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# React/STOMP

STOMP bindings for React.

STOMP is a messaging protocol. It is supported by most message queue brokers,
such as [RabbitMQ](,
[Apollo]( and many others.

A message queue is used for asynchronous inter-process communication. This can
be useful for workers, general long-running tasks, or communication between
long-running daemons.

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## Install

The recommended way to install react/stomp is [through composer](

    "require": {
        "react/stomp": "0.1.*"

## Example

You can interact with a STOMP server by using the `React\Stomp\Client`.


$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$factory = new React\Stomp\Factory($loop);
$client = $factory->createClient(array('vhost' => '/', 'login' => 'guest', 'passcode' => 'guest'));

    ->then(function ($client) use ($loop) {
        $client->subscribe('/topic/foo', function ($frame) {
            echo "Message received: {$frame->body}\n";

        $loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function () use ($client) {
            $client->send('/topic/foo', 'le message');


## Options

* `host`: Host to connect to, defaults to ``.
* `port`: Port to connect to, defaults to `61613` (rabbitmq's stomp plugin).
* `vhost`: Virtual host, defaults to `/`.
* `login`: Login user name, defaults to `guest`.
* `passcode`: Login passcode, defaults to `guest`.

## Acknowledgement

When subscribing with the `subscribe` method, messages are considered
acknowledged as soon as they are sent by the server (ack header is set to

You can subscribe with a manual acknowledgement by using `subscribeWithAck`
in the STOMP spec for available ack mode values).

You will get a `React\Stomp\AckResolver` as second argument of the callback to
acknowledge or not the message :

$client->subscribeWithAck('/topic/foo', 'client', function ($frame, $ackResolver) {
    if ($problem) {
    } else {

## Todo

* Support nul bytes in frame body
* Heart-beating
* Consuming ACKs
* Transactions
* Streaming frame bodies (using stream API)

## Tests

To run the test suite, you need PHPUnit.

    $ phpunit

## License


## Resources

* [STOMP Protocol Specification, Version 1.1](
* [RabbitMQ STOMP Adapter](