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Ordered list item prefix

  11. Patents.
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD029 - Ordered list item prefix

Tags: ol

Aliases: ol-prefix

Parameters: style ("one", "ordered"; default "one")

This rule is triggered on ordered lists that do not either start with '1.' or do not have a prefix that increases in numerical order (depending on the configured style, which defaults to 'one').

Example valid list if the style is configured as 'one':

1. Do this.
1. Do that.
1. Done.

Example valid list if the style is configured as 'ordered':

1. Do this.
2. Do that.
3. Done.

The body of a for-in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype.

      for (const sortIndex in {

Require Guarding for-in (guard-for-in)

Looping over objects with a for in loop will include properties that are inherited through the prototype chain. This behavior can lead to unexpected items in your for loop.

for (key in foo) {

Note that simply checking foo.hasOwnProperty(key) is likely to cause an error in some cases; see [no-prototype-builtins](

Rule Details

This rule is aimed at preventing unexpected behavior that could arise from using a for in loop without filtering the results in the loop. As such, it will warn when for in loops do not filter their results with an if statement.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint guard-for-in: "error"*/

for (key in foo) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint guard-for-in: "error"*/

for (key in foo) {
    if (, key)) {
    if ({}, key)) {

Related Rules

  • [no-prototype-builtins](

Further Reading

Missing radix parameter.

          sort = parseInt(sortIndex);

Require Radix Parameter (radix)

When using the parseInt() function it is common to omit the second argument, the radix, and let the function try to determine from the first argument what type of number it is. By default, parseInt() will autodetect decimal and hexadecimal (via 0x prefix). Prior to ECMAScript 5, parseInt() also autodetected octal literals, which caused problems because many developers assumed a leading 0 would be ignored.

This confusion led to the suggestion that you always use the radix parameter to parseInt() to eliminate unintended consequences. So instead of doing this:

var num = parseInt("071");      // 57

Do this:

var num = parseInt("071", 10);  // 71

ECMAScript 5 changed the behavior of parseInt() so that it no longer autodetects octal literals and instead treats them as decimal literals. However, the differences between hexadecimal and decimal interpretation of the first parameter causes many developers to continue using the radix parameter to ensure the string is interpreted in the intended way.

On the other hand, if the code is targeting only ES5-compliant environments passing the radix 10 may be redundant. In such a case you might want to disallow using such a radix.

Rule Details

This rule is aimed at preventing the unintended conversion of a string to a number of a different base than intended or at preventing the redundant 10 radix if targeting modern environments only.


There are two options for this rule:

  • "always" enforces providing a radix (default)
  • "as-needed" disallows providing the 10 radix


Examples of incorrect code for the default "always" option:

/*eslint radix: "error"*/

var num = parseInt("071");

var num = parseInt(someValue);

var num = parseInt("071", "abc");

var num = parseInt();

Examples of correct code for the default "always" option:

/*eslint radix: "error"*/

var num = parseInt("071", 10);

var num = parseInt("071", 8);

var num = parseFloat(someValue);


Examples of incorrect code for the "as-needed" option:

/*eslint radix: ["error", "as-needed"]*/

var num = parseInt("071", 10);

var num = parseInt("071", "abc");

var num = parseInt();

Examples of correct code for the "as-needed" option:

/*eslint radix: ["error", "as-needed"]*/

var num = parseInt("071");

var num = parseInt("071", 8);

var num = parseFloat(someValue);

When Not To Use It

If you don't want to enforce either presence or omission of the 10 radix value you can turn this rule off.

