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import clone from 'component-clone';
import find from 'component-find';
import intersection from 'intersect';
import isEmpty from 'lodash.isempty';
import Promise from 'promise';
import uniq from 'array-unique';
import uid from '../../../util/uid';
import errors from '../../errors';
import { Pricing } from '../';
import PricingPromise from '../promise';
import SubscriptionPricing from '../subscription';
import EmbeddedSubscriptionPricing from '../subscription/embedded';
import Calculations from './calculations';
import Attachment from './attachment';

const debug = require('debug')('recurly:pricing:checkout-pricing');

 * CheckoutPricing
 * Constructs a pricing model for a checkout purchase. Call methods
 * on an instance to add or remove items from the pricing model, and
 * listen for changes to the price.
 * This class allows you to provide basic details about a checkout purchase,
 * such as plan code, item code, and address, and receive detailed pricing
 * information about the overall purchase, including item costs, tax estimates,
 * complex discounting, and currency changes.
 * Example
 * ```
 * const checkoutPricing = recurly.Pricing.Checkout();
 * checkoutPricing.on('change', price => console.log(price));
 * checkoutPricing
 *   .currency('USD')
 *   .subscription(recurly.Pricing.Subscription().plan('my-plan').done())
 *   .adjustment({ itemCode: 'my-item-code', quantity: 2 })
 *   .address({ country: 'US', postalCode: '94110' })
 *   .coupon('my-coupon-code')
 *   .done();
 * ```
 * @class

export default class CheckoutPricing extends Pricing {
  constructor (...args) {
    this.debug = debug;'pricing:checkout:create');

  reset () {
    this.items.subscriptions = [];
    this.items.adjustments = [];

  get Calculations () {
    return Calculations;

    return super.PRICING_METHODS.concat([

  get validAdjustments () {
    return this.items.adjustments.filter(adj => adj.currency === this.items.currency);

  get validSubscriptions () {
    return this.items.subscriptions.filter(sub => sub.isValid);

  // Currency codes common to all subscriptions
  get subscriptionCurrencies () {
    return intersection( => Object.keys(s.items.plan.price)));

  // Plan codes of all subscriptions
  get subscriptionPlanCodes () {
    return uniq( => s.items.plan.code));

  findSubscriptionById (id) {
    const embeddedSubscription = find(this.items.subscriptions, esub => === id);
    if (embeddedSubscription) return embeddedSubscription.subscription;

   * Attachment factory
   * @param {HTMLElement} container - element on which to attach
  attach (container) {
    if (this.attachment) this.attachment.detach();
    this.attachment = new Attachment(this, container);
    this.attachment.once('ready', () => this.emit('attached'));
    return this.attachment;

   * Updates currency code. Will reject if the subscription plans do not support the given code
   * @param {String} code Currency code
   * @return {PricingPromise}
   * @public
  currency (code) {
    return new PricingPromise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (this.items.currency === code) return resolve(this.items.currency);
      if (!this.subscriptionsAllowCurrency(code)) {
        return this.error(errors('invalid-currency', {
          currency: code,
          allowed: this.subscriptionCurrencies
        }), reject, 'currency');

      this.items.currency = code;

      // Propagate currency changes to each subscription
      Promise.all( => {
        debug('checkout currency has changed. Updating subscription', sub);
        return sub.currency(code).reprice();
        // Eject gift cards on currency change
        .then(() => this.giftCard(null))
        .then(() => this.resolveAndEmit('set.currency', code, resolve));
    }, this);

   * Adds a subscription
   * - Ignores address and tax info from subscriptions
   * - Removes subscription discounts
   * @param {SubscriptionPricing} subscription
   * @return {PricingPromise}
   * @public
  subscription (subscription) {
    return new PricingPromise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (!(subscription instanceof SubscriptionPricing)) {
        return this.error(errors('invalid-option', {
          name: 'subscription',
          expect: 'a {recurly.Pricing.Subscription}'
        }), reject, 'subscription');

      // Do nothing if we already have this subscription
      if (this.items.subscriptions.some(esub => esub.subscription === subscription)) {
        return resolve(subscription);

      const plan = subscription.items.plan;

      // If the subscription currencies do not match the checkout currency, attempt to resolve it.
      // If it cannot be resolved, reject the subscription
      if (this.items.currency && plan) {
        const planCurrencies = Object.keys(plan.price);
        if (!~planCurrencies.indexOf(this.currencyCode)) {
          try {
          } catch (e) {
            return this.error(errors('invalid-subscription-currency', {
              checkoutCurrency: this.currencyCode,
              checkoutSupportedCurrencies: this.subscriptionCurrencies,
              subscriptionPlanCurrencies: planCurrencies
            }), reject, 'currency');

      if (!this.items.currency) this.currency(subscription.items.currency);

      const emitSubscriptionSetter = name => {
        return item => this.emit(`set.${name}`, { subscription: { id: }, [name]: item });

      const addSubscription = () => {
        subscription.on('change:external', () => this.reprice());
        subscription.on('set.plan', emitSubscriptionSetter('plan'));
        subscription.on('set.addon', emitSubscriptionSetter('addon'));
        this.items.subscriptions.push(new EmbeddedSubscriptionPricing(subscription, this));
        this.resolveAndEmit('set.subscription', subscription, resolve, { copy: false });

