get_connect_opts.merge(opts)))

      # NASTY, but required
      # monkey patch ldap object in order to ignore bind errors
      # Some servers (e.g. OpenLDAP) return result even after a bind
      # has failed, e.g. with LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH - anonymous bind disallowed.
      # See: https://www.openldap.org/doc/admin23/security.html#Authentication%20Methods
      # "Note that disabling the anonymous bind mechanism does not prevent anonymous
      # access to the directory."
      # Bug created for Net:LDAP at https://github.com/ruby-ldap/ruby-net-ldap/issues/375
      # @yieldparam conn [Rex::Proto::LDAP::Client] The LDAP connection handle to use for connecting to
      #   the target LDAP server.
      # @param args [Hash] A hash containing options for the ldap connection
      def ldap.use_connection(args)
        if @open_connection
          yield @open_connection
            conn = new_connection
            conn.bind(args[:auth] || @auth)
            # Commented out vs. original
            # result = conn.bind(args[:auth] || @auth)
            # return result unless result.result_code == Rex::Proto::LDAP::Client::ResultCodeSuccess
            yield conn
            conn.close if conn
      yield ldap

    # Check whether it was possible to successfully bind to the target LDAP
    # server. Raise a RuntimeException with an appropriate error message
    # if not.
    # @param ldap [Rex::Proto::LDAP::Client] The Rex::Proto::LDAP::Client connection handle for the
    #   current LDAP connection.
    # @raise [RuntimeError] A RuntimeError will be raised if the LDAP
    #   bind request failed.
    # @return [Nil] This function does not return any data.
    def validate_bind_success!(ldap)
      if defined?(:session) && session
        vprint_good('Successfully bound to the LDAP server via existing SESSION!')

      bind_result = ldap.get_operation_result.table

      # Codes taken from https://ldap.com/ldap-result-code-reference-core-ldapv3-result-codes
      case bind_result[:code]
      when 0
        vprint_good('Successfully bound to the LDAP server!')
      when 1
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::NoAccess, "An operational error occurred, perhaps due to lack of authorization. The error was: #{bind_result[:error_message].strip}")
      when 7
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::NoTarget, 'Target does not support the simple authentication mechanism!')
      when 8
        signing_statement = ''
        signing_statement = 'May require LDAP signing to be enabled (`set LDAP::Signing auto`). ' unless %w[ auto required ].include?(datastore['LDAP::Signing'])

        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::NoTarget, "Server requires a stronger form of authentication! #{signing_statement}The error was: #{bind_result[:error_message].strip}")
      when 14
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::NoTarget, "Server requires additional information to complete the bind. Error was: #{bind_result[:error_message].strip}")
      when 48
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::NoAccess, "Target doesn't support the requested authentication type we sent. Try binding to the same user without a password, or providing credentials if you were doing anonymous authentication.")
      when 49
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::NoAccess, 'Invalid credentials provided!')
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::Unknown, "Unknown error occurred whilst binding: #{bind_result[:error_message].strip}")

    # Validate the query result and check whether the query succeeded.
    # Fail with an appropriate error code if the query failed.
    # @param query_result [Hash] A hash containing the results of the query
    #   as a 'extended_response' representing the extended response,
    #   a 'code' with an integer representing the result code,
    #   a 'error_message' containing an optional error message as a Net::BER::BerIdentifiedString,
    #   a 'matched_dn' containing the matched DN,
    #   and a 'message' containing the query result message.
    # @param filter [Rex::Proto::LDAP::Client::Filter]  A Rex::Proto::LDAP::Client::Filter to use to
    #   filter the results of the query.
    # @raise [RuntimeError, ArgumentError] A RuntimeError will be raised if the LDAP
    #   request failed. Alternatively, if the query_result parameter isn't a hash, then an
    #   ArgumentError will be raised.
    # @return [Nil] This function does not return any data.
    def validate_query_result!(query_result, filter=nil)
      if query_result.class != Hash
        raise ArgumentError, 'Parameter to "validate_query_result!" function was not a Hash!'

      # Codes taken from https://ldap.com/ldap-result-code-reference-core-ldapv3-result-codes
      case query_result[:code]
      when 0
        vprint_status("Successfully queried #{filter}.") if filter.present?
      when 1
        # This is unknown as whilst we could fail on lack of authorization, this is not guaranteed with this error code.
        # The user will need to inspect the error message to determine the root cause of the issue.
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::Unknown, "An LDAP operational error occurred. It is likely the client requires authorization! The error was: #{query_result[:error_message].strip}")
      when 2
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::BadConfig, "The LDAP protocol being used by Metasploit isn't supported. The error was #{query_result[:error_message].strip}")
      when 3
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::TimeoutExpired, 'The LDAP server returned a timeout response to the query.')
      when 4
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'The LDAP query was determined to result in too many entries for the LDAP server to return.')
      when 11
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'The LDAP server indicated some administrative limit within the server whilst the request was being processed.')
      when 16
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::NotFound, 'The LDAP operation failed because the referenced attribute does not exist.')
      when 18
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::BadConfig, 'The LDAP search failed because some matching is not supported for the target attribute type!')
      when 32
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'The LDAP search failed because the operation targeted an entity within the base DN that does not exist.')
      when 33
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::BadConfig, "An attempt was made to dereference an alias that didn't resolve properly.")
      when 34
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::BadConfig, 'The request included an invalid base DN entry.')
      when 50
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::NoAccess, 'The LDAP operation failed due to insufficient access rights.')
      when 51
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'The LDAP operation failed because the server is too busy to perform the request.')
      when 52
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'The LDAP operation failed because the server is not currently available to process the request.')
      when 53
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'The LDAP operation failed because the server is unwilling to perform the request.')
      when 64
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::Unknown, 'The LDAP operation failed due to a naming violation.')
      when 65
        fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::Unknown, 'The LDAP operation failed due to an object class violation.')
        if query_result[:error_message].blank?
          fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::Unknown, 'The LDAP operation failed but no error message was returned!')
          fail_with(Msf::Module::Failure::Unknown, "The LDAP operation failed with error: #{query_result[:error_message].strip}")

    # Return a string suitable for placement in an LDAP filter
    # e.g. (certificateTemplates=#{ldap_escape_string(name)})
    # @param string String The string to escape.
    # @return The escaped string.
    def ldap_escape_filter(string)