Further Reading

Unexpected var, use let or const instead.

        var data =;
Severity: Minor
Found in packages/search-source/lib/client.js by eslint

require let or const instead of var (no-var)

ECMAScript 6 allows programmers to create variables with block scope instead of function scope using the let and const keywords. Block scope is common in many other programming languages and helps programmers avoid mistakes such as:

var count = people.length;
var enoughFood = count > sandwiches.length;

if (enoughFood) {
    var count = sandwiches.length; // accidentally overriding the count variable
    console.log("We have " + count + " sandwiches for everyone. Plenty for all!");

// our count variable is no longer accurate
console.log("We have " + count + " people and " + sandwiches.length + " sandwiches!");

Rule Details

This rule is aimed at discouraging the use of var and encouraging the use of const or let instead.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-var: "error"*/

var x = "y";
var CONFIG = {};

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-var: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

let x = "y";
const CONFIG = {};

When Not To Use It

In addition to non-ES6 environments, existing JavaScript projects that are beginning to introduce ES6 into their codebase may not want to apply this rule if the cost of migrating from var to let is too costly. Source:

'metadata' is already defined.

        var metadata = payload.metadata;
Severity: Minor
Found in packages/search-source/lib/client.js by eslint

disallow variable redeclaration (no-redeclare)

In JavaScript, it's possible to redeclare the same variable name using var. This can lead to confusion as to where the variable is actually declared and initialized.

Rule Details

This rule is aimed at eliminating variables that have multiple declarations in the same scope.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-redeclare: "error"*/

var a = 3;
var a = 10;

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-redeclare: "error"*/

var a = 3;
// ...
a = 10;


This rule takes one optional argument, an object with a boolean property "builtinGlobals". It defaults to false. If set to true, this rule also checks redeclaration of built-in globals, such as Object, Array, Number...


Examples of incorrect code for the { "builtinGlobals": true } option:

/*eslint no-redeclare: ["error", { "builtinGlobals": true }]*/

var Object = 0;

Examples of incorrect code for the { "builtinGlobals": true } option and the browser environment:

/*eslint no-redeclare: ["error", { "builtinGlobals": true }]*/
/*eslint-env browser*/

var top = 0;

The browser environment has many built-in global variables (for example, top). Some of built-in global variables cannot be redeclared. Source:

Line length

**redoc** is a [Meteor]( application that can be used to present styled markdown from multiple Github repositories.
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

To customize the theme, copy the `packages/reaction-doc-theme` to a new package folder, and update the packages.js with your new theme package name.
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

The Docker build step is optional and is only required if you have a customized version of Redoc. If you haven't customized the app, skip to the next section.
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Headers should be surrounded by blank lines

## Gitter
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD022 - Headers should be surrounded by blank lines

Tags: headers, blank_lines

Aliases: blanks-around-headers

This rule is triggered when headers (any style) are either not preceded or not followed by a blank line:

# Header 1
Some text

Some more text
## Header 2

To fix this, ensure that all headers have a blank line both before and after (except where the header is at the beginning or end of the document):

# Header 1

Some text

Some more text

## Header 2

Rationale: Aside from aesthetic reasons, some parsers, including kramdown, will not parse headers that don't have a blank line before, and will parse them as regular text.

Line length

For customization of ReDoc, you can clone this package to create additional theme packages for ReDoc.

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Header style

#### Reactive Data Source for building search solutions with Meteor

MD003 - Header style

Tags: headers

Aliases: header-style

Parameters: style ("consistent", "atx", "atxclosed", "setext", "setextwith_atx"; default "consistent")

This rule is triggered when different header styles (atx, setext, and 'closed' atx) are used in the same document:

# ATX style H1

## Closed ATX style H2 ##

Setext style H1

Be consistent with the style of header used in a document:

# ATX style H1

## ATX style H2

The setextwithatx doc style allows atx-style headers of level 3 or more in documents with setext style headers:

Setext style H1

Setext style H2

### ATX style H3

Note: the configured header style can be a specific style to use (atx, atxclosed, setext, setextwith_atx), or simply require that the usage be consistent within the document.

