/** It is assumed that this is called only from the default branch. */
const { execSync } = require("child_process");
// Apply changesets if any -- e.g., coming from pre-release branches
try {
execSync("pnpm changeset pre exit");
} catch {
// empty
try {
execSync("pnpm changeset version");
`git add . && git commit -m "Apply changesets and update CHANGELOG" && git push origin ${process.env.BRANCH}`,
} catch {
// no changesets to be applied
const { version: VERSION, name } = require("../lib/package.json");
let LATEST_VERSION = "0.0.-1";
try {
LATEST_VERSION = execSync(`npm view ${name} version`).toString().trim() ?? "0.0.-1";
} catch {
// empty
console.log({ VERSION, LATEST_VERSION });
const [newMajor, newMinor] = VERSION.split(".");
const [oldMajor, oldMinor] = LATEST_VERSION.split(".");
const isPatch = newMajor === oldMajor && newMinor === oldMinor;
if (!isPatch) {
require("./update-security-md")(`${newMajor}.${newMinor}`, `${oldMajor}.${oldMinor}`);
/** Create new release branch for every Major or Minor release */
const releaseBranch = `release-${newMajor}.${newMinor}`;
execSync(`git checkout -b ${releaseBranch} && git push origin ${releaseBranch}`);
const { visibility } = JSON.parse(execSync("gh repo view --json visibility").toString());
const provenance = visibility.toLowerCase() === "public" ? "--provenance" : "";
/** Create release */
execSync(`cd lib && pnpm build && npm publish ${provenance} --access public`);
/** Create GitHub release */
`gh release create ${VERSION} --generate-notes --latest -n "$(sed '1,/^## /d;/^## /,$d'" --title "Release v${VERSION}"`,
execSync("node ./scripts/lite.js");
execSync(`cd lib && pnpm build && npm publish ${provenance} --access public`);