      // Removes any subscription coupons and gift cards
      if (subscription.isValid) {;
      } else {
    }, this);

   * @typedef {Object} CheckoutPricing~Adjustment
   * @property {String}  [itemCode] item code reference. If provided,
   *                                the amount and tax properties will be populated
   *                                from the given item. an itemCode may not be used to
   *                                modify an adjustment in-place.
   * @property {Number}  [amount] in unit price (1.0 for USD, etc)
   * @property {Number}  [quantity=1] number of units
   * @property {String}  [id=uid()] unique identifier. Use this value to modify an
   *                                adjustment in-place
   * @property {String}  [currency=this.items.currency] currency code
   * @property {Boolean} [taxExempt=false] whether this adjustment is tax exempt
   * @property {String}  [taxCode] taxation code

   * Adds a one-time charge or credit a.k.a. adjustment
   * @param {CheckoutPricing~Adjustment} adjustment
   * @return {PricingPromise}
   * @public
  adjustment ({ itemCode = null, amount, quantity, id = uid(), currency, taxExempt, taxCode }) {
    const { recurly } = this;
    return new PricingPromise((resolve, reject) => {
      let existingAdjustment = find(this.items.adjustments, a => === id);
      let validateAmount = true;

      if (itemCode || (existingAdjustment && typeof amount === 'undefined')) {
        validateAmount = false;

      if (validateAmount) {
        amount = Number(amount);
        if (!isFinite(amount)) {
          let err = { name: 'amount', expect: 'a finite Number' };
          return this.error(errors('invalid-option', err), reject, 'adjustment');

      if (existingAdjustment && existingAdjustment.itemCode && !itemCode) {
        itemCode = existingAdjustment.itemCode;

      new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        if (!itemCode) return resolve();
        return recurly.item({ itemCode }).then(item => {
          const expectedCurrency = currency
                                || (existingAdjustment && existingAdjustment.currency)
                                || this.items.currency;
          if (typeof amount === 'undefined') {
            const itemPrice = find(item.currencies, c => c.currency_code === expectedCurrency);
            if (itemPrice) {
              amount = itemPrice.unit_amount;
            } else {
              return reject(errors('invalid-item-currency', { itemCode, currency: expectedCurrency }));
          taxCode = item.tax_code;
          taxExempt = item.tax_exempt;
        }, reject);
        .then(() => {
          // New adjustment defaults
          if (!existingAdjustment) {
            currency = currency || this.items.currency;
            quantity = coerceAdjustmentQuantity(quantity);
            taxExempt = !!taxExempt;

          return { amount, quantity, id, currency, taxExempt, taxCode, itemCode };
        .then(adjustment => {
          if (existingAdjustment) {
            if (typeof amount === 'undefined') delete adjustment.amount;
            if (typeof currency === 'undefined') delete adjustment.currency;
            if (typeof quantity === 'undefined') {
              delete adjustment.quantity;
            } else {
              quantity = coerceAdjustmentQuantity(quantity);

            if (existingAdjustment.itemCode || typeof taxCode === 'undefined') {
              delete adjustment.taxCode;

            if (existingAdjustment.itemCode || typeof taxExempt === 'undefined') {
              delete  adjustment.taxExempt;

            adjustment = Object.assign(existingAdjustment, adjustment);
          } else {

          this.resolveAndEmit('set.adjustment', adjustment, resolve);
        .catch(err => {
          this.error(err, reject, 'adjustment');
    }, this);

   * Updates coupon. Manages a single coupon on the item set, unsetting any exisitng
   * coupon
   * `` is emitted when a valid coupon is set
   * `` is emitted when an existing valid coupon is removed
   * `` is emitted when the requested coupon is invalid
   * @param {String} couponCode
   * @return {PricingPromise}
   * @public
  coupon (couponCode) {
    if (~this.couponCodes.indexOf(couponCode)) {
      return new PricingPromise(resolve => resolve(clone(, this);

    return new PricingPromise(resolve => resolve(), this)
      .then(() => {
        if (! return;
        const priorCoupon = clone(;
        return this.remove({ coupon: priorCoupon.code })
          .then(() => {
            this.emit('', priorCoupon);
      .then(() => new PricingPromise((resolve, reject) => {
        // A blank coupon is handled as ok
        if (!couponCode) return resolve();{ plans: this.subscriptionPlanCodes, coupon: couponCode }, (err, coupon) => {
          if (err) {
            return this.error(err, reject, 'coupon');
          } else {
   = coupon;
            this.resolveAndEmit('', coupon, resolve);

