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# Contributing Guide for react-big-schedule

Welcome to the react-big-schedule project! We're thrilled that you're interested in contributing to our open-source scheduling component for React. By contributing to this project, you can help make it even better and support the broader developer community.

### Code of Conduct

Before you start contributing, please take a moment to read our Code of Conduct. We expect all contributors to adhere to these guidelines to ensure a positive and inclusive community for everyone. You can find our Code of Conduct [here](

### Getting Started

If you're new to the project, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the []( file, which provides an overview of the project and its features. Also, explore existing issues and pull requests to understand the ongoing work and discussions.

#### Important Note: The `master` branch is for beta releases, and the `main` branch is for stable releases. When changes are pushed to the `master` branch, a beta version will be released, whereas pushing changes to the `main` branch will trigger a release for the next stable version.

### How to Contribute

We value contributions in various forms – from reporting issues and suggesting improvements to submitting feature requests and providing code changes. To get started with your contributions, follow these steps:

1. #### Fork the Repository
   Begin by forking the main repository to your GitHub account. This will create a personal copy of the project that you can work on.
2. #### Set up the Development Environment
   Clone the forked repository to your local machine and set up the development environment using the instructions provided in the []( file.
3. #### Create a Branch
   Create a new branch for your specific contribution. Please use a descriptive and meaningful name for your branch, such as `fix/issue-123` or `feature/new-feature`.
4. #### Make Changes

   Now comes the coding part! Make the necessary changes to the codebase following the coding guidelines outlined below:

   ##### Coding Guidelines

   - Follow the JavaScript Standard Style, as it helps maintain a consistent and readable codebase.
   - Write clear and concise code with meaningful variable and function names.
   - Include appropriate comments to explain complex logic or important details.
   - Run the tests and ensure they pass before submitting the changes.

5. #### Testing
   For bug fixes, add new test cases that demonstrate the fixed behavior. For new features, include comprehensive test coverage to maintain a high level of code quality. Run the test suite locally to confirm that all tests pass successfully.
6. #### Commit and Push
   Commit your changes with a descriptive and concise commit message. Once you are satisfied with your changes, push the branch to your forked repository.
7. #### Create a Pull Request
   Go to the original repository and create a Pull Request (PR). Fill in the PR template with relevant information, including a clear description of your changes and the problem they address. A maintainer will review your PR, and there may be some feedback or adjustments required before it gets merged.
8. #### Collaboration and Feedback
   Our maintainers and community members will review your contributions and provide feedback. Be open to suggestions and actively participate in discussions to improve your work.
9. #### Celebrate
   Congratulations on your contribution! Your efforts help improve this project for everyone. Once your PR gets merged, your contribution will be acknowledged in the project's release notes and contributors' list.

### Reporting Issues

If you encounter a bug, have a feature request, or need assistance with the library, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. Use the issue template to provide necessary details to help us understand the problem better.

### Acknowledgment

Thank you for taking the time to contribute to react-big-schedule! Your passion and effort are what make open-source communities thrive. We value your contributions and look forward to seeing you grow with the project.

#### Happy coding!