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# Featured packages built with this template.

> Please do not edit this file. This file is automatically generated. Please add your package to `packages/shared-ui/examples/featured.json` in alphabetical order.
- [esbuild-plugin-react18]( - An esbuild plugin for compiling libraries compatible with React 18 server and client component, Nextjs13, and Nextjs14
- [Nextjs-Themes]( - 🤟 👉 Theme with confidence and Unleash the Power of React Server Components
- [Persist-And-Sync]( - Zustand middleware to easily persist and sync Zustand state between tabs / windows / iframes (Same Origin) 
- [React 18 Themes]( - 🤟 👉 Unleash the Power of React Server Components
- [React18 Global Store]( - A simple yet elegant, light weight, react18 global store to replace Zustand for better tree shaking.
- [Zustand Sync Tabs]( - Zustand middleware to easily sync Zustand state between tabs / windows / iframes (Same Origin)