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Test Coverage
# This file exists so you can easily regenerate your project.
# `cookiepatcher` is a convenient shim around `cookiecutter`
# for regenerating projects (it will generate a .cookiecutterrc
# automatically for any template). To use it:
#    pip install cookiepatcher
#    cookiepatcher gh:ionelmc/cookiecutter-pylibrary scenario_builder
# See:
# Alternatively, you can run:
#    cookiecutter --overwrite-if-exists --config-file=scenario_builder/.cookiecutterrc gh:ionelmc/cookiecutter-pylibrary


    _extensions:               ['jinja2_time.TimeExtension']
    _template:                 'gh:ionelmc/cookiecutter-pylibrary'
    allow_tests_inside_package: 'yes'
    appveyor:                  'yes'
    c_extension_function:      'longest'
    c_extension_module:        '_scenario_builder'
    c_extension_optional:      'no'
    c_extension_support:       'no'
    c_extension_test_pypi:     'no'
    c_extension_test_pypi_username: 'reegis'
    codacy:                    'yes'
    codacy_projectid:          'CODACY_ID'
    codeclimate:               'yes'
    codecov:                   'yes'
    command_line_interface:    'no'
    command_line_interface_bin_name: 'scenario-builder'
    coveralls:                 'yes'
    coveralls_token:           'COVERALLS_TOKEN'
    distribution_name:         'scenario-builder'
    email:                     ''
    full_name:                 'reegis'
    landscape:                 'yes'
    license:                   'MIT license'
    linter:                    'flake8'
    package_name:              'scenario_builder'
    pre_commit:                'no'
    project_name:              'scenario_builder'
    project_short_description: 'Tools to build scenario inputs from historical data or future assumptions'
    pypi_badge:                'yes'
    pypi_disable_upload:       'no'
    release_date:              'today'
    repo_hosting:              ''
    repo_hosting_domain:       ''
    repo_name:                 'scenario_builder'
    repo_username:             'reegis'
    requiresio:                'yes'
    scrutinizer:               'yes'
    setup_py_uses_setuptools_scm: 'no'
    setup_py_uses_test_runner: 'no'
    sphinx_docs:               'yes'
    sphinx_docs_hosting:       ''
    sphinx_doctest:            'no'
    sphinx_theme:              'sphinx-rtd-theme'
    test_matrix_configurator:  'yes'
    test_matrix_separate_coverage: 'yes'
    test_runner:               'pytest'
    travis:                    'yes'
    travis_osx:                'no'
    version:                   'v0.0.1'
    website:                   ''
    year_from:                 '2020'
    year_to:                   '2020'