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Test Coverage
  # Include common Ruby source files.
    - '**/*.rb'
    - '**/*.arb'
    - '**/*.axlsx'
    - '**/*.builder'
    - '**/*.fcgi'
    - '**/*.gemfile'
    - '**/*.god'
    - '**/*.jb'
    - '**/*.jbuilder'
    - '**/*.mspec'
    - '**/*.opal'
    - '**/*.pluginspec'
    - '**/*.podspec'
    - '**/*.rabl'
    - '**/*.rake'
    - '**/*.rbuild'
    - '**/*.rbw'
    - '**/*.rbx'
    - '**/*.ru'
    - '**/*.ruby'
    - '**/*.spec'
    - '**/*.thor'
    - '**/*.watchr'
    - '**/.irbrc'
    - '**/.pryrc'
    - '**/buildfile'
    - '**/Appraisals'
    - '**/Berksfile'
    - '**/Brewfile'
    - '**/Buildfile'
    - '**/Capfile'
    - '**/Cheffile'
    - '**/Dangerfile'
    - '**/Deliverfile'
    - '**/Fastfile'
    - '**/*Fastfile'
    - '**/Guardfile'
    - '**/Jarfile'
    - '**/Mavenfile'
    - '**/Podfile'
    - '**/Puppetfile'
    - '**/Rakefile'
    - '**/Snapfile'
    - '**/Thorfile'
    - '**/Vagabondfile'
    - '**/Vagrantfile'
    - 'node_modules/**/*'
    - 'vendor/**/*'
    - '.git/**/*'
    - 'Gemfile'
    - 'poke-api-v2.gemspec'
    - 'spec/**/*'

  Description: 'Limit lines to 100 characters.'
  StyleGuide: '#100-character-limits'
  Enabled: true
  Max: 100
  # To make it possible to copy or click on URIs in the code, we allow lines
  # containing a URI to be longer than Max.
  AllowHeredoc: true
  AllowURI: true
    - http
    - https
  # The IgnoreCopDirectives option causes the LineLength rule to ignore cop
  # directives like '# rubocop: enable ...' when calculating a line's length.
  IgnoreCopDirectives: false
  # The IgnoredPatterns option is a list of !ruby/regexp and/or string
  # elements. Strings will be converted to Regexp objects. A line that matches
  # any regular expression listed in this option will be ignored by LineLength.
  IgnoredPatterns: []

  Description: 'Use snake_case for source file names.'
  StyleGuide: '#snake-case-files'
  Enabled: true
  # Camel case file names listed in `AllCops:Include` and all file names listed
  # in `AllCops:Exclude` are excluded by default. Add extra excludes here.
  Exclude: [poke-api-v2.gemspec]
  # When `true`, requires that each source file should define a class or module
  # with a name which matches the file name (converted to ... case).
  # It further expects it to be nested inside modules which match the names
  # of subdirectories in its path.
  ExpectMatchingDefinition: false
  # If non-`nil`, expect all source file names to match the following regex.
  # Only the file name itself is matched, not the entire file path.
  # Use anchors as necessary if you want to match the entire name rather than
  # just a part of it.
  Regex: ~
  # With `IgnoreExecutableScripts` set to `true`, this cop does not
  # report offending filenames for executable scripts (i.e. source
  # files with a shebang in the first line).
  IgnoreExecutableScripts: true
    - CLI
    - DSL
    - ACL
    - API
    - ASCII
    - CPU
    - CSS
    - DNS
    - EOF
    - GUID
    - HTML
    - HTTP
    - HTTPS
    - ID
    - IP
    - JSON
    - LHS
    - QPS
    - RAM
    - RHS
    - RPC
    - SLA
    - SMTP
    - SQL
    - SSH
    - TCP
    - TLS
    - TTL
    - UDP
    - UI
    - UID
    - UUID
    - URI
    - URL
    - UTF8
    - VM
    - XML
    - XMPP
    - XSRF
    - XSS