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# Fonts

## How it works?
We use []( as a fonts provider. The assets they serve depend on the environment.

- **Development**: on this environment it works as a normal provider. Client request fonts from a CDN and the CDN returns assets.
- **Production**: on here client request assets from a CDN and then CDN responds with a redirect ([302]( to our own fonts folder which has folder name and filenames as a hash.

![Fonts request flow](

## How to change fonts assets?

- Please ask [Sari]( for credentials for [](
- Login and go to the project **Website Honestly Live v2**
- Make your changes
- Go to production tab
- Download assets and unzip
- Paste the unzipped folder inside [/assets/fonts](./assets/fonts), it's very important that you keep the folder name number that provides you.
- Deploy website-honestly to production
- On []( click on **Republish this project to your server
 ** button so can validate your fonts on production.