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import { Meta } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';

<Meta title="Intro/API Reference" />

## API

`BetterImage` component is built on top of the existing `Image` component. It extends all of the [`Image` component props]( with the following additional props:

## `thumbnailSource?: ImageSourcePropType`

Source of the thumbnail image.

Provide a lower quality scaled down version of the original image (preferrably size <2kb) to act as the thumbnail. This thumbnail will be blurred & will fade out when the actual image loads, providing a progressive loading view

## `fallbackSource?: ImageSourcePropType`

Source of the fallback placeholder image

Incase, the original image fails to load, this image will be displayed as a fallback or a placeholder in its place. It is recommended to have a local asset in this prop which will ensure an image is displayed even during poor or no network conditions.

## `viewStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>`

Style prop for the `<View/>` component inside which the BetterImage component is implemented

Usually, `style` prop is used for styling images. However, since a parent `<View/>` component is needed to implement fallback & thumbnails, `viewStyle` prop is needed to customize this image component.

`style` prop still works but the styles are applied to the `<Image/>` component inside the parent `<View/>` component hence it might not produce the required result.

## `thumbnailFadeDuration?: number`

default value ﹣ 250

Time in milliseconds, taken for the thumbnail to fade in while the actual image is loading (if the actual image is very large & connection is slow, increase this value slightly to increase the duration of fade animation)

## `imageFadeDuration?: number`

default value ﹣ 250

Time in milliseconds, taken for the original image to fade in when it is loaded

## `thumbnailBlurRadius?: number`

default value ﹣ 1

Blur radius of the thumbnail image

## `children?: ReactNode`

BetterImage supports children. If a children is provided, it automatically switches `<Image/>` component with `<ImageBackground/>` component.