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import type { SetStateAction } from "r18gs";
import type { ColorSchemePreference, ThemeState } from "../../constants";
import { DEFAULT_ID, useRGSMinify } from "../../constants";
import { useEffect } from "react";
const useEffectMinify = useEffect;
export interface ThemeSwitcherProps {
  /** id of target element to apply classes to. This is useful when you want to apply theme only to specific container. */
  targetId?: string;
  /** To stop persisting and syncing theme between tabs. */
  dontSync?: boolean;
  /** force apply CSS transition property to all the elements during theme switching. E.g., `all .3s` */
  themeTransition?: string;
  /** provide styles object imported from CSS/SCSS modules, if you are using CSS/SCSS modules. */
  styles?: Record<string, string>;

/** Add media query listener */
const useMediaQuery = (setThemeState: SetStateAction<ThemeState>) => {
  useEffectMinify(() => {
    // set event listener for media
    const media = matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)");
    const updateSystemColorScheme = () => {
      setThemeState(state => ({ ...state, s: media.matches ? "dark" : "light" }));
    media.addEventListener("change", updateSystemColorScheme);
    return () => {
      media.removeEventListener("change", updateSystemColorScheme);
  }, [setThemeState]);

const parseState = (str?: string | null): Partial<ThemeState> => {
  const parts = (str ?? ",system").split(",") as [string, ColorSchemePreference];
  return { t: parts[0], c: parts[1] };

let tInit = 0;

const useLoadSyncedState = (
  setThemeState: SetStateAction<ThemeState>,
  dontSync?: boolean,
  targetId?: string,
) => {
  useEffectMinify(() => {
    if (dontSync) return;
    tInit =;
    const key = targetId ?? DEFAULT_ID;
    setThemeState(state => ({ ...state, ...parseState(localStorage.getItem(key)) }));
    const storageListener = (e: StorageEvent): void => {
      if (e.key === key) setThemeState(state => ({ ...state, ...parseState(e.newValue) }));
    addEventListener("storage", storageListener);
    // skipcq: JS-0045
    return () => {
      removeEventListener("storage", storageListener);
  }, [dontSync, setThemeState, targetId]);

const modifyTransition = (themeTransition = "none", targetId?: string) => {
  const documentMinify = document;
  const css = documentMinify.createElement("style");
  /** split by ';' to prevent CSS injection */
  const transition = `transition: ${themeTransition.split(";")[0]} !important;`;
  const targetSelector = targetId
    ? `#${targetId},#${targetId} *,#${targetId} ~ *,#${targetId} ~ * *`
    : "*";

  return () => {
    // Force restyle
    (() => getComputedStyle(documentMinify.body))();
    // Wait for next tick before removing
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1);

/** Apply classes to the targets */
const applyClasses = (
  targets: (HTMLElement | null)[],
  theme: string,
  resolvedColorScheme: "light" | "dark",
  styles?: Record<string, string>,
) => {
  let cls = ["dark", "light", `th-${theme}`, resolvedColorScheme];
  if (styles) cls = => styles[c] ?? c);

  targets.forEach(t => {
    t?.classList.remove(cls[0]); // dark
    t?.classList.remove(cls[1]); // light
    t?.classList.forEach(c => {
      if (/(?:^|_)th-/.test(c)) t.classList.remove(c);
    t?.classList.add(cls[2]); // theme
    t?.classList.add(cls[3]); // resolvedColorScheme

/** Update DOM */
const updateDOM = (
  themeState: ThemeState,
  targetId?: string,
  dontSync?: boolean,
  styles?: Record<string, string>,
) => {
  const { t: theme, c: csp, s: scs } = themeState;
  const resolvedColorScheme = csp === "system" ? scs : csp;
  const key = targetId ?? DEFAULT_ID;
  // update DOM
  let shoulCreateCookie = false;
  const documentMinify = document;
  const target = documentMinify.getElementById(key);
  shoulCreateCookie = !dontSync && target?.getAttribute("data-nth") === "next";

  /** do not update documentElement for local targets */
  const targets = targetId ? [target] : [target, documentMinify.documentElement];

  applyClasses(targets, theme, resolvedColorScheme, styles);

  if (shoulCreateCookie)
    documentMinify.cookie = `${key}=${theme},${resolvedColorScheme}; max-age=31536000; SameSite=Strict;`;

 * The core ThemeSwitcher component wich applies classes and transitions.
 * Cookies are set only if corresponding ServerTarget is detected.
export const ThemeSwitcher = ({
}: ThemeSwitcherProps) => {
  if (targetId === "") throw new Error("id can not be an empty string");
  const [themeState, setThemeState] = useRGSMinify(targetId);


  useLoadSyncedState(setThemeState, dontSync, targetId);

  /** update DOM and storage */
  useEffectMinify(() => {
    const restoreTransitions = modifyTransition(themeTransition, targetId);
    updateDOM(themeState, targetId, dontSync, styles);
    if (!dontSync && tInit < - 300) {
      // save to localStorage
      const { t: theme, c: colorSchemePreference } = themeState;
      const stateToSave = [theme, colorSchemePreference].join(",");
      const key = targetId ?? DEFAULT_ID;
      localStorage.setItem(key, stateToSave);
  }, [dontSync, styles, targetId, themeState, themeTransition]);
  return null;