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# Contributing to nexpose-client

The users and maintainers of nexpose-client would greatly appreciate any contributions
you can make to the project. These contributions typically come in the form of
filed bugs/issues or pull requests (PRs). These contributions routinely result
in new versions of the [nexpose-client
gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/nexpose-client) and the
[nexpose-client release](https://github.com/rapid7/nexpose-client/releases) to be released. The
process for each is outlined below.

## Contributing Issues / Bug Reports

If you encounter any bugs or problems with nexpose-client, please file them
[here](https://github.com/rapid7/nexpose-client/issues/new), providing as much detail as
possible. If the bug is straight-forward enough and you understand the fix for
the bug well enough, you may take the simpler, less-paperwork route and simply
file a PR with the fix and the necessary details.

## Contributing Code

nexpose-client uses a model nearly identical to that of
[Metasploit](https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework) as outlined
at least from a ```git``` perspective. If you've been through that process
(or, even better, you've been through it many times with many people), you can
do exactly what you did for Metasploit but with nexpose-client and ignore the rest of
this document.

On the other hand, if you haven't, read on!

### Fork and Clone

Generally, this should only need to be done once, or if you need to start over.

1. Fork nexpose-client: Visit https://github.com/rapid7/nexpose-client and click Fork,
   selecting your github account if prompted
2. Clone ```git@github.com:<your-github-username>/nexpose-client.git```, replacing
```<your-github-username>``` with, you guessed it, your Github username.
3. Add the master nexpose-client repository as your upstream:
git remote add upstream git://github.com/rapid7/nexpose-client.git
git fetch --all

### Branch and Improve

If you have a contribution to make, first create a branch to contain your
work. The name is yours to choose, however generally it should roughly
describe what you are doing. In this example, and from here on out, the
branch will be wow, but you should change this.

git fetch --all
git checkout master
git rebase upstream/master
git checkout -b wow

Now, make your changes, committing as necessary, using useful commit messages:

git commit -m "Adds a document on how to contribute to nexpose-client." -a

Please note that changes to [lib/nexpose/version.rb](https://github.com/rapid7/nexpose-client/blob/master/lib/nexpose/version.rb) in PRs are almost never necessary.

Now push your changes to your fork:

git push origin wow

Finally, submit the PR. Navigate to ```https://github.com/<your-github-username>/nexpose-client/compare/wow```, fill in the details, and submit.

## Releasing New Versions

Typically this process is reserved for contributors with push permissions to

### Release New Gem

1. Get an account on [Rubygems](https://rubygems.org)
2. Contact one of the nexpose-client project contributors and have them add you to the nexpose-client gem
3. Edit [lib/nexpose/version.rb](https://github.com/rapid7/nexpose-client/blob/master/lib/nexpose/version.rb) and increment ```VERSION```. Commit and push to origin/upstream master.
4. Run ```rake release```

### Github Release

Some users may prefer to consume nexpose-client in a manner other than using git itself. For that reason, Github offers [Releases](https://github.com/blog/1547-release-your-software). Whenever a new version of the software is to be released, be kind and also create a new [Release](https://github.com/rapid7/nexpose-client/releases), using a versioning scheme identical to that used for the gem.