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Test Coverage
/*jshint -W058 */

import { FIELDS as CARD_FIELDS } from './token';
import each from 'component-each';
import find from 'component-find';
import { parseCard } from '../util/parse-card';
import CREDIT_CARD_TYPES from '../const/credit-card-types.json';

const debug = require('debug')('recurly:validate');

 * Validation error messages
 * @type {String}
 * @private
const INVALID = 'is invalid';
const BLANK = "can't be blank";
const DOES_NOT_MATCH = 'does not match';

 * Fields required by bank account tokenization
 * @type {Array}

 * Fields required by IBAN bank account tokenization
 * @type {Array}

 * Fields required by Bacs bank account tokenization
 * @type {Array}

 * Fields required by BECS bank account tokenization
 * @type {Array}

export const publicMethods = { cardNumber, cardType, expiry, cvv };

 * Validates a credit card number via length check and luhn algorithm.
 * @param {Number|String} number The card number.
 * @return {Boolean}
 * @see

export function cardNumber (number) {
  const str = parseCard(number);
  let ca, sum = 0, mul = 1;
  let i = str.length;

  if (i < 12 || i > 19) return false;

  while (i--) {
    ca = parseInt(str.charAt(i), 10) * mul;
    sum += ca - (ca > 9) * 9;
    mul ^= 3;

  return sum % 10 === 0 && sum > 0;

 * Converts a number to another number to be used in comparison.
 * For example, it converts 38 to 3800 (or 3899), suitable for range
 * comparisons.
 * @param {Integer} start The range start
 * @param {Integer} length Size of the desired range item
 * @param {String} terminator The char used for padding a smaller range
 * @returns {Integer} A range item integer with `length` digits
function buildCompareValue (start, length, terminator) {
  let result = start.toString().substr(0, length);

  // This can be replaced by padEnd after drop IE11 support
  while (result.length < length) {
    result = result + terminator;

  return parseInt(result);

 * Returns the type of the card number as a string.
 * @param {Number|String} number The card number
 * @param {Boolean} partial detect card type on a partial (incomplete) number
 * @return {String} card type

export function cardType (number, partial = false) {
  const cardNumber = parseCard(number);
  const compareLength = Math.min(cardNumber.length, 6);

  const compareValue = buildCompareValue(cardNumber, compareLength, '0');

  const types = Object.keys(CREDIT_CARD_TYPES).filter((type) => {
    if (partial && type == 'maestro') {
      // Maestro has a wide range (6*) that overlaps with some other types,
      // which can be disambiguated only when the full lenght is given

    return find(CREDIT_CARD_TYPES[type], ((group) => {
      if (!partial && group.lengths.indexOf(cardNumber.length) < 0) {
        return false;

      return find(group.ranges, ([rangeBegin, rangeEnd]) => {
        const start = buildCompareValue(rangeBegin, compareLength, '0');
        const end = buildCompareValue(rangeEnd, compareLength, '9');

        return compareValue >= start && compareValue <= end;

  // Ignoring multiple matches because partials can match multiple ranges
  return types.length == 1 && types[0] || 'unknown';

 * Validates whether an expiry month is present or future.
 * @param {Number|String} month The 2 digit month
 * @param {Number|String} year The 2 or 4 digit year
 * @return {Boolean}

export function expiry (month, year) {
  month = Number(month) - 1;
  if (month < 0 || month > 11) return false;
  year = Number(year);
  year += year < 100 ? 2000 : 0;

  let expiry = new Date;
  expiry.setMonth(month + 1);
  return new Date < expiry;

 * Validates whether a number looks like a cvv.
 * e.g.: '123', '0321'
 * @param {Number|String} number The card verification value
 * @return {Boolean}

export function cvv (number) {
  number = String(number).trim();
  if (!~[3, 4].indexOf(number.length)) return false;
  return /^\d+$/.test(number);

 * Checks user input on a card token call
 * @param {Recurly} recurly
 * @param {Object} inputs
 * @return {Array} formatted array of invalid fields with descriptive messages
export function validateCardInputs (recurly, inputs) {
  const format = formatFieldValidationError;
  let errors = [];

  if (!cardNumber(inputs.number)) {
    errors.push(format('number', INVALID));

  if (!expiry(inputs.month, inputs.year)) {
    errors.push(format('month', INVALID), format('year', INVALID));

  if (!inputs.first_name) {
    errors.push(format('first_name', BLANK));

  if (!inputs.last_name) {
    errors.push(format('last_name', BLANK));

  if (~recurly.config.required.indexOf('cvv') && !inputs.cvv) {
    errors.push(format('cvv', BLANK));
  } else if ((~recurly.config.required.indexOf('cvv') || inputs.cvv) && !cvv(inputs.cvv)) {
    errors.push(format('cvv', INVALID));

  each(recurly.config.required, function (field) {
    if (!inputs[field] && ~CARD_FIELDS.indexOf(field)) {
      errors.push(format(field, BLANK));

  debug('validate errors', errors);

  return errors;

 * Checks user input on a bank account token call
 * @param {Object} inputs
 * @return {Array} formatted array of invalid fields with descriptive messages
export function validateBankAccountInputs (inputs) {
  const format = formatFieldValidationError;
  let required = [];
  let errors = [];

  if ('iban' in inputs) {
  } else if (inputs.type === 'bacs') {
    accountNumberMatches(inputs, errors);
  } else if (inputs.type === 'becs') {
    accountNumberMatches(inputs, errors);
  } else {
    accountNumberMatches(inputs, errors);

  required.forEach(name => {
    if (!inputs[name]) {
      errors.push(format(name, BLANK));
    } else if (typeof inputs[name] !== 'string') {
      errors.push(format(name, INVALID));

  debug('bank account validate errors', errors);

  return errors;

 * Validates a bank account routing number
 * @param  {[type]} routingNumber
 * @return {Array} formatted array of invalid fields with descriptive messages
export function validateBankRoutingNumber (routingNumber) {
  let errors = [];

  if (!routingNumber) {
    errors.push(formatFieldValidationError('routing_number', BLANK));
  } else if (typeof routingNumber !== 'string') {
    errors.push(formatFieldValidationError('routing_number', INVALID));

  debug('validate errors', errors);

  return errors;

 * Formats a field validation error
 * @param {string} field
 * @param {String} message
 * @return {Object}
function formatFieldValidationError (field, message) {
  return { field, messages: [message] };

function accountNumberMatches (inputs, errors) {
  const format = formatFieldValidationError;

  if (inputs.account_number !== inputs.account_number_confirmation) {
    errors.push(format('account_number_confirmation', DOES_NOT_MATCH));