Header style

### Status

MD003 - Header style

Tags: headers

Aliases: header-style

Parameters: style ("consistent", "atx", "atxclosed", "setext", "setextwith_atx"; default "consistent")

This rule is triggered when different header styles (atx, setext, and 'closed' atx) are used in the same document:

# ATX style H1

## Closed ATX style H2 ##

Setext style H1

Be consistent with the style of header used in a document:

# ATX style H1

## ATX style H2

The setextwithatx doc style allows atx-style headers of level 3 or more in documents with setext style headers:

Setext style H1

Setext style H2

### ATX style H3

Note: the configured header style can be a specific style to use (atx, atxclosed, setext, setextwith_atx), or simply require that the usage be consistent within the document.

Headers should be surrounded by blank lines

## Gitter

MD022 - Headers should be surrounded by blank lines

Tags: headers, blank_lines

Aliases: blanks-around-headers

This rule is triggered when headers (any style) are either not preceded or not followed by a blank line:

# Header 1
Some text

Some more text
## Header 2

To fix this, ensure that all headers have a blank line both before and after (except where the header is at the beginning or end of the document):

# Header 1

Some text

Some more text

## Header 2

Rationale: Aside from aesthetic reasons, some parsers, including kramdown, will not parse headers that don't have a blank line before, and will parse them as regular text.

Line length

    * `keepHistory` - cache the search data locally. You need to give an expire time(in millis) to cache it on the client. Caching is done based on the search term. Then if you search again for that term, it search source won't ask the server to get data again.

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

`.getData()` api accepts an object with options (and an optional argument to ask for a cursor instead of a fetched array; see example below). These are the options you can pass:

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length
Open'getPackages', searchText, options, function(err, data) {

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Multiple top level headers in the same document

# package.js

MD025 - Multiple top level headers in the same document

Tags: headers

Aliases: single-h1

Parameters: level (number; default 1)

This rule is triggered when a top level header is in use (the first line of the file is a h1 header), and more than one h1 header is in use in the document:

# Top level header

# Another top level header

To fix, structure your document so that there is a single h1 header that is the title for the document, and all later headers are h2 or lower level headers:

# Title

## Header

## Another header

Rationale: A top level header is a h1 on the first line of the file, and serves as the title for the document. If this convention is in use, then there can not be more than one title for the document, and the entire document should be contained within this header.

Note: The level parameter can be used to change the top level (ex: to h2) in cases where an h1 is added externally.

Header style

### Get the reactive data source

MD003 - Header style

Tags: headers

Aliases: header-style

Parameters: style ("consistent", "atx", "atxclosed", "setext", "setextwith_atx"; default "consistent")

This rule is triggered when different header styles (atx, setext, and 'closed' atx) are used in the same document:

# ATX style H1

## Closed ATX style H2 ##

Setext style H1

Be consistent with the style of header used in a document:

# ATX style H1

## ATX style H2

The setextwithatx doc style allows atx-style headers of level 3 or more in documents with setext style headers:

Setext style H1

Setext style H2

### ATX style H3

Note: the configured header style can be a specific style to use (atx, atxclosed, setext, setextwith_atx), or simply require that the usage be consistent within the document.

Line length

In the server, get data from any backend and send those data to the client as shown below. You need to return an array of documents where each of those object consists of `_id` field.

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Header style

### Get Current Search Query

MD003 - Header style

Tags: headers

Aliases: header-style

Parameters: style ("consistent", "atx", "atxclosed", "setext", "setextwith_atx"; default "consistent")

This rule is triggered when different header styles (atx, setext, and 'closed' atx) are used in the same document:

# ATX style H1

## Closed ATX style H2 ##

Setext style H1

Be consistent with the style of header used in a document:

# ATX style H1

## ATX style H2

The setextwithatx doc style allows atx-style headers of level 3 or more in documents with setext style headers:

Setext style H1

Setext style H2

### ATX style H3

Note: the configured header style can be a specific style to use (atx, atxclosed, setext, setextwith_atx), or simply require that the usage be consistent within the document.
