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# Registers attributes that can be searched.  Attributes must be declared to be searchable as a type from
# {Metasploit::Model::Search::Operator::Attribute::TYPES}.  The type of the attribute is used to select a
# type-specific {Metasploit::Model::Search::Operation}, which will validate the
# {Metasploit::Model::Search::Operation::Base#value} is of the valid type.
# # Set attributes
# Search attributes declared as having an integer set or string set type integer or string set require a
# `<attribute>_set` method to be defined on the `Class`, which returns the set of allowed values for the search
# attribute's operation.  This method will be called, indirectly by
# {Metasploit::Model::Search::Operation::Set::Integer}'s and {Metasploit::Model::Search::Operation::Set::String}'s
# validations.
# # Help
# The help for each operator is uses the `I18n` system, so the help for an attribute operator on a given class can
# added to `config/locales/<lang>.yml`.  The scope of the lookup, under the language key is the `Class`'s
# `i18n_scope`, which is `metasploit.model` if the `Class` includes {Metasploit::Model::Translation} or
# `active_record` for `ApplicationRecord` subclasses.  Under the `i18n_scope`, any `Module#ancestor`'s
# `model_name.i18n_key` can be used to look up the help for an attribute's operator.  This allows for super
# classes or mixins to define the search operator help for subclasses.
#     # config/locales/<lang>.yml
#     <lang>:
#       <Class#i18n_scope>:
#         ancestors:
#           <ancestor.model_name.i18n_key>:
#             search:
#               operator:
#                 names:
#                   <attribute>:
#                     help: "The attribute on the class"
# # Testing
# {ClassMethods#search_attribute} calls can be tested with the 'search_attribute' shared example.  First, ensure
# the shared examples from `metasploit-model` are required in your `spec_helper.rb`:
#     # spec/spec_helper.rb
#     support_glob = Metasploit::Model::Engine.root.join('spec', 'support', '**', '*.rb')
#     Dir.glob(support_glob) do |path|
#       require path
#     end
# In the spec for the `Class` that called `search_attribute`, use the 'search_attribute' shared example by
# passing that arguments passed to {ClassMethods#search_attribute}.
#     # spec/app/models/my_class_spec.rb
#     require 'spec_helper'
#     describe MyClass do
#       context 'search' do
#         context 'attributes' do
#           it_should_behave_like 'search_attribute',
#                                 type: {
#                                   set: :string
#                                 }
#         end
#       end
#     end
# @example search an attribute for `true` or `false`
#    search_attribute :flag,
#                     type: :boolean
# @example search an attribute for an integer
#    search_attribute :age,
#                     type: :integer
# @example search an attribute for a restricted set of integers
#    #
#    # Search
#    #
#    search_attribute :bits,
#                     set: :integer
#    #
#    # Class Methods
#    #
#    # Return set of allowed values for {#bits} search.
#    #
#    # @return [Set<Integer>]
#    def self.bits_set
#      @bits_set ||= Set.new([32, 64])
#    end
# @example search an attribute for a restricted set of strings
#    #
#    # Search
#    #
#    search_attribute :endianness,
#                     set: :string
#    #
#    # Class Methods
#    #
#    # Return set of allowed values for {#endianness} search.
#    #
#    # @return [Set<String>]
#    def self.endianness_set
#      @endianness_set ||= Set.new(['big', 'litte'])
#    end
# @example search an attribute by substring (case-insensitve LIKE)
#    search_attribute :description,
#                     type: :string
module Metasploit::Model::Search::Attribute
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  include Metasploit::Model::Search::With

  # Adds {#search_attribute} DSL to make {Metasploit::Model::Search::Operator::Attribute attribute search
  # operators}.
  module ClassMethods
    # {include:Metasploit::Model::Search::Attribute}
    # @param attribute [#to_sym] name of attribute to search.
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => String}]
    # @option options [Symbol] :type The type of the attribute.  Used to determine how to parse the search values
    #   and which modifiers are supported.
    # @return (see Metasploit::Model::Search::With::ClassMethods#search_with)
    # @raise [Metasploit::Model::Invalid] unless attribute is present
    # @raise [Metasploit::Model::Invalid] unless :type is present
    def search_attribute(attribute, options={})
      search_with Metasploit::Model::Search::Operator::Attribute,
                  :attribute => attribute,
                  :type => options[:type]