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# `FieldArray`

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The `FieldArray` component is how you render an array of fields. It works a lot like `Field`.
With `Field`, you give a `name`, referring to the location of the field in the Redux state, and a
`component` to render the field, which is given the props to connect the field to the Redux state.

With `FieldArray`, you provide a `name` just like with `Field`, but the `component` you give to
`FieldArray` will be given a set of props to query, update, and iterate through the field array.

## Importing

var FieldArray = require('redux-form').FieldArray // ES5

import { FieldArray } from 'redux-form' // ES6

## Props you can pass to `FieldArray`

#### `name : String` [required]

A string path, in dot-and-bracket notation, corresponding to a value in the form values. It may
be as simple as `'firstName'` or as complicated as

#### `component : Component|Function` [required]

A `Component` or stateless function to render the field array.

#### `validate : (value, allValues, props) => error` [optional]

Allows you to provide a field-level validation rule. The function will be given the current value of the array field, all the other form values, and any props passed to the form. If the array is valid, it should return `undefined`, if the array is invalid, it should return an error (usually, but not necessarily, a `String`).

#### `warn : (value, allValues, props) => warning` [optional]

Allows you to provide a field-level warning rule. The function will be given the current value of the array field, all the other form values, and any props passed to the form. If the array needs a warning, it should return the warning (usually, but not necessarily, a `String`). If the array does not need a warning, it should return `undefined`.

#### `forwardRef : boolean` [optional]

If `true`, the rendered component will be available with the `getRenderedComponent()` method.
Defaults to `false`. **Cannot be used if your component is a stateless function component.**

#### `props : object` [optional]

Object with custom props to pass through the `FieldArray` component into a component provided
to `component` prop. This props will be merged to props provided by `FieldArray` itself.

#### `rerenderOnEveryChange : boolean` [optional]

If `true`, the rendered component will be rerender after every change of `Field` inside `FieldArray`. **This can reduce performance for large lists.**

## Instance API

The following properties and methods are available on an instance of a `FieldArray` component.

#### `name : String`

> When nested in `FormSection`, returns the `name` prop prefixed with the `FormSection` name.
> Otherwise, returns the `name` prop that you passed in.

#### `valid : boolean`

> `true` if this field passes validation, `false` otherwise.

#### `getRenderedComponent()`

> Returns the instance of the rendered component. For this to work, you must provide a
> `forwardRef` prop, and your component must not be a stateless function component.

## Props

These are props that `FieldArray` will pass to your wrapped component. **All the props provided
to your component by `redux-form` are divided into `fields` and `meta` objects.**

Any additional props that you pass to your `FieldArray` will be in the root of the `props`
object, alongside `fields` and `meta`.

### Fields Props

The `fields` object is a "pseudo-array", in that it has many of the same properties and methods
as a javascript `Array`, providing both reading and writing functionality.

#### ` : Function`

> When nested in `FormSection`, returns the `name` prop prefixed with the `FormSection` name.
> Otherwise, returns the `name` prop that you passed in.

#### `fields.forEach(callback) : Function`

> A method to iterate over each value of the array. See the section on [Iteration](#iteration)
> for more details.

#### `fields.get(index) : Function`

> A method to get a single value from the array value.

#### `fields.getAll() : Function`

> A method to get all the values in the array. If you are using ImmutableJS, it will be an
> ImmutableJS `List`.

#### `fields.insert(index:Integer, value:Any) : Function`

> A function to insert a new value into the array at any arbitrary index.

#### `fields.length : Number`

> The current length of the array.

#### ` : Function`

> A method to iterate over each value of the array. Returns an array of the results of each call
> to the callback. See the section on [Iteration](#iteration) for more details.

#### `fields.move(from:Integer, to:Integer) : Function`

> Moves an element from one index in the array to another.

> This is not a mutator; it dispatches an action which updates the state in Redux, which will
> cause your component to rerender.

