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The DOMPDF module integrates the DOMPDF library with Zend Framework 2 with minimal effort on the consumer's end.

## Requirements
  - [Zend Framework 2](http://www.github.com/zendframework/zf2)

## Installation
Installation of DOMPDFModule uses PHP Composer. For more information about
PHP Composer, please visit the official [PHP Composer site](http://getcomposer.org/).

#### Installation steps

  1. `cd my/project/directory`
  2. create a `composer.json` file with following contents:

         "require": {
             "dino/dompdf-module": "dev-master"
  3. install PHP Composer via `curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php` (on windows, download
     http://getcomposer.org/installer and execute it with PHP)
  4. run `php composer.phar install`
  5. open `my/project/directory/config/application.config.php` and add the following key to your `modules`: 

#### Configuration options
You can override options via the `dompdf_module` key in your local or global config files. See DOMPDFModule/config/module.config.php for config options.

## Usage


namespace Application\Controller;

use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use DOMPDFModule\View\Model\PdfModel;

class ReportController extends AbstractActionController
    public function monthlyReportPdfAction()
        $pdf = new PdfModel();
        $pdf->setOption('fileName', 'monthly-report');            // "pdf" extension is automatically appended
        $pdf->setOption('display', PdfModel::DISPLAY_ATTACHMENT); // Triggers browser to prompt "save as" dialog
        $pdf->setOption('paperSize', 'a4');                       // Defaults to "8x11"
        $pdf->setOption('paperOrientation', 'landscape');         // Defaults to "portrait"
        // To set view variables
          'message' => 'Hello'
        return $pdf;
## Development
So you want to contribute? Fantastic! Don't worry, it's easy. Local builds, tests, and code quality checks can be executed using [Docker](https://www.docker.com/).

### Quick Start
1. Install [Docker CE](https://www.docker.com/community-edition).
2. Run the following from your terminal:

docker build -t dino/dompdf-module .
docker run -v composer-cache:/var/lib/composer -v ${PWD}:/opt/app dino/dompdf-module
Super easy, right? Here's a quick walk through as to what's going on.

* `docker build -t dino/dompdf-module .` builds a docker image that will be used for each run (i.e. each time `docker run` is executed) and tags it with the name `dino/dompdf-module`.
* `docker run -v composer-cache:/var/lib/composer -v ${PWD}:/opt/app dino/dompdf-module` runs the default build in a new Docker container derived from the image tagged `dino/dompdf-module`. The root of the project and PHP Composer cache volume are mounted so that artifacts generated during the build process are available to you on your local machine.

**Note:** You only need to run the first command once in order to build the image. The second command is what executes the build (build, tests, code quality checks, etc.).

### Other Supported PHP Versions
By default, builds executed using Docker are done so using the [latest stable version of PHP](http://php.net/supported-versions.php). If you're adventurous you can execute builds against other [supported versions](http://php.net/supported-versions.php) of PHP.

**PHP 5.6**

docker build --build-arg PHP_VERSION=5.6 --tag dino/dompdf-module-php56 .
docker run -v composer-cache:/var/lib/composer -v ${PWD}:/opt/app dino/dompdf-module-php56

## To-do
  - Add command line support.