const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const __dir = path.resolve(__dirname, "..");
const TEMPLATE_DIR = "scripts/templates/";
* @typedef {Object} InquirerDataType
* @property {boolean} isClient - Indicates whether a client component should be created.
* @property {string} name - Component name along with the relative path from either the client or server directory.
* @property {string} pkgPath - Package path.
* Updates index files if needed based on the provided parameters.
* @param {import('plop').ActionType} nestedRouteActions - Nested route actions.
* @param {string[]} rootSegments - Root segments.
* @param {string[]} currentDirSegments - Current directory segments.
* @param {boolean} isClient - Indicates whether it's a client component.
function updateIndexFilesIfNeeded(nestedRouteActions, rootSegments, currentDirSegments, isClient) {
const indexFilePath = path.resolve(__dir, ...rootSegments, ...currentDirSegments, "index.ts");
const root = rootSegments.join("/");
if (!fs.existsSync(indexFilePath)) {
const content =
`${isClient ? '"use client";\n' : ""}// ${currentDirSegments.join("/")}` +
" component exports\n";
type: "add",
path: `${root + currentDirSegments.join("/")}/index.ts`,
template: content,
const length = currentDirSegments.length;
type: "append",
pattern: /(?<insertion> component exports)/,
path: `${
root + (length === 1 ? "" : `${currentDirSegments.slice(0, length - 1).join("/")}/`)
template: `export * from "./${currentDirSegments[length - 1]}"`,
* Converts a string to kebab-case.
* @param {string} str - The input string.
* @returns {string} The string in kebab-case.
function toKebabCase(str) {
return str
.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2")
.replace(/ +/g, "-");
* createRootIndexAndDeclarations if not present.
* @param {InquirerDataType} data - Input data.
function createRootIndexAndDeclarations(data) {
const nestedRouteActions = [];
const { isClient } = data;
const srcDir = path.resolve(__dir, `${data.pkgPath}/src`);
const [banner, target] = isClient ? ['"use client";\n\n', "client"] : ["", "server"];
const root = `${data.pkgPath}/src/${target}/`;
/** Create index.ts in src directory if not present. */
if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(srcDir, "index.ts")))
type: "add",
path: `${data.pkgPath}/src/index.ts`,
template: `${banner}export * from "./${target}";\n`,
/** Create declaration if not present. */
if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(srcDir, "declaration.d.ts")))
type: "add",
path: `${data.pkgPath}/src/declaration.d.ts`,
template: 'declare module "*.module.css";\ndeclare module "*.module.scss";\n',
/** Create index.ts in src/client or src/server directory if not present. */
if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(__dir, root, "index.ts")))
type: "add",
path: `${root}index.ts`,
template: `${banner}/**\n * Server components and client components need to be exported from separate files as\n * directive on top of the file from which component is imported takes effect.\n * i.e., server component re-exported from file with "use client" will behave as client component\n */\n\n// ${target} component exports\n`,
return { nestedRouteActions, root, isClient };
* Gets nested route actions based on the provided data.
* @param {InquirerDataType} data - Input data.
* @returns {Object} Nested route actions and parent directory.
function getNestedRouteActions(data) {
const name =\/+/g, "/").replace(/\/$/, "").trim();
const { nestedRouteActions, root, isClient } = createRootIndexAndDeclarations(data);
if (!name.includes("/")) return { nestedRouteActions, parentDir: root };
const lastSlashInd = name.lastIndexOf("/") || name.lastIndexOf("\\"); = name.slice(lastSlashInd + 1);
const directories = toKebabCase(name.slice(0, lastSlashInd)).split(/\/|\\/);
const rootSegments = [...root.split(/\/|\\/)];
for (let i = 1; i <= directories.length; i++)
updateIndexFilesIfNeeded(nestedRouteActions, rootSegments, directories.slice(0, i), isClient);
return { nestedRouteActions, parentDir: `${root + directories.join("/")}/` };
* Gets the index action based on the provided data and parent directory.
* @param {InquirerDataType} data - Input data.
* @param {string} parentDir - Parent directory.
* @returns {Object} Index action.
function getIndexAction(data, parentDir) {
const indFilePath = path.resolve(__dir, parentDir, toKebabCase(, "index.ts");
if (fs.existsSync(indFilePath))
return {
type: "append",
pattern: /(?<insertion> component exports)/,
path: `${parentDir}{{kebabCase name}}/index.ts`,
template: 'export * from "./{{kebabCase name}}";',
return {
type: "add",
path: `${parentDir}{{kebabCase name}}/index.ts`,
template: `${data.isClient ? '"use client";\n\n' : ""}// component exports\nexport * from "./{{kebabCase name}}";\n`,
* Gets actions based on the provided data.
* @param {InquirerDataType} data - Input data.
* @returns {Array} Actions.
function getActions(data) {
const { nestedRouteActions, parentDir } = getNestedRouteActions(data);
return nestedRouteActions.concat([
getIndexAction(data, parentDir),
type: "add",
path: `${parentDir}{{kebabCase name}}/{{kebabCase name}}.tsx`,
templateFile: `${TEMPLATE_DIR}component.hbs`,
type: "add",
path: `${parentDir}{{kebabCase name}}/{{kebabCase name}}.test.tsx`,
templateFile: `${TEMPLATE_DIR}component.test.hbs`,
type: "add",
path: `${parentDir}{{kebabCase name}}/{{kebabCase name}}.module.scss`,
templateFile: `${TEMPLATE_DIR}component.module.hbs`,
type: "append",
pattern: /(?<insertion> component exports)/,
path: `${parentDir}index.ts`,
template: 'export * from "./{{kebabCase name}}";',
/** Export rc generator */
module.exports = {
description: "Adds a new React component to the selected package.",
prompts: [
type: "list",
name: "pkgPath",
choices: ["lib", "packages/shared"],
default: "lib",
message: "Select the package",
type: "input",
name: "name",
message: "What is the name of the component?",
type: "confirm",
name: "isClient",
message: 'Is this a client component? (Should we add "use client" directive?)',
type: "input",
name: "description",
message: "Describe your component. (This will be added as js-doc comment.)",
actions: data => (data ? getActions(data) : []),