# Common Errors
<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
- [Getting warning for `Can't resolve 'react-dom/client'` in React < 18](#getting-warning-for-cant-resolve-react-domclient-in-react--18)
- [Undefined Set](#undefined-set)
- [Using TheRubyRacer](#using-therubyracer)
- [HMR](#hmr)
- [Tests in component directory](#tests-in-component-directory)
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## Getting warning for `Can't resolve 'react-dom/client'` in React < 18
You may see a warning like this when building a Webpack bundle using any version of React below 18. This warning can be safely [suppressed]( in your Webpack configuration. The following is an example of this suppression in `config/webpack/webpack.config.js`:
- const { webpackConfig } = require('shakapacker')
+ const { webpackConfig, merge } = require('shakapacker')
+const ignoreWarningsConfig = {
+ ignoreWarnings: [/Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'react-dom\/client'/],
- module.exports = webpackConfig
+ module.exports = merge({}, webpackConfig, ignoreWarningsConfig)
## Undefined Set
ExecJS::ProgramError (identifier 'Set' undefined):
If you see any variation of this issue, see [Using TheRubyRacer](#using-therubyracer)
## Using TheRubyRacer
TheRubyRacer [hasn't updated LibV8]( (The library that powers Node.js) from v3 in 2 years, any new features are unlikely to work.
LibV8 itself is already [beyond version 7]( therefore many serverside issues are caused by old JS engines and fixed by using an up to date one such as [MiniRacer]( or [TheRubyRhino]( on JRuby.
## HMR
Check out [Enabling Hot Module Replacement (HMR)]( in Shakapacker documentation.
One caveat is that currently you [cannot Server-Side Render along with HMR](
## Tests in component directory
If your tests for react components reside alongside the component files in the `app/javascript/components` directory,
you will get `ModuleNotFoundError` in production environment
since test libraries are devDependencies.
To resolve this issue,
you need to specify a matching pattern in `appllication.js` and `server_rendering.js`.
For example, see the below code:
// app/javascript/packs/application.js
const componentRequireContext = require.context('react_rails_components', true, /^(?!.*\.test)^\.\/.*$/)
const ReactRailsUJS = require('react_ujs')