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/* eslint-disable max-len,no-irregular-whitespace */
/* rules disabled as this is essentially a template - makes no sense to move the long lines elsewhere */

import React from 'react';
import styles from './style.css';
import CryingSmiley from '../../components/icons/crying-smiley';
import ServiceWorkerDiagram from './service-worker-diagram';

export default function OfflinePage() {
  return (
      <div className={styles.notification}>
        <div className={styles.notificationContainer}>
          <h3 className={styles.notifyHeader}>
            No internet connection <CryingSmiley className={styles.smiley} />
          <p className={styles.notifyBody}>
            This page isn’t available offline. But here’s something to read in the meantime – it
            happens to be about offline technology.
      <div className={styles.container}>
        <h1 className={styles.title}>Stepping into the offline world</h1>
        <p className={styles.highlightParagraph}>
          Here’s the question that gets asked by so many that it’s become annoying – what’s the next
          big thing in web development? React? Angular 2? CycleJS? WebSockets? HTTP2? Instead of
          looking into the future for a bit, let’s take a few steps back. The web has developed into
          an incredible thing since it began – from static, funky looking pages into a net of apps
          connecting millions of people in realtime – Facebook.
        <h2 className={styles.subtitle}>Into the future</h2>
        <p className={styles.paragraph}>
          As Dion Almaer pointed out in his talk at Progressive Web Apps conference, at some point
          desktop applications were hugely popular and web was trying to seem exactly like them.
          With smart phones and the popularity of native apps, we can only expect a similar shift in
          web applications to catch up with these. There are a few glaring differences between web
          and native apps that heavily benefit the latter:
        <ul className={styles.list}>
          <li>You can use them offline or while on a bad internet connection</li>
            They can send you notifications so as to remind you to use them (which doesn’t have to
            be as annoying as it sounds)
            It’s easy to access them from your home page without having to open a browser and type
            in a URL
          <li>They are much more performant</li>
        <p className={styles.paragraph}>
          All these points are pretty important given how we’re all lazy as users of any
          application, and how much we’ve learnt to expect from mobile experience. While checking
          things out on our phones, we’re quite often in places with horrible mobile internet,
          abroad on roaming, or we’re juggling morning coffee, opening the office door and chatting
          on WhatsApp all at the same time. So at the end of the day, it’s not just a matter of
          comfort for smart phone users – it’s a necessity due to phones’ flexibility.
        <h2 className={styles.subtitle}>Service Workers</h2>
        <p className={styles.paragraph}>
          Although making web apps seem like native apps seems a little bit like a sci-fi, a lot of
          great features are coming to browsers in the form of Service Workers. These guys can
          create a layer between the browser and server that lives on the client and can be
          persistent. That gives us huge power – and also great responsibility. We can push
          notifications, store our whole websites and databases locally for the user to access them
          at any point in time, and much much more; doesn’t that sound at least a little bit
        <h2 className={styles.subtitle}>Total recall – or the new caching</h2>
        <p className={styles.paragraph}>
          <ServiceWorkerDiagram className={styles.diagram} />
          Let me focus on the point that will make the biggest difference - using web applications
          offline. As much as every point in the list above is important, using our apps whenever
          and wherever means a huge difference in the way we perceive the web.
        <p className={styles.paragraph}>
          As I mentioned above, Service Workers create a layer between a rendered page and server
          that can handle a lot of things for us and that we can manipulate using javascript. When a
          user goes to our website for the first time, it creates a service worker, checks if
          we have this page cached, and then goes onto the server to fetch it. On its way back, the
          data gets saved in cache and from this time on, our website can be rendered from cache. In
          the case that we lose internet connection, the user can still access this page.
        <p className={styles.paragraph}>
          Or we can just always render the same page from service worker to decrease the load on our
        <div className={styles.clear} />
        <h2 className={styles.subtitle}>Dark side</h2>
        <p className={styles.paragraph}>
          There are the glaring issues of pages running out of date but that’s something we have to
          deal with whenever we’re using caching and there are quite a few well known cache busts
          that we can implement if we need to.
        <p className={styles.paragraph}>
          What I see as the biggest potential danger however isn’t really related to synchronisation
          of data. Imagine that every page you visit decides to save incredible amount of data into
          your phone. Next time you’re doing your iOS update or try to download some music, you
          might find out that there’s no space left because all images from imgur are forever saved
          in your Service Worker cache.
        <p className={styles.paragraph}>
          Right now, the system relies on programmers to be reasonable about the demands they make
          on their users; this can be unintentionally messed up though and easily exploited. I’m
          quite curious to know how browsers will decide to address these drawbacks as this tech
          gets widespread.
        <h2 className={styles.subtitle}>Progressive enhancement</h2>
        <p className={styles.paragraph}>
          One of the famous recent uses of Service Workers was done by The Guardian. It’s a simple
          but really clever idea - imagine going on the train to work like every morning, reading
          news… when suddenly you’re on very bad or no internet connection. Infuriating, right? Well
          now you can play an offline crossword instead of hitting reload every three seconds hoping
          it’ll come back… at some point… maybe.
        <p className={styles.paragraph}>
          This doesn’t solve the issue of actually accessing the content I want to see in the first
          place but it’s a great first step to take. As this feature is an “extra”, it’s okay that
          it’s not supported by some browsers. One day, we’ll be able to use it everywhere – and we
          can walk towards the bright future by using it now without introducing any regression to
          our apps.
        <h2 className={styles.subtitle}>What’s coming</h2>
        <p className={styles.paragraph}>
          As if this wasn’t enough, what’s even more exciting is the news of Background Sync coming
          to the party later on this year. This feature is currently being implemented in Chrome and
          should allow you to – well, sync data on background.
        <p className={styles.paragraph}>
          Background sync should allow developers to finally access all important features for
          creating truly offline-first web apps.
        <p className={styles.paragraph}>
          2016 is definitely bringing a lot of exciting new features to web development and we’ll
          get our toolkit buffed up quite a lot – by streams, Houdini, HTTP2, and many more
          technologies. It’s definitely bad news to those who already find JavaScript development
          too complex – but it’s really exciting for us who love to learn and explore new
        <p className={}>Written by Anna Doubkova</p>