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@value smallestScreen, smallScreen, smallScreenMax, mediumScreen from "../../css/_sizes.css";
@value gutterSize: 40px;

 * Core grid component
 * Taken from
 * DO NOT apply dimension or offset utilities to the `Grid` element. All cell
 * widths and offsets should be applied to child grid cells.

/* Grid container
   ========================================================================== */

 * All content must be contained within child `cell` elements.
 * 1. Account for browser defaults of elements that might be the root node of
 *    the component.

.grid {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  display: flex; /* 1 */
  flex-flow: row wrap;
  margin: 0; /* 1 */
  padding: 0; /* 1 */

 * Modifier: center align all grid cells

.alignCenter {
  justify-content: center;

 * Modifier: right align all grid cells

.alignRight {
  justify-content: flex-end;

 * Modifier: middle-align grid cells

.alignMiddle {
  align-items: center;

 * Modifier: bottom-align grid cells

.alignBottom {
  align-items: flex-end;

 * Modifier: allow cells to equal distribute width
 * 1. Provide all values to avoid IE10 bug with shorthand flex -
 *    Use `0%` to avoid bug in IE10/11 with unitless flex basis -

.fit > .cell {
  flex: 1 1 0%; /* 1 */

 * Modifier: all cells match height of tallest cell in a row

.equalHeight > .cell {
  display: flex;

 * Modifier: gutters

.withGutter {
  margin: 0 calc(-0.5 * gutterSize);

.withGutter > .cell {
  padding: 0 calc(0.5 * gutterSize);

/* Grid cell
   ========================================================================== */

 * No explicit width by default. Rely on combining `cell` with a dimension
 * utility or a component class that extends 'grid'.
 * 1. Set flex items to full width by default

.cell {
  box-sizing: inherit;
  flex: 0 0 100%; /* 1 */

 * Modifier: horizontally center one unit
 * Set a specific unit to be horizontally centered. Doesn't affect
 * any other units. Can still contain a child `grid` component.

.cellCenter {
  margin: 0 auto;

 * Specify the proportional width of an object.
 * Intentional redundancy build into each set of unit classes.
 * Supports: 12 part
 * 1. Use `flex-basis: auto` with a width to avoid box-sizing bug in IE10/11

.size1of12 {
  width: calc(100% * 1 / 12);

.size2of12 {
  flex-basis: auto; /* 1 */
  width: calc(100% * 1 / 6);

.size3of12 {
  flex-basis: auto; /* 1 */
  width: 25%;

.size4of12 {
  flex-basis: auto; /* 1 */
  width: calc(100% * 1 / 3);

.size5of12 {
  flex-basis: auto; /* 1 */
  width: calc(100% * 5 / 12);

.size6of12 {
  flex-basis: auto; /* 1 */
  width: 50%;

.size7of12 {
  flex-basis: auto; /* 1 */
  width: calc(100% * 7 / 12);

.size8of12 {
  flex-basis: auto; /* 1 */
  width: calc(100% * 2 / 3);

.size9of12 {
  flex-basis: auto; /* 1 */
  width: 75%;

.size10of12 {
  flex-basis: auto; /* 1 */
  width: calc(100% * 5 / 6);

.size11of12 {
  flex-basis: auto; /* 1 */
  width: calc(100% * 11 / 12);

.size12of12 {
  flex-basis: auto; /* 1 */
  width: 100%;

.responsive-cell-smallestScreen {
  display: inline-block;

@media smallestScreen {
  .responsive-cell-smallestScreen {
    width: 100%;

  .cell.smallestScreen {
    flex-basis: 100%;

  .hideOnsmallestScreen {
    display: none;

.responsive-cell-smallScreen {
  display: inline-block;

@media smallScreen {
  .responsive-cell-smallScreen {
    width: 100%;

  .fit > .cell.smallScreen {
    flex-basis: 100%;

  .hideOnsmallScreen {
    display: none;

@media smallScreenMax {
  .hideOnmobileSM {
    display: none;

@media mediumScreen {
  .hideOnmediumScreen {
    display: none;