* allow only patch changes from release branches.
* Major and minor changes allowed only from main branch.
* pre-release only from branch containing dev or alpha in the branchname
/** Let the following error be thrown by npm. There are situations where publish could have failed for different reasons. */
// throws an exception if process.env.oldv === process.env.v The library version is not up to date, error(" Not able to release to the same version.
const { execSync } = require("child_process");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const BRANCH = process.env.BRANCH;
const isLatestRelease = BRANCH === DEFAULT_BRANCH || BRANCH.includes("release-");
let tag = "latest";
const OLD_VERSION = require("../lib/package.json").version;
if (!isLatestRelease) {
/** pre-release branch name should be the tag name (e.g., beta, canery, etc.) or tag name followed by a '-' and version or other specifiers. e.g. beta-2.0 */
tag = BRANCH.split("-")[0];
try {
execSync(`pnpm changeset pre enter ${tag}`);
} catch (e) {
console.log({ e });
/** Apply changeset */
execSync("pnpm changeset version");
// exit pre mode -- to avoid collision with full releases
try {
execSync("pnpm changeset pre exit");
} catch {
// empty
/** not requiring as require is cached by npm/node */
const NEW_VERSION = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "lib", "package.json")),
const [newMajor, newMinor] = NEW_VERSION.split(".");
const [oldMajor, oldMinor] = OLD_VERSION.split(".");
const isNotPatch = newMajor !== oldMajor || newMinor !== oldMinor;
const pushCmd = `git add . && git commit -m "Apply changesets and update CHANGELOG" && git push origin ${BRANCH}`;
if (isNotPatch && BRANCH === DEFAULT_BRANCH) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log({ e });
require("./update-security-md")(`${newMajor}.${newMinor}`, `${oldMajor}.${oldMinor}`);
/** Create new release branch for every Major or Minor release */
const releaseBranch = `release-${newMajor}.${newMinor}`;
execSync(`git checkout -b ${releaseBranch} && git push origin ${releaseBranch}`);
} else if (isLatestRelease) {
/** New version must be valid SEMVER version. No pre-release (beta/alpha etc.) */
if (!/^\d+\.\d+.\d+$/.test(NEW_VERSION)) throw new Error("Invalid version");
if (isNotPatch)
throw new Error("Major or Minor changes can be published only from the default branch.");
// Push changes back to the repo
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log({ e });
} else {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log({ e });
const { visibility } = JSON.parse(execSync("gh repo view --json visibility").toString());
const provenance = visibility.toLowerCase() === "public" ? "--provenance" : "";
/** Create release */
execSync(`cd lib && pnpm build && npm publish ${provenance} --access public --tag ${tag}`);
/** Create GitHub release */
`gh release create ${NEW_VERSION} --generate-notes${isLatestRelease ? " --latest" : ""} -n "$(sed '1,/^## /d;/^## /,$d'" --title "Release v${NEW_VERSION}"`,
execSync("node ./scripts/lite.js");
execSync(`cd lib && pnpm build && npm publish ${provenance} --access public --tag ${tag}`);