   * Updates address
   * @param {Object} address
   * @param {String}
   * @param {String} address.postalCode
   * @param {String} address.vatNumber
   * @return {PricingPromise}
   * @public
  address (address) {
    return new PricingPromise(this.itemUpdateFactory('address', address), this);

   * Updates shipping address
   * @param {Object} address
   * @param {String}
   * @param {String} address.postalCode
   * @param {String} address.vatNumber
   * @return {PricingPromise}
   * @public
  shippingAddress (address) {
    return new PricingPromise(this.itemUpdateFactory('shippingAddress', address), this);

   * Updates tax info
   * @param {Object} tax
   * @param {String} tax.vatNumber
   * @param {Object} [tax.amounts] specific tax amounts. Overrides automated tax rate calculations
   * @param {Object} [] specific tax to apply on the immediate charge
   * @param {Object} [] specific tax to apply on the next billing cycle
   * @public
  tax (tax) {
    return new PricingPromise(this.itemUpdateFactory('tax', tax), this);

   * Updates gift card
   * @param {String} code Gift card code
   * @return {PricingPromise} [description]
   * @public
  giftCard (code) {
    const unset = () => {
      if (!this.items.giftCard) return;
      delete this.items.giftCard;

    return new PricingPromise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (!code) {
        return resolve();

      this.recurly.giftCard({ code }, (err, giftCard) => {
        if (err) {
          return this.error(err, reject, 'giftCard');
        } else {
          if (this.items.currency !== giftCard.currency){
            return this.error(errors('gift-card-currency-mismatch'), reject, 'giftCard');
          } else {
            this.items.giftCard = giftCard;
            this.resolveAndEmit('set.giftCard', giftCard, resolve);
    }, this);

   * Adds handlers to remove subscriptions, adjustments, and coupons
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {Object} options[item] Must contain an id property. The key name
   *                               corresponds to the item type to be removed (ex: 'subscription')
   * @public
  remove (options) {
    return new PricingPromise((resolve, reject) => {
      // Expects SubscriptionPricing or EmbeddedSubscriptionPricing
      if (options.subscription) {
        this.removeFromSet('subscriptions', options.subscription);
      } else if (options.adjustment) {
        this.removeFromSet('adjustments', options.adjustment);
      } else {
        if ( {
          // Remove the coupon from embedded subscriptions
          Promise.all( =>{ internal: true })))
            .then(() => super.remove(options).then(resolve, reject));
        } else {
          super.remove(options).then(resolve, reject);

   * Removes a set item (subscription or adjustment)
   * @param  {String} name         item name (ex: 'subscription', 'adjustment')
   * @param  {Object} itemToRemove item to remove. Must have an id property
   * @private
  removeFromSet (name, itemToRemove) {
    this.items[name] = this.items[name].filter(item => !==;

   * Checks whether the current subscriptions will allow the given currency code
   * @param  {String} code Currency code
   * @return {Boolean}
   * @private
  subscriptionsAllowCurrency (code) {
    if (isEmpty(this.items.subscriptions)) return true;
    return !!~this.subscriptionCurrencies.indexOf(code);

   * Attempts to set a common currency from amongst the
   * current subscriptions and the provided codes.
   * @param {Array} code Array of {String} currency codes
   * @param {Object} [options]
   * @param {Boolean} [options.commit=true] whether to commit a currency change
   * @throws {Error} If a common currency cannot be found
   * @private
  resolveCurrency (codes, { commit = true } = {}) {
    let commonCurrencies;

    // If we have subscriptions already, check that we have common currencies. Otherwise, we may proceed
    if (isEmpty(this.validSubscriptions)) {
      commonCurrencies = codes;
    } else {
      commonCurrencies = intersection(this.subscriptionCurrencies, codes);

    if (isEmpty(commonCurrencies)) throw new Error('unresolvable');
    if (commit) return this.currency(commonCurrencies[0]);

   * Binds important events to the EventDispatcher
   * @protected
  bindReporting () {
    const report = (...args) =>;
    this.on('attached', () => report('pricing:checkout:attached'));
    this.on('set.subscription', () => report('pricing:checkout:set:subscription'));
    this.on('change:external', price => report('pricing:checkout:change', {
      price: {
        couponCodes: this.couponCodes,
        currency: this.currencyCode,
        items: => ({
          type: item.type,
          amount: item.amount,
          quantity: item.quantity,

function coerceAdjustmentQuantity (quantity) {
  quantity = parseInt(quantity, 10);
  if (isNaN(quantity)) quantity = 1;
  return quantity;