#### `fields.pop() : Function`

> Removes an item from the end of the array. Returns the item removed.

> This is not a mutator; it dispatches an action which updates the state in Redux, which will
> cause your component to rerender.

#### `fields.push(value:Any) : Function`

> Adds a value to the end of the array. Returns nothing.

> This is not a mutator; it dispatches an action which updates the state in Redux, which will
> cause your component to rerender.

#### `fields.remove(index:Integer) : Function`

> Removes an item from the array at an arbitrary index. Returns nothing.

> This is not a mutator; it dispatches an action which updates the state in Redux, which will
> cause your component to rerender.

#### `fields.removeAll() : Function`

> Removes all the values from the array.

> This is not a mutator; it dispatches an action which updates the state in Redux, which will
> cause your component to rerender.

#### `fields.shift() : Function`

> Removes an item from beginning of the array. Returns the item removed.

> This is not a mutator; it dispatches an action which updates the state in Redux, which will
> cause your component to rerender.

#### `fields.splice(index:Number, removeNum:Number|null, value:Any) : Function`

> Performs an
> [`Array.splice`](
> operation on the given array in your form. Returns nothing.

> This is not a mutator; it dispatches an action which updates the state in Redux, which will
> cause your component to rerender.

#### `fields.swap(indexA:Integer, indexB:Integer) : Function`

> Swaps two items in the array at the given indexes. Returns nothing.

> This is not a mutator; it dispatches an action which updates the state in Redux, which will
> cause your component to rerender.

#### `fields.unshift(value:Any) : Function`

> Adds an item to the beginning of the array. Returns nothing.

> This is not a mutator; it dispatches an action which updates the state in Redux, which will
> cause your component to rerender.

### Meta Props

The props under the `meta` key are metadata about the state of this field array that `redux-form`
is tracking for you.

#### `meta.dirty : boolean`

> `true` if the any of the fields in the field array have changed from their initialized value.
> Opposite of `pristine`.

#### `meta.error : String` [optional]

> The error for this field array if its value is not passing validation. Both synchronous,
> asynchronous, and submit validation errors will be reported here. Array-specific errors should be
> returned from the validation function as an `_error` key on the array.

#### `meta.form : String`

> Name of your form provided to `reduxForm()` as the `form` config property.

#### `meta.invalid : boolean`

> `true` if the field array value fails validation (has a validation error). Opposite of `valid`.

#### `meta.pristine : boolean`

> `true` if the all of the fields in the field array are the same as their initialized
> value. Opposite of `dirty`.

#### `meta.submitFailed : boolean`

> `true` if form submission has failed for any reason

#### `meta.submitting : boolean`

> `true` if the field is currently being submitted

#### `meta.valid : boolean`

> `true` if the field value passes validation (has no validation errors). Opposite of `invalid`.

#### `meta.warning : String` [optional]

> The warning for this field array if its value is not passing warning validation. Array-specific
> errors should be returned from the validation function as an `_warning` key on the array.

## Iteration

When you iterate through a field array with either `forEach()` or `map()`, your callback will be
passed following parameters:

#### `name : String`

> The name needed to give to `Field` to render the fields in this array. If the `name` prop you
> give to `FieldArray` is `''`, and there are three items in the array, your callback will
> be called three times, with `'[0]'`, `'[1]'`, and `'[2]'`.

#### `index : Number`

> The index of the item in the array.

#### `fields : Object`

> A reference to the [`fields` prop](#fields-props) to allow for the access to `swap`, `remove`,
> `pop`, etc., without requiring closure scoping.

const renderSubFields = (member, index, fields) => (
  <li key={index}>
      title="Remove Member"
      onClick={() => fields.remove(index)}
    <h4>Member #{index + 1}</h4>
      label="First Name"
      label="Last Name"
const renderMembers = ({ fields }) => (
    <button type="button" onClick={() => fields.push({})}>
      Add Member