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package components

import (


// TurtleFileReader is a process that reads turtle files (Files in the turtle
// RDF format), based on file names it receives on the FileReader.InFileName
// port / channel, and writes out the output line by line as strings on the
// FileReader.OutLine port / channel.
type TurtleFileReader struct {
    InFileName chan string
    OutTriple  chan rdf.Triple
    fs         afero.Fs

// NewOsTurtleFileReader returns an initialized TurtleFileReader, with an OS
// (normal) file system
func NewOsTurtleFileReader() *TurtleFileReader {
    return NewTurtleFileReader(afero.NewOsFs())

// NewTurtleFileReader returns an initialized TurtleFileReader, initialized
// with the afero file system provided provided as an argument
func NewTurtleFileReader(fileSystem afero.Fs) *TurtleFileReader {
    return &TurtleFileReader{
        InFileName: make(chan string, BUFSIZE),
        OutTriple:  make(chan rdf.Triple, BUFSIZE),
        fs:         fileSystem,

// Run runs the TurtleFileReader process. It does not spawn a separate
// go-routine, so you have to prepend the go keyword when calling it, in order
// to have it run in a separate go-routine.
func (p *TurtleFileReader) Run() {
    defer close(p.OutTriple)

    flowbase.Debug.Println("Starting loop")
    for fileName := range p.InFileName {
        flowbase.Debug.Printf("Starting processing file %s\n", fileName)
        fh, err := p.fs.Open(fileName)
        if err != nil {
        defer fh.Close()

        dec := rdf.NewTripleDecoder(fh, rdf.Turtle)
        for triple, err := dec.Decode(); err != io.EOF; triple, err = dec.Decode() {
            if err != nil {
                log.Fatal("Could not encode to triple: ", err.Error())
            } else if triple.Subj != nil && triple.Pred != nil && triple.Obj != nil {
                p.OutTriple <- triple
            } else {
                log.Fatal("Something was encoded as nil in the triple:", triple)