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Test Coverage
import { Reporter } from './reporter';
import squish from 'string-squish';

const BASE_URL = '';
    code: 'google-pay-not-available',
    message: 'Google Pay is not available',
    classification: 'environment'
    code: 'google-pay-config-missing',
    message: c => `Missing Google Pay configuration option: '${c.opt}'`,
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'google-pay-not-configured',
    message: 'There are no Payment Methods enabled to support Google Pay',
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'google-pay-config-invalid',
    message: c => `Google Pay configuration option '${c.opt}' is not among your available options: ${c.set}.
                   Please refer to your site configuration if the available options is incorrect.`,
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'google-pay-init-error',
    message: c => {
      let message = 'Google Pay did not initialize due to a fatal error';
      if (c.err) message += `: ${c.err.message}`;
      return message;
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'google-pay-payment-failure',
    message: 'Google Pay could not get the Payment Data',
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'payment-methods-config-missing',
    message: c => `Missing Payment Method configuration option: '${c.opt}'`,
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'payment-methods-not-available',
    message: 'Payment Methods are not available',
    classification: 'environment'

const ERRORS = [
    code: 'not-configured',
    message: 'Not configured. You must first call recurly.configure().',
    classification: 'merchant',
    help: 'getting-started#section-configure'
    code: 'config-missing-public-key',
    message: 'The publicKey setting is required.',
    classification: 'merchant',
    help: '#identify-your-site'
    code: 'config-missing-fields',
    message: 'The fields setting is required.',
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'missing-hosted-field-target',
    message: c => `Target HTMLElement not found for ${c.type} field using selector '${c.selector}'`,
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'elements-tokenization-not-possible',
    message: c => `No Element capable of tokenization was found in the given Elements group
                   (${c.found.join(',')}). Please review documentation for a list of tokenizing Elements.`,
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'api-error',
    message: 'There was an error with your request.',
    classification: 'api'
    code: 'api-timeout',
    message: 'The API request timed out.',
    classification: 'api'
    code: 'validation',
    message: 'There was an error validating your request.',
    classification: 'customer'
    code: 'missing-callback',
    message: 'Missing callback',
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'invalid-options',
    message: 'Options must be an object',
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'invalid-option',
    message: c => `Option ${} must be ${c.expect}`,
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'missing-plan',
    message: 'A plan must be specified.',
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'missing-coupon',
    message: 'A coupon must be specified.',
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'invalid-item',
    message: 'The given item does not appear to be a valid recurly plan, coupon, addon, or taxable address.',
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'invalid-addon',
    message: 'The given addon_code is not among the valid addons for the specified plan.',
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'invalid-currency',
    message: c => `The given currency (${c.currency}) is not among the valid codes for the specified plan(s): ${c.allowed}.`,
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'invalid-plan-currency',
    message: c => `The requested plan (${c.planCode}) does not support the possible checkout currencies: ${c.currencies}.`,
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'invalid-subscription-currency',
    message: "The given subscription does not support the currencies of this Checkout instance's existing subscriptions",
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'invalid-item-currency',
    message: c => `The requested item (${c.itemCode}) does not support the requested currency: ${c.currency}.`,
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'unremovable-item',
    message: 'The given item cannot be removed.',
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'fraud-data-collector-request-failed',
    message: c => `There was an error getting the data collector fields: ${c.error}`,
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'fraud-data-collector-missing-form',
    message: c => `There was an error finding a form to inject the data collector fields using selector '${c.selector}'`,
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'gift-card-currency-mismatch',
    message: 'The giftcard currency does not match the given currency.',
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'apple-pay-not-supported',
    message: 'Apple Pay is not supported by this device or browser.',
    classification: 'environment'
    code: 'apple-pay-not-available',
    message: 'Apple Pay is supported by this device, but the customer has not configured Apple Pay.',
    classification: 'environment'
    code: 'apple-pay-config-missing',
    message: c => `Missing Apple Pay configuration option: '${c.opt}'`,
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'apple-pay-config-invalid',
    message: c => `Apple Pay configuration option '${c.opt}' is not among your available options: ${c.set}.
                   Please refer to your site configuration if the available options is incorrect.`,
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'apple-pay-factory-only',
    message: 'Apple Pay must be initialized by calling recurly.ApplePay',
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'apple-pay-init-error',
    message: c => {
      let message = 'Apple Pay did not initialize due to a fatal error';
      if (c.err) message += `: ${c.err.message}`;
      return message;
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'apple-pay-payment-failure',
    message: 'Apply Pay could not charge the customer',
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'paypal-factory-only',
    message: 'PayPal must be initialized by calling recurly.PayPal',
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'venmo-factory-only',
    message: 'Venmo must be initialized by calling recurly.Venmo',
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'paypal-config-missing',
    message: c => `Missing PayPal configuration option: '${c.opt}'`,
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'paypal-load-error',
    message: 'Client libraries failed to load',
    classification: 'environment'
    code: 'paypal-client-error',
    message: 'PayPal encountered an unexpected error',
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'paypal-tokenize-error',
    message: 'An error occurred while attempting to generate the PayPal token',
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'paypal-tokenize-recurly-error',
    message: 'An error occurred while attempting to generate the Recurly token',
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'paypal-braintree-not-ready',
    message: 'Braintree PayPal is not yet ready to create a checkout flow',
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: 'paypal-braintree-api-error',
    message: 'Braintree API experienced an error',
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'venmo-braintree-api-error',
    message: 'Braintree API experienced an error',
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'venmo-braintree-tokenize-braintree-error',
    message: 'An error occurred while attempting to generate the Braintree token',
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'venmo-braintree-tokenize-recurly-error',
    message: 'An error occurred while attempting to generate the Braintree token within Recurly',
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'paypal-braintree-tokenize-braintree-error',
    message: 'An error occurred while attempting to generate the Braintree token',
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'paypal-braintree-tokenize-recurly-error',
    message: 'An error occurred while attempting to generate the Braintree token within Recurly',
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'adyen-error',
    message: `An error occurred within your Adyen checkout process. Please refer to the
              cause property for more detail.`,
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'bank-redirect-error',
    message: `An error occurred within your BankRedirect payment process. Please refer to the
              cause property for more detail.`,
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'banks-error',
    message: `An error occurred while loading the available banks. Please refer to the
              cause property for more detail.`,
    classification: 'api'
    code: '3ds-vendor-load-error',
    message: c => `An error occurred while loading a dependency from ${c.vendor}. Please refer
                   to the cause property for more detail.`,
    classification: 'internal'
    code: '3ds-multiple-instances',
    message: `More than one instance of threeDSecure was initialized. Make sure you remove the previous instance before
              initializing a new one.`,
    classification: 'merchant'
    code: '3ds-auth-error',
    message: `We were unable to authenticate your payment method. Please choose a different payment
              method and try again.`,
    classification: 'internal'
    code: '3ds-result-tokenization-error',
    message: `An error occurred while attempting to tokenize 3D Secure results.
              Please refer to the cause property for more detail.`,
    classification: 'api'
    code: 'risk-preflight-timeout',
    message: c => `recurly.Risk timeout out in preflight procedure for ${c.processor}. Skipping.`,
    classification: 'internal'
    code: 'invalid-billing-address-fields',
    message: 'The billing address provided fields are invalid.',
    classification: 'merchant'

