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Test Coverage
// @flow

import React from 'react';

import WhatToReadNext from '../shared/what-to-read-next';
import ChecklistContactUs from '../../../../slices/checklist-contact-us-slice';

import CaseStudyFrame from '../../../../components/case-study-frame';
import CaseStudyHeader from '../../../../components/case-study-header';
import CaseStudySection from '../../../../components/case-study-section';
import PullQuote from '../../../../components/pull-quote';
import headerImage from './images/header.jpg';
import ScrollTracker from '../../../../components/scroll-tracker';

const social = {
  title: 'Delivering a better customer experience, faster. | Red Badger',
    'How the rapid prototyping model helped the BBC to uncover new ways to engage its audience.',
  metaImage: headerImage,
  altText: 'A laptop showing the BBC website',
  url: '',

const BBCCaseStudy = () => (
        title="BBC Now: Delivering a better customer experience, faster"
        tagline="How the rapid prototyping model helped the BBC to uncover new ways to engage its audience"
        headerImageAlt="Laptop showing screenshot of BBC website"
          name: 'Eleni Sharp',
          title: 'Senior product manager, BBC Connected Studios',
        text="Red Badger is bursting with creativity... and makes the complicated straightforward."

      <CaseStudySection title="The challenge">
          Nine million people visit the BBC Homepage each week but most use it as an access point to
          specific information and miss lots of valuable and relevant content. And, although
          personalisation tools are available, less than 10% of visitors use them.
          Tasked with finding new ways to engage consumers, BBC Connected Studio was looking for
          creative ideas that would make it easier for visitors to the site to find content relevant
          to them.

      <CaseStudySection title="Solution">
          The concept Red Badger came up with was effectively a fast lane. A real-time stream of BBC
          content delivered to the homepage, in bite-sized chunks, the instant it’s published.
          Combining this with the semantic web, allowing data to be shared across platforms and
          communities, means the content is refined as the site ‘learns’ more about what a user
          accesses and how they interact with it.
          name: 'Eleni Sharp',
          title: 'Senior product manager, BBC Connected Studios',
        text="The concept appealed because it allowed us to showcase much more content without overcomplicating the existing site. Plus the feed learns from the user's behaviour and becomes more and more personalised the more it learns."
      <CaseStudySection title="Business benefits">
          For Connected Studio the key metric was the feedback from consumers and overall the
          reaction was very positive. The concept was proven to be easy to understand, and more than
          75% of users agreed the concept was appealing; nearly 50% said they would be very likely
          to use BBC Now if it went live.

      <WhatToReadNext />
      <ChecklistContactUs />

export default BBCCaseStudy;