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# data.rawfunkmaharishi.uk

_A data API for the band_

The [band website](http://rawfunkmaharishi.uk/) is very [data-driven](http://rawfunkmaharishi.uk/blog/2014/11/12/being-data-driven/#data-driven-gigs), but [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com/) (at least on Github Pages) will not let us publish JSON. This clearly needs to be fixed.


## Content negotiation

The API will respond to the following _Accept_ values with appropriate content:

### `application/json`

Content will be returned as JSON.


## API

### `/`

Returns a list of available endpoints.

### [`/gigs`](http://data.rawfunkmaharishi.uk/gigs.json)

Returns a list of gig metadata.

_When the client sends an `Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json` header, GeoJSON will be returned, as used in the [gig map](http://rawfunkmaharishi.uk/gig-map/)._

### [`/sounds`](http://data.rawfunkmaharishi.uk/sounds.json)

Returns a list of music metadata.

### [`/pictures`](http://data.rawfunkmaharishi.uk/pictures.json)

Returns a list of photograph metadata.

### [`/videos`](http://data.rawfunkmaharishi.uk/videos.json)

Returns a list of video metadata.

### [`/photographers`](http://data.rawfunkmaharishi.uk/photographers.json)

Returns a list of photographer metadata.

### `/photographers/:photographer`

Returns metadata for a photographer.

**More endpoints coming soon.**


## Your questions answered

### How does this work?

It's pulling data from the [Jekyll](https://github.com/rawfunkmaharishi/rawfunkmaharishi.github.io/tree/master/gigs/_posts) [sources](https://github.com/rawfunkmaharishi/rawfunkmaharishi.github.io/tree/master/_data), clouting it into shape, and serving it up as JSON. There's _no_ database here (yet), just a bit of Redis caching.

### Why _data.rawfunkmaharishi.uk_?

As [a very wise person](https://twitter.com/JeniT) once told me, _Your website is your API_ - I'd very much prefer to serve this data from the main domain via content-negotiation, but Github Pages won't let me. If I find a satisfactory solution to this then this will definitely move there. For now, a request for _text/html_ will see your client redirected to the same path on the main website (apart from _/_, obviously), where you may encounter a 404.

What I'm trying to say is, this is quite possibly a temporary arrangement and should be considered _extremely_ alpha (like anybody's ever going to use this).

### Why are you doing this?

Have you _met_ me?


## Licensing

All of this data is released under a [Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike license](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).