 * Error directory
 * @param {Recurly} recurly instance
class ErrorDirectory {
  constructor () {
    this.ERROR_MAP = ERRORS.reduce((memo, definition) => {
      memo[definition.code] = recurlyErrorFactory(definition);
      return memo;
    }, {});

   * Retrieves an error from the directory
   * @param {String} code
   * @param {Object} [context] arbitrary error property dictionary
   * @param {Object} [options]
   * @param {Reporter} [options.reporter] Reporter instance to report errors
   * @return {RecurlyError}
   * @throws {Error} if the requested error is not in the directory
  get (code, context = {}, options) {
    if (!(code in this.ERROR_MAP)) {
      throw new Error(`invalid error: ${code}`);
    } else {
      return new this.ERROR_MAP[code](context, options);

 * Generates a function which binds error properties to a RecurlyError
 * @param {Object} definition
 * @return {Function}
function recurlyErrorFactory (definition) {
  const { code, message, help } = definition;

   * Recurly domain-specific error class
   * Provides helpful context to runtime errors. Logs errors.
   * @param {String} code error code
   * @param {String} message error message
   * @param {Object} context suplementary error data
   * @param {Object} [options]
   * @param {Reporter} [options.reporter] Reporter instance used to report an error
   * @param {String} [help] documentation reference
  function RecurlyError (context = {}, { reporter } = {}) {
    this.code = = code;

    if (message instanceof Function) {
      this.message = message(context);
    } else {
      this.message = message;

    this.message = squish(this.message);

    Object.assign(this, context);

    if (help) { = BASE_URL + help;
      this.message += ` (need help? ${})`;

    if (reporter instanceof Reporter) {
      // Warning: any errors that occur in this code path risk
      // a stack overflow if they include a reporter
      reporter.send('error', { code, context });

  RecurlyError.prototype = new Error();
  return RecurlyError;

const errorDirectory = new ErrorDirectory();

 * Exported singleton proxy
 * See ErrorDirectory.get
export default function error (...params) {
  if (params[0] instanceof Error) return params[0];
  return errorDirectory.get(...params);