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Test Coverage
## Step-by-Step Instructions and Checklist

- [ ] Star [this repository]( for easy access and to show your support
- [ ] Create a new GitHub repository using this template.
  - Click the `Use this template` button at the top right -> `Create a new repository`
  - Click `Create repository` and wait for the setup workflow to finish rebranding your repo.
- [ ] Install and set up Node.js and your IDE (VSCode recommended)
- [ ] Install the recommended VSCode extensions:
  - [Prettier](
  - [Trello Kanban](
- [ ] 🌟 **Update [`sripts/rebrand.config.json`](./scripts/rebrand.config.json) if required.**
- [ ] Install `pnpm` using `npm i -g pnpm`
- [ ] Install dependencies using `pnpm`
  - Run `pnpm i` to install dependencies; the `rebrand` script will automatically rebrand the repo, adjust workflows, and create a commit
- [ ] Make sure you run `node scripts/rebrand.js` from the root directory to rebrand your repo.
- [ ] Run `yarn plop`, and follow prompts to generate server or client components for your library
- [ ] 🌟 Enable [private vulnerability reporting]
- [ ] Set up `CodeCov`
  - Visit Codecov and set up your repo
  - Create [repository secret] for `CODECOV_TOKEN`
- [ ] Set up `CodeClimate`
  - Visit CodeClimate and set up your repo
  - Create [repository secret] for `CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID`
  - Add `*.test.*` to ignore patterns on the website
  - Update Code Climate badge
- [ ] Add `NPM_AUTH_TOKEN` to repository secrets to automate package publishing
  - Log in to your [`npm` account]( and create an automation token
  - Create a new repository secret `NPM_AUTH_TOKEN`
- [ ] Update description in `lib/package.json`
- [ ] (Optional) Add Repo Stats by visiting and setting up [repobeats](
- [ ] Create your library and update examples
- [ ] Update README as required
- [ ] Set up GitHub pages to deploy docs
  - Go to [repo settings] -> pages (On the left panel); Select deploy from a branch; Then Select `main` and `/docs`
- [ ] (Optional) Set up [Deepsource]( for static code analysis
- [ ] Push your changes/Create PR and see your library being automatically tested and published
- [ ] Optionally deploy your examples to Vercel.
- [ ] Feel free to star this template, contribute, and/or sponsor the [`terborepo-template`]( project or my [other open-source work](
- [ ] You can also fork the [`terborepo-template`]( and add your package to `scripts/featured.json`
  - If approved, your package will be automatically added to and also published on the home page of this repo.

## Recommended Repository Settings

Go to [repository settings] and configure the following:

- [ ] Enable Discussions
- [ ] Enable `Always suggest updating pull request branches`
- [ ] Enable `Automatically delete head branches`

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<p align="center" style="text-align:center">with 💖 by <a href="" target="_blank">Mayank Kumar Chaudhari</a></p>