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const config = {
    enableIrc: true,
    List all channels the bot should join, include channel keys if required. 
    ex: ["#channelA", "#channelB channelB-password", "#anotherChannel"] 
    channels: ["#yourchannel"], 
    List of channels (a subset of 'channels') that the bot should listen for commands on.
    Note that everyone in that channel will be able to trigger commands.
    listenChannel: ["#yourchannel"],
    List of channels (a subset of 'channels') that the bot should announce updates on.
    Bot will NOT respond to trigger commands here.
    notifyChannel: ["#yourchannel"],
    server: "irc.server.here",
    botName: "progressBot",
    port: 80,
    httpsMode: false, //enables https only mode
    httpsPort: 8443,
    httpsKey: "/path/to/key.pem", //port, key, and cert not required in http mode
    httpsCert: "/path/to/cert.pem",
    trigger: "!pb ", //Word to trigger actions. IMPORTANT: INCLUDE A TRAILING SPACE
    identify: false, //Set to true to enable nickserv identification
    nick_secret: false, //set to a "" enclosed password if you dont want to enter it every time
    // else leave false to prompt for a password
    nickserv: "nickserv", //nick identification service's name
    enableDiscord: false,
    discordKey: "yourkeyhere", // your discord bot token
    discordNotifyChannels: ["0"], // comma separated numerical notify channel id
    discordListenChannels: ["0"